TID number 3 in City of Middleton: project plan amendments and time during which tax increments are allocated and expenditures for project costs are made revised  - AB536
TID number 3 in City of Middleton: project plan amendments and time during which tax increments are allocated and expenditures for project costs are made revised  - SB440
data processingData processing, see also Telecommunications; specific agency
Administrative dissolution of a corporation: DFI notice procedure revised -  AB493
Administrative dissolution of a corporation: DFI notice procedure revised [S.Amdt.2: domestic or foreign business, nonstock corporation, or LLC specified and posting notice on the Web site removed] -  SB391
Biennial budget bill consideration: earmark transparency report required; LFB and JCF duties, Internet provision  - AB671
Biennial budget bill consideration: earmark transparency report required; LFB and JCF duties, Internet provision  - SB114
Broadband service infrastructure costs re certain areas of the state: income and franchise tax credit created  - AB359
Crime victim and witness rights revisions re treatment by public officials and use of personally identifying information; DA provision [A.Amdt.1: provisions revised, electronic mail added; S.Amdt.1: more revisions and legislative intent provision added] -  AB232
DNR regulation of certain activities near navigable waterways and environmental laws: revisions re issuing individual and general permits, piers and wharves, placement of fill or structures within a bulkhead line, land grading and removal of materials, bridges and culverts, areas of special natural resource interest, environmental approvals, houseboat repair and maintenance, expedited procedures for certain plan approvals, and publishing notices on its Internet Web site  - AB421
DNR regulation of certain activities near navigable waterways and environmental laws: revisions re issuing individual and general permits, piers and wharves, placement of fill or structures within a bulkhead line, land grading and removal of materials, bridges and culverts, areas of special natural resource interest, environmental approvals, houseboat repair and maintenance, expedited procedures for certain plan approvals, and publishing notices on its Internet Web site [for further revisions, see entry under ``Natural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection"] -  SB326
DNR regulation of certain activities near navigable waterways and environmental laws: revisions re issuing individual and general permits, piers and wharves, placement of fill or structures within a bulkhead line, land grading and removal of materials, bