(3) A member may speak more than twice on the same question and may, with recognition from the chairperson, direct questions to other members or witnesses.
(4) The presiding officer retains the chair or appoints someone else to preside until the committee elects its chairperson.
(5) Persons other than members may be invited to speak or report.
(6) At the conclusion of its proceedings, the committee shall rise and report its recommendations to the assembly.
(7) The committee may not recess or postpone to a future time a subject before it for consideration.
[(6) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
Assembly Rule 9. Standing committees.
(1) As early as possible in each legislative biennium, the following standing committees of the assembly shall be appointed by the speaker:
(a) Aging and long-term care, committee on.
(b) Agriculture, committee on.
(c) Children and families, committee on.
(d) Colleges and universities, committee on.
(e) Consumer protection and personal privacy, committee on.
(f) Criminal justice and corrections, committee on.
(g) Education, committee on.
(h) Election and campaign reform, committee on.
(i) Energy and utilities, committee on.
(j) Financial institutions, committee on.
(k) Forestry, committee on.
(L) Health, committee on.
(m) Homeland security and state affairs, committee on.
(n) Housing, committee on.
(o) Insurance, committee on.
(p) Jobs, economy, and small business, committee on.
(q) Judiciary and ethics, committee on.
(r) Labor and workforce development, committee on.
(s) Natural resources, committee on.
(t) Public health and public safety, committee on.
(u) Rural economic development and rural affairs, committee on.
(v) Tourism, recreation, and state properties, committee on.
(w) Transportation, committee on.
(x) Urban and local affairs, committee on.
(y) Veterans and military affairs, committee on.
(z) Ways and means, committee on.
(2) Unless otherwise designated:
(a) The speaker shall determine the total number of members on each committee, unless specified by joint rule or assembly rule, and the allocation of the number between members of the majority and minority party.
(b) The speaker shall make all committee appointments of members of the majority party.
(bm) The first-named person of each standing committee is the chairperson and the second-named person is the vice chairperson.
(c) The speaker shall make all committee appointments of members of the minority party as nominated by the minority leader, except that the speaker may appoint any member of the minority party as chairperson of a committee.
(cm) Unless the member is the chairperson, the first-nominated minority member of each standing committee who is first nominated by the minority leader is the ranking minority member of that committee unless the speaker and minority leader agree that the first-nominated member is the vice chairperson of the committee.
(3) There shall also be a committee on assembly organization consisting of the speaker, majority leader, assistant majority leader, speaker pro tempore, majority caucus chairperson, minority leader, assistant minority leader, and minority caucus chairperson.
(4) There shall also be an assembly committee on finance consisting of the assembly members of the joint committee on finance. The assembly cochairperson of the joint committee is the chairperson of the assembly committee.
(5) There shall also be an assembly committee on audit consisting of the assembly members of the joint legislative audit committee. The assembly cochairperson of the joint committee is the chairperson of the assembly committee. Proposals may be referred to, and reported by, the joint committee in the same manner as other standing committees.
(6) There shall also be an assembly committee for review of administrative rules consisting of the assembly members of the joint committee for review of administrative rules. The assembly cochairperson of the joint committee is the chairperson of the assembly committee. Proposals may be referred to, and reported by, the joint committee in the same manner as other standing committees.
(7) There shall also be an assembly committee on employment relations consisting of the assembly members of the joint committee on employment relations. The assembly cochairperson of the joint committee is the chairperson of the assembly committee. Proposals may be referred to, and reported by, the joint committee in the same manner as other standing committees.
(8) In addition to the committees of which the speaker is a regular member, the speaker is a nonvoting member of any other standing committee, but is not be counted in determining a quorum thereof.
(9) The schedule of committee room assignments and meeting days shall follow the schedule of the previous session unless changed by order of the speaker.
[(1) am. 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993 A.Res. 2]
[(1) am. 1993 A.Res. 14 and 24]
[(2)(a) am. 1989 A.Res. 11]
[(1) cr. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(2)(b), (bm), (c) and (cm) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(4), (5), (6) and (7) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(1) and (7) am. 1997 A.Res. 2]
[(1) am. 1999 A.Res. 2]
[(1), (2)(a), (bm) and (cm) and (3) to (8) am. 2001 A.Res. 2]
[(1) am. 2003 A.Res. 2]
[(2)(a) am. 2003 A.Res. 3]
[(1) am. 2005 A.Res. 2]
[(1) am. 2007 A.Res. 2]
[(1) am. 2009 A.Res. 2]
[(1) r.rc. 2011 A. Res. 2]
Assembly Rule 10. Special committees.
(1) A special committee may be created only as provided in this rule.
