Wisconsin Shares: no subsidy for parent who is a child care provider, waiver provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1378c, d, 9108 (2c), 9308 (5c)] -  AB40
chippewa countyChippewa County
Chippewa Moraine State Recreation Area's interpretive center designated the ``David R. Obey Ice Age Trail Interpretive Center" [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 861g] - AB40
Referendum required before RTAs may impose a sales and use tax and before SERTA may impose a rental car transaction fee [Sec. 1679, 1680, 1729, 1730, 2183; original bill only]  - AB40
Referendum required before RTAs may impose a sales and use tax and before SERTA may impose a rental car transaction fee [Sec. 1679, 1680, 1729, 1730, 2183]  - SB27
RTA: authority to create eliminated and Dane County RTA, Chippewa Valley RTA, Chequamegon Bay RTA, and Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA) dissolved; Southeast Wisconsin transit capital assistance program eliminated - AB36
RTA: authority to create eliminated and Dane County RTA, Chippewa Valley RTA, Chequamegon Bay RTA, and Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA) dissolved; Southeast Wisconsin transit capital assistance program eliminated - SB25
RTAs eliminated; dissolution and winding down of existing RTAs [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 751g, h, 772g, r, 922e, m, v, 1139m, 1679d-t, 1720b, 1727m, 1729g, r, 1745m, 1747r, 1754r, 1894r, 1895r, 2014r, 2177m, 2180m, 2183d-r, 2187d-n, 2237e, m, o, 2406m, 3182g, r, 3471m, 3567m, 9148 (3u), 9448 (6u); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 2406m]  - AB40
chippewa falls, city ofChippewa Falls, City of
Veterans home to be located in Chippewa Falls: DVA may contract with private entity to operate, LAB audit provision; transfer to veterans trust fund certain unencumbered balances [Sec. 65, 234, 698-701, 1242, 1243, 1249-1269, 2665; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, JCF approval of transfer to trust fund, DOA cost-benefit analysis required, 700c, 9101 (2u), 9253 (2u), deletes 700, 1243]  - AB40
Veterans home to be located in Chippewa Falls: DVA may contract with private entity to operate, LAB audit provision; transfer to veterans trust fund certain unencumbered balances [Sec. 65, 234, 698-701, 1242, 1243, 1249-1269, 2665]  - SB27
Chiropractic exam requirements modified [A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3212o, p]  - AB40
Chiropractic service fees paid from attorney contingency fees re motor vehicle accident [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3503g, 9309 (1f)] - AB40
christmas treesChristmas trees, see Forestry
cigaretteCigarette, see also Tobacco
Tobacco products purchased on behalf of, or to provide to, a minor prohibited; penalty provisions; JRCCP report [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, nicotine product added to prohibition and compliance investigations at retail outlets, definition provision] -  AB93
Absence without leave: legislator who is intentionally absent under certain conditions shall be fined; JRCCP report  - AB153
Absence without leave: legislator who is intentionally absent under certain conditions shall be fined; JRCCP report  - SB106
Abusive work environment prohibition created; WC exclusive remedy exception permitting a civil action in circuit court; affirmative defense and definition provisions  - AB364
Abusive work environment prohibition created; WC exclusive remedy exception permitting a civil action in circuit court; affirmative defense and definition provisions  - SB277
Actions in which sole defendant is the state, a state board or commission, or certain state officers, employees, or agents: plaintiff may designate county in which to bring the action; appellant may select court of appeals district in which to appeal the judgment or order of a circuit court - AB156
Actions in which sole defendant is the state, a state board or commission, or certain state officers, employees, or agents: plaintiff may designate county in which to bring the action; appellant may select court of appeals district in which to appeal the judgment or order of a circuit court [S.Amdt.1: action commenced by a prisoner provision added] - SB117
Actions in which sole defendant is the state, a state board or commission, or certain state officers, employees, or agents: 2011 WisAct 61 provisions revised so an action may be brought in Dane County, plaintiff's county of residence, or county plaintiff's place of business or registered agent is located; appeal of judgment or order provision -  SB505
Annexation by city or village: towns authorized to challenge certain procedure in court [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, county board approval of cross-county annexation no longer needed, town may ask DOA to review proposed annexation and if a requirement is violated, the town my challenge in circuit court] -  AB181
