not to be granted for frivolous, indecorous, or
dilatory purpose90 (5)
purpose to be stated in motion90 (2)
unanimous consent:
limited to achieving stated purpose90 (3)
may request for stated purpose not otherwise permitted 90
not to be granted for frivolous, indecorous, or
dilatory purpose90 (5)
purpose to be stated in request90 (2)
request proper under any order of business 90 (3)
excuse for special cause77
interruption of, not permitted76 (7), 82
permitted only to members in chamber76 (5), (6)
required when present; exception77
roll call, may request with support of 15 seconds 64, 76 (3)
Members present (definition)95 (48)
Memorializing federal government
prohibited32 (1)(a), 39 (1), 41 (1)
from governor or senate, may be received, read at any time32 (1)
to senate:
all other messages: certified and transmitted after time for
reconsideration expires
50 (1)
messages transmitted immediately32 (1)(a), 50 (2)
Microphones, restrictions on possession and use26 (7)
Minority leader:
assistant minority leader2 (2)
committee appointments, nominates minority party
members for9 (2)(c)
duties2 (1), (4), 11 (11)
election2 (1)
floor manager on special order33 (1)(a)
meetings of committees out-of-town11 (11)
member of:
committee on assembly organization9 (3)
committee on rules24 (1)
removal, resignation2 (1)
seating assignment in chamber, settles disputed 2 (4)
term of office2 (1)
Mobile radio service devices26 (6)
Motion to:
adjourn69m, 70
call of the assembly83
delete and substitute: indivisible80 (3)
end debate71
lift call: majority of current membership (roll call
required)86 (3), 87 (2)
postpone: not permitted in special, extended, or extraordinary session93 (5)
postpone indefinitely: limitations72
postpone to a day certain: limitations72
recess; when same as motion to adjourn69m
in special, extended, or extraordinary session 93 (6)
refer to committee: limitations72
suspend rules90
withdraw from committee15 (2), (3), 74 (3)
Motions, general procedures:
amendments to, must be germane68
definition of "motion"95 (49)
dilatory, which are69
division, when proper80 (1)
may be withdrawn with consent of assembly 66 (1)(f), 73 (6)
offered under 7th order of business73 (3)(a)
offered under 13th order of business31 (13)
order of precedence during debate65
organizing assembly, not impaired by motion for
reconsideration73 (10)
presiding officer states and puts63
proposals referred to calendar by motion 29 (1), 31 (13)
right to make, ends when roll call opened 65 (5)
seconding a motion64, 95 (89)
Motions, questions, and requests in order during debate 57, 65, 66
Natural resources, committee on (standing committee) 9 (1)(s)
Negative committee recommendation, assembly action 47
News media: representatives of, admitted to floor of assembly when
engaged in reporting proceedings
25 (3)
Newspapers: reading, not permitted during session on floor or in galleries26 (3)
Nonconcurrence (senate bills and joint resolutions):
adverse and final disposition49 (1)(c)
definition of "nonconcurrence"95 (50)
motion not permitted twice on same day at same stage
of proposal72
precedence of motion for65 (2)(h)
Nondebatable motions67
Oath of office, speaker may administer3 (1)(p)
Objections of governor sustained, adverse and final disposition 49 (1)(h)
Offer (definition)95 (50m)
Offering of resolutions and other matters addressed to
34, 39
Offering memorials to federal government prohibited39 (1)
majority and minority parties2
Opening new regular biennial session:
chief clerk presides5 (1)(a)