(1m) A special committee may be created by the speaker by written order or may be created by resolution. Any such committee ceases to exist:
(a) When its final report has been made to the assembly;
(b) When the objective for which the committee was established has been accomplished; or
(c) When the termination date established by the action creating the committee arrives.
(2) The speaker may create a temporary special committee by written order.
(3) A special committee or temporary special committee may not be created by written order unless an additional legislative employee will not be hired to staff the special committee.
[(1m)(intro.) rn.am.; (1) cr. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(1m)(a) to (c) rn. from (2) (a) to (c) 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(2) cr. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(1m)(intro.) am.; (3) cr. 1995 A.Res. 31]
[(2) am. 1997 A.Res. 2]
Assembly Rule 11. Committee procedures. Insofar as applicable, the rules of the assembly apply to the procedures of standing committees and special committees.
(1) A majority of a committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
(2) Committee chairpersons may appoint subcommittees to consider specified subjects and report to the parent committee. Committee chairpersons may appoint subcommittee chairpersons, who may be members of any political party.
(3) A committee shall meet upon the call of its chairperson within the times and places assigned by the speaker. If anticipated public attendance so warrants, arrangements may be made through the sergeant at arms to hold a committee meeting in quarters larger than the regularly assigned committee room.
(3m) A member who is connected to a committee meeting by means of a 2-way, audiovisual transmission is considered present for all purposes and to the same extent as a member who is attending the meeting in person.
(4) All committee votes shall be taken in the presence of the committee. A member may not be recorded as voting unless the member is present at the committee session when the vote is taken.
(a) A vote may be held open until the adjournment of the committee session to permit an absent member to vote. Any such vote may only be recorded if the member votes in the presence of the committee in session.
(b) If an absent member makes a timely request, a committee report may indicate how the member would have voted had he or she been present.
(6) Members of a committee shall vote in the order in which named to the committee.
(7) In the temporary absence of the chairperson and the vice chairperson, committee members succeed to the chair in the order in which named to the committee.
(8) Before a proposal is reported to the assembly, a committee may reconsider any action taken on the proposal.
(9) The chairperson shall determine when proposals or other business are scheduled for public hearing or, subject to rule 17d, executive action, and, subject to rule 17m, when committee actions are reported to the assembly.
(10) The chairperson shall notify committee members of all committee meetings.
(a) A committee may not meet outside the city of Madison without prior authorization under section 13.123 (3) (a) of the statutes.
(b) Beginning on July 1 of each even-numbered year and ending on the date of the general election of that year, a committee may not meet in this state outside the city of Madison without the prior joint authorization by the speaker and the minority leader.
(c) Beginning on the day on which a special election to the legislature is called, and ending on the day on which the special election is held, a committee may not meet within the legislative district in which the special election is called, except in the city of Madison, without the prior joint authorization by the speaker and the minority leader.
[(2) and (9) am.; (11) cr. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(11) am. 1997 A.Res. 2]
[(1) am.; (3m) cr. 1999 A.Res. 3]
[(4) and (7) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
[(4) and (9) am. 2003 A.Res. 3]
Assembly Rule 12. Committees not to meet during daily session. Except for conference committees and the committee on rules, a committee may not meet while the assembly is in session.
[am. 2003 A.Res. 3]
Assembly Rule 13. Business referred to committee.
(1) Any business to be decided by the assembly may be referred to a committee:
(a) Upon introduction or offering [see rule 42].
(am) By the speaker, after a committee reports it, as provided in rule 45.
(b) While under debate by the assembly [see rule 65 (2) (d) and (e)].
(c) By a motion, offered under the 13th order of business, while the business is pending on any reproduced calendar awaiting assembly action. The motion requires a vote of a majority of the members present and voting for adoption.
(a) Each notice and report by an administrative agency concerning an administrative rule for review by a standing committee shall be referred by the speaker to the appropriate standing committee within 10 working days following receipt. The speaker shall notify that committee whenever he or she is informed that a proposed rule or portion thereof is withdrawn by the administrative agency.
(b) Within 5 working days after initial referral by the speaker under rule 3 (1) (r), the speaker, with the consent of the chairperson, may withdraw a proposed rule from the standing committee to which it is referred and rerefer it to another standing committee. The rereferral does not extend the standing committee review period.
[(1)(c) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(2)(a) rn. from (2), (2)(b) 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(1)(c) am.; (1)(am) cr. 1997 A.Res. 2]
[(1)(a) and (c) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
[(2)(b) am. 2003 A.Res. 3]
[(2)(a) am. 2007 A.Res. 4]
Assembly Rule 14. Public hearings.