Appeals of specified tax determinations by DOR or the Tax Appeals Commission may be made to the circuit court of the county the property or retailer is located  - AB635
Appeals of specified tax determinations by DOR or the Tax Appeals Commission may be made to the circuit court of the county the property or retailer is located  - SB516
Claims on abandoned property procedure revisions (remedial legislation) -  AB417
Claims on abandoned property procedure revisions (remedial legislation) -  SB294
Concealed weapons: license procedure created and prohibition on possession in certain public places revised; codifies federal law re active duty and former law enforcement officers; creates certification cards for former state and local law enforcement officers; restrictions on transporting a handgun in a vehicle modified; disorderly conduct provision; permitted in person's legally occupied home or business; circuit court and DOJ duties; penalties for certain offenses; JRCCP report  - AB126
Concealed weapons: license procedure created and prohibition on possession in certain public places revised; codifies federal law re active duty and former law enforcement officers; creates certification cards for former state and local law enforcement officers; restrictions on transporting a handgun in a vehicle modified; disorderly conduct provision; permitted in person's legally occupied home or business; circuit court and DOJ duties; penalties for certain offenses; JRCCP report  - SB90
Contribution surcharge to crime prevention organizations: circuit court and municipal court may order for certain ordinance violations; forfeiture, fine, and court costs provisions - AB385
Contribution surcharge to crime prevention organizations: circuit court and municipal court may order for certain ordinance violations; forfeiture, fine, and court costs provisions - SB541
Drainage board appointments revised -  AB528
Drainage board appointments revised -  SB435
Election communications: orally identifying person paying for television communication required; knowingly making false statements about a candidate prohibited and circuit court and penalty provisions -  AB723
Employment discrimination or unfair honesty or genetic testing cases: awarding of compensatory and punitive damages eliminated; DWD provision -  AB289
Employment discrimination or unfair honesty or genetic testing cases: awarding of compensatory and punitive damages eliminated; DWD provision -  SB202
Ethics, elections, and lobbying regulation laws: prosecution and venue for trial of civil and criminal violations modified; disclosure of certain information provision  - AB656
Family and medical leave changed to conform to federal law; DWD duties -  SB8
Involuntary commitment for treatment hearing: court to determine if individual attends via videoconferencing [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1663p; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: deletes involuntary commitment provisions, revises when a defendant is entitled to be in a courtroom in a criminal case and objections to use of videoconferencing technology, 3492r, w, deletes 1663p] -  AB40
Lapses from circuit court, court of appeals, and Supreme Court appropriations [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9245 (2f)]  - AB40
Local room tax revisions re tourism entity, tax collection, report requirements, and circuit court action  - AB563
Local room tax revisions re tourism entity, tax collection, report requirements, and circuit court action  - SB438
Name changes: confidentiality provisions and exemption from newspaper publication requirement [A.Amdt.1: confidential information may not be disclosed except by court order]  - AB379
Name changes: confidentiality provisions and exemption from newspaper publication requirement - SB544
Person alleged to have violated criminal law, civil law, or municipal ordinance and has not previously been adjudicated delinquent and is subject to circuit court or municipal court rather than juvenile court jurisdiction: age raised from 17 to 18 - AB703
Sale of materials and services appropriation created [Sec. 767] - AB40
Sale of materials and services appropriation created [Sec. 767] - SB27
Sentencing adjustment: 2009 WisAct 28 changes returned to pre-Act law and Parole Commission restored; positive adjustment time, risk reduction sentences, and ERRC eliminated; extended supervision provisions [S.Amdt.1: court to modify period of probation and notifying victims added]  - SB57
Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act adopted -  AB391
Veterans court referral provisions created -  AB505
Veterans court referral provisions created -  SB384
Wetland permitting and mitigation revisions; fees, surcharge, and wetland map review provisions [S.Amdt.1: administrative and judicial review provisions added; S.Amdts.10, 11, and 12: further revisions] -  SB368
