Measure, definition99 (48m)
Member, definition99 (47)
Member (of legislature):
drafting proposals, authorized to use LRB services 51 (1)
expulsion requires 2/3 vote of members elected 12 (2)(b)
fiscal estimate, may raise issue that bill requires 49 (1)
vote of, recorded on all motions acted upon
in committee 31 (1)(d)
Member-elect (of legislature), authorized to use LRB
drafting services 51 (1)
Members present, definition99 (48)
Message, action on bill recalled from governor 5
Minority member on committee of conference3 (1)(intro.)
Minority report on joint or conference committee
recommendation 31 (3)
Motion, definition99 (49)
Nonconcurrence, definition99 (50)
Notes, explanative, when reproduction with proposals
permitted 59
Notes, fiscal, see Fiscal estimates 41 to 50
Numeric references in legislation, to be corrected
when wrong 56 (3)(e)
Offer, definition99 (50m)
Open meetings of legislative committees 27
Opinion of the attorney general, definition99 (51)
Organization committee (of either house):
compensation and classification plan for
employees of house 91
daily calendar, may change format of 72
extraordinary session, both together may call 81 (2)(a)
introduction of reconciliation bills 82 (1m)(d)
display of text in reconciliation bills 64 (1)(a)
may contain explanative notes 59
reproduction of additional copies, may authorize for
specific proposals 62 (2)
senate committee, may schedule extraordinary session days
for action on pending governor's
appointments 81 (3)(b)
special session, introduction of proposals germane to
call81 (2)(c)
veto review session, may introduce resolutions 82 (1m)(f)
Organization day for session biennium 81 (1)(a)
Organization, joint committee on legislative 23
compensation and classification plan for legislative
employees 91
stationary, reproduction of materials 14, 62
Pair, definition99 (52)
Parliamentary inquiry, definition99 (53)
Passage, definition99 (54)
Passage of proposal, certification of 32 (3)
Penalty bill, fiscal estimate not required 41 (2)(b)
Pension bill passage (vote of 3/4 members elected
to both houses required) 12 (2)(am)
Petition, definition99 (55)
Point of order, definition99 (56)
Precedent, definition99 (57)
Preservation of historically significant records23 (3)
President, definition99 (57d)
President of senate:
facsimile signature on enrolled joint resolution 66 (2)
joint convention of legislature, presides over 1
retirement system agent for senate chief clerk 92
unusual correction in legislation,
may authorize 56 (3)
President pro tempore, definition99 (57m)
Presiding officer, definition99 (57p)
Presiding officer:
fiscal estimate for bill not conforming, may direct
legislative reference bureau to obtain 49 (1)
supplemental fiscal estimate for amended bill,
may authorize 41 (3)(b)
unusual correction in legislation, may authorize 56 (3)
Principals, index by lobbyist, legislative reference
bureau prepares 77 (4)
Printing, see copying 71 to 78
Privileged motions and requests, definition99 (59)
Proposal, definition99 (60)
Public debt, bonding bill passage (majority of
elected membership) 12 (2)(f)
Public hearings, announced in schedule of committee
activities 27, 75
Quorum, definition99 (62)
Question before house: usually decided by the
majority of a quorum 12 (1), (3)
Question, definition99 (61)
appropriation bills, quorum is 3/5 of elected membership,
ayes and noes required 11 (2)
generally 11 (1)
less than majority11 (3)
vote required for banking bill, constitutional amendment,
expulsion of member, impeachment, judge or justice removal, retirement benefits increase, state debt and bonding, or
veto override 12 (2)
Recalling bill for further action:
from governor, joint resolution required 5
from other house, joint resolution required 6
Recede from amendment 2
Recess, definition99 (63)
Recess in session for more than 3 days, joint resolution
required 13
Reconciliation of mutually inconsistent acts:
bill may include explanative notes 59
organization committee of either
house may offer bill for81m (2)(b), 82 (1m)(d)
Reconsideration, definition99 (64)
Regular order of business, definition99 (65)
Regular session, definition99 (66)
Rejection, definition99 (67)