adjourn, not debatable, may not be tabled68
adjourn, precedence of63 (1) (a), (b), 64
all motions to be entered in history file30 (3)(b)
call of the senate82
current or main question77
definition99 (49)
delete and substitute, not divisible70
entered under 14th order of business17 (1)(n)
lay on the table, not debatable, may not be tabled68
lay on the table, refers matter to committee on
senate organization65 (2)
lost by adjournment59
main question77 (3)
main question, precedence of77 (3)
not debatable, which are68
offered under 14th order of business17 (1)(n)
postpone indefinitely, reject, or nonconcur,
precedence of63 (1)(m)
postpone, not again allowed on same day,
except when66
postpone, not permitted in extraordinary or
special session93 (5)
postpone to a day certain, precedence of63 (1)(i)
precedence of63
presiding officer to state62
previous question, precedence of63 (1)(g)
privileged, during debate63 (1)(d)
raise a call of the senate, not amendable85 (5)
recess, not debatable, may not be tabled68
recess or adjourn, precedence of, under call of senate85 (5)
reconsider, to67
not applicable to nominations for
appointment22 (2), 67 (7)
not applicable to suspension of rules67 (7)
not applicable to vetoes67 (7)
permitted in committee, before report to senate24
refer or reject, not allowed twice on same day,
except when66
refer, precedence of63 (1)(j), (k)
rerefer and withdraw41 (1)(b)
stated or read previous to debate62
suspend rules91
table63 (1)(f), 65, 68
take from table, places matter on calendar65 (3)
which are not debatable, may not be placed on table68
withdraw from and rerefer to committee, in order41 (1)(b)
withdrawn, by consent of senate may be62, 67 (8)
written on demand by member (except adjourn,
postpone, refer)62
Motives, not to question56
News media correspondents limited to press lobby while
the senate is sitting in session, recording by11 (5), (7)
Newspapers and similar materials, reading not
permitted in chamber8 (4)
Nonconcurrence (definition)99 (50)
Nonconcurrence, adverse and final disposition46 (6)(c)
Nondebatable motions and questions68
Notice of committee hearing (or cancellation),
on bulletin boards25 (1)(c)
Notice of committee hearing, unintroduced legislation25 (1)(c)
Offer (definition)99 (50m)
Offering of resolutions33 (1), 45
president, president pro tempore, chief clerk, sergeant
at arms1 to 6
substitute president, member serving as2 (3)
Opinion of attorney general, date requested and received
entered in history file30 (3)(c)
definition99 (51)
Order and decorum:
audio, video recording11 (7)
conduct of individuals in gallery13m
disorderly conduct of member during session13, 58
enforcement of, duties of sergeant at arms6, 13
floor privilege11, 12
lobby or senate floor, disturbance in, and clearing of13
member may be removed by president13
members not to leave senate, when8 (2)
presiding officer to preserve4 (6), 7 (1)
reading, consuming food, drink, or tobacco products
not permitted in chamber8 (4)
recording proceedings11 (7)
while ayes and noes are being called8 (3)
Order of business:
committee of the whole19
daily calendar18 (1)
hour of meeting (usually 10 a.m. on Tuesday and
roll call of attendance, majority required for business15
Organization; committee on senate:
absent member, temporary replacement20 (7)
calendar, contents determined by18 (1)
appoints members and chairpersons of
committees20 (2), 20m
certificates under Joint Rule 7, examinations
for compliance with98 (5)
citations on behalf of the senate, approval by98
copying for senate, authorizes95
employees of senate, general supervision of88
extraordinary or special session, recommends
proposals for introduction93 (1)
invite persons on the floor of the senate11 (6)