circuit court _ clerkCircuit court — Clerk, see Court — Clerk
citizens utility board _cub_Citizens Utility Board (CUB), see Public utility
Documentary evidence of citizenship or satisfactory immigration status required for public assistance programs administered by DCF and DHS -  AB222
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign [for further revisions, see entry under ``Voting"]  - AB7
city of the 1st classCity of the 1st class, see Milwaukee — City
civil defenseCivil defense
Continuity of government: striking ``enemy action in the form of an attack" and inserts ``severe or prolonged, natural or human-caused, occurrence that threatens the life, health, or the security of the state". Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  AJR8
Continuity of government: striking ``enemy action in the form of an attack" and inserts ``severe or prolonged, natural or human-caused, occurrence that threatens the life, health, or the security of the state". Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  SJR10
Bill of rights: participation in the legislative process; right to assemble; right to an impartial judiciary; right of privacy; right to a quality education; right to health care services; right to vote; eligible elector after ten days' residence; voting rights for certain felons; uniformity of voting standards and procedures; mandatory recounts in close election; GAB established; legislative and congressional redistricting; public access to the Capitol; open meetings laws applicable to Legislature; initiative and referendum; open deliberations of the Supreme Court; public funding of Supreme Court elections; graduated and progressive state income tax; right to a clean, healthy environment, safe drinking water, and clean air; creation of a DNR, board, and secretary; Superintendent of Public Instruction to be independent; minimum staffing and funding levels for public schools; prohibit public funding of sectarian schools; treatment of corporations as persons prohibited; and workers' rights to organize and collectively bargain. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR137
State capitol building: DOA may not promulgate or enforce rules or policies re public access that infringes the freedoms of speech or assembly or petition the government  - AB699
Career executive program: employee may be reassigned to any state agency [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2764wb; deleted by A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1] - AB40
Career executive program: employee may be reassigned to any state agency -  JR1 AB11
Career executive program: employee may be reassigned to any state agency -  JR1 SB11
Compensation plan provisions modified re pay, benefits, and working conditions [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2764bg-bt; deleted and recreated with revisions by A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1] -  AB40
Local governmental unit without a civil service system must establish a grievance procedure and may establish a civil service system [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1721n, 9432 (1q); deleted by A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1]  - AB40
Local governmental unit without a civil service system must establish a grievance procedure and may establish a civil service system [A.Amdt.1] -  JR1 AB11
State civil service system transfer policy revised -  AB347
Unclassified division administrator positions: eliminating 2011 WisActs 10 and 32 authorized increases and ability to designate managerial positions as; DOA Secretary report to JCF re plan to adjust appropriations and certain positions required  - AB313
Unclassified division administrators: FTE positions increased and DOA to decrease FTE positions in executive branch agencies; OSER provision [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 814m, 2753d-k, mp, 2754g, r, 2755g-p, 2756p, 2757g, r, 2760p, 2763b, deletes 814, 2763; deleted by A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1] - AB40
Unclassified division administrators: FTE positions increased and DOA to decrease FTE positions in executive branch agencies; OSER provision [A.Amdt.1: revisions]  - JR1 AB11
Unclassified division administrators: FTE positions increased and DOA to decrease FTE positions in executive branch agencies; OSER provision -  JR1 SB11
civil service _ preference to veteranCivil service — Preference to veteran
Noncompetitive appointment program for disabled veterans applies to all classified service positions  - AB428
Noncompetitive appointment program for disabled veterans applies to all classified service positions [S.Amdt.1: number of veterans on a 1st class city civil service certification list expanded] -  SB339