2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
February 29, 2012 - Introduced by Joint Legislative Council. Referred to Joint
Committee on Information Policy and Technology.
SB533,1,2 1An Act to create 15.917 (2) and 36.25 (55) of the statutes; relating to:
2establishing a nanotechnology information hub and a nanotechnology council.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is explained in the Notes provided by the Joint Legislative Council in
the bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
Joint Legislative Council prefatory note: This bill was prepared for the Joint
Legislative Council's Special Committee on Nanotechnology. It responds to the
committee's instruction to create an entity to promote the development of nanotechnology
in this state by serving as a central information source on the benefits, risks, and
regulations related to nanotechnology, promoting collaboration between the public and
private sectors, providing technical assistance to businesses and researchers,
establishing a state educational program, and otherwise promoting the safe development
of nanotechnology.
This bill directs the University of Wisconsin (UW) System Board of Regents to
maintain a nanotechnology information hub in the UW-Extension ("the extension"), for
at least 5 years, to promote the development of nanotechnology businesses in this state,
and gather and disseminate information about environmental health and workplace
safety related to nanotechnology. The bill sets forth specific duties for the nanotechnology
information hub. The hub is directed to report to the legislature on emerging
nanotechnology health and safety information, and at the direction of the nanotechnology

council described below, identify needed legislation relating to nanotechnology safety and
The bill creates a nanotechnology council to set policies and priorities for the
nanotechnology information hub and to make grants for research and development
related to nanotechnology, subject to the availability of funding. The bill does not
appropriate any funds for grants but rather directs the nanotechnology hub to seek and
compete for federal, state, or other funding to support its activities and to be used by the
nanotechnology council to make grants.
The nanotechnology council consists of the following members (or their designees):
The director of the state laboratory of hygiene.
The secretary of natural resources.
The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
The secretary of health services.
The secretary of workforce development.
The chief executive officer of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
The administrator of the division of emergency management in the department
of military affairs.
The president of the UW System.
The president of the technical college system board.
The president of the board of the Wisconsin Technology Council.
The council also has 5 members each of whom represents one of the following
specific interests relevant to nanotechnology. These members are nominated by the
governor, selected from a list of names submitted by organizations representing the
relevant interest. These members are confirmed by the senate and serve staggered
3-year terms:
Environmental interests.
Consumer protection.
Public health.
Economic development.
Technology transfer.
The nanotechnology council must meet at least twice each year and must develop
and implement plans for the nanotechnology information hub to sustain its own funding.
SB533, s. 1 1Section 1. 15.917 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB533,2,32 15.917 (2) Nanotechnology council. There is created in the University of
3Wisconsin System a nanotechnology council consisting of the following members:
SB533,2,44 (a) The director of the state laboratory of hygiene or his or her designee.
SB533,2,55 (b) The secretary of natural resources or his or her designee.
1(c) The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection or his or her
SB533,3,33 (d) The secretary of health services or his or her designee.
SB533,3,44 (e) The secretary of workforce development or his or her designee.
SB533,3,65 (f) The chief executive officer of the Wisconsin Economic Development
6Corporation or his or her designee.
SB533,3,87 (g) The administrator of the division of emergency management in the
8department of military affairs or his or her designee.
SB533,3,99 (h) The president of the University of Wisconsin System or his or her designee.
SB533,3,1010 (i) The president of the technical college system board or his or her designee.
SB533,3,1211 (j) The president of the board of the Wisconsin Technology Council or his or her
SB533,3,1413 (k) Five members nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent
14of the senate appointed to serve 3-year terms, as follows:
SB533,3,1615 1. A member representing environmental interests, selected from a list of
16names submitted by environmental organizations.
SB533,3,1817 2. A member representing consumer interests, selected from a list of names
18submitted by consumer protection organizations.
SB533,3,2019 3. A member representing the interests of public health, selected from a list of
20names submitted by public health organizations.
SB533,3,2221 4. A member with knowledge and expertise in economic development, selected
22from a list of names submitted by economic development organizations.
SB533,3,2523 5. A member representing an organization that specializes in technology
24transfer, selected from a list of names submitted by organizations that specialize in
25technology transfer.
SB533, s. 2
1Section 2. 36.25 (55) of the statutes is created to read:
SB533,4,72 36.25 (55) Nanotechnology information hub and nanotechnology council.
3(a) The board shall maintain in the extension a nanotechnology information hub to
4promote the development of nanotechnology businesses and gather and disseminate
5information about environmental health and workplace safety related to
6nanotechnology. The board shall maintain the nanotechnology information hub for
7at least 5 years.
SB533,4,108 (b) The nanotechnology information hub shall do all of the following to foster
9communication and cooperation between the public and private sectors on matters
10related to nanotechnology:
SB533,4,1211 1. Facilitate the sharing of specialized equipment and skills related to
SB533,4,1413 2. Arrange for periodic events to bring together people interested in
SB533,4,1615 3. Establish an interactive Internet platform for receiving and disseminating
16information on nanotechnology.
SB533,4,1817 4. Monitor, compile, and disseminate emerging scientific research on nanoscale
18material uses, benefits, and risks.
SB533,4,2019 (c) The nanotechnology information hub shall do all of the following to assist
20in the development of the nanotechnology industry in this state:
SB533,4,2421 1. Help businesses to identify and access resources to help them to comply with
22rules and regulations related to nanotechnology, implement best practices for
23handling nanoscale materials to protect worker safety, and otherwise minimize the
24risks associated with the use of nanoscale materials in products.
12. Inform businesses that are involved in nanotechnology or that use nanoscale
2materials in products about business development assistance programs.
SB533,5,53 3. Inform the public and businesses that are involved in nanotechnology about
4post-secondary education programs that prepare workers for careers related to
SB533,5,76 4. Monitor and provide information on new and proposed state rules and
7federal regulations related to nanotechnology.
SB533,5,98 (d) The nanotechnology information hub shall do all of the following to promote
9environmental health, research, and workplace safety related to nanotechnology:
SB533,5,1110 1. Inform interested parties about opportunities for federal, state, or other
11funding for nanotechnology research or other programs related to nanotechnology.
SB533,5,1312 2. Inform the public about the benefits and risks of specific types of nanoscale
13materials and products containing nanoscale materials.
SB533,5,1514 3. Inform emergency response personnel about the safe handling of nanoscale
15materials in emergency situations.
SB533,5,1816 4. Collect information voluntarily provided by public and private sector entities
17in this state about the types and amounts of nanoscale materials being handled or
18manufactured and the locations of those activities.
SB533,5,2019 5. Undertake other educational, public outreach, and grant activities related
20to nanotechnology.
SB533,5,2421 6. Report to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s.
2213.172 (3) on emerging nanotechnology health and safety information and, at the
23direction of the nanotechnology council, identify needed legislation relating to
24nanotechnology safety and development.
1(e) The nanotechnology information hub shall seek and compete for federal,
2state, or other funding to support its activities and to be used by the nanotechnology
3council under par. (g) to make grants through the extension for research and
4development related to nanotechnology.
SB533,6,95 (f) The board shall ensure that adequate staff is assigned to provide support
6to the nanotechnology information hub. The board shall ensure that staff with
7technical experience with nanoscale materials and knowledge about the
8occupational and environmental human health effects of nanoscale materials are
SB533,6,1310 (g) The nanotechnology council shall meet at least twice every year and shall
11set policies and priorities for the nanotechnology information hub and make grants
12through the extension for research and development related to nanotechnology,
13subject to the availability of funding.
SB533,6,1514 (h) The nanotechnology council shall develop and implement plans for the
15nanotechnology information hub to sustain its own funding.
SB533, s. 3 16Section 3. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB533,6,2417 (1) Notwithstanding the length of terms specified in section 15.91 (2) (k) (intro.)
18of the statutes, as created by this act, the governor shall appoint one of the initial
19members of the nanotechnology council under section 15.917 (2) (k) 1. to 5. of the
20statutes, as created by this act, for a term ending on July 1, 2014, two of the initial
21members of the nanotechnology council under section 15.917 (2) (k) 1. to 5. of the
22statutes, as created by this act, for terms ending on July 1, 2015, and two of the initial
23members of the nanotechnology council under section 15.917 (2) (k) 1. to 5. of the
24statutes, as created by this act, for terms ending on July 1, 2016.
1(2) All initial members of the nanotechnology council shall be appointed or
2designated under section 15.917 (2) of the statutes, as created by this act, no later
3than 90 days after the effective date of this subsection.
SB533,7,44 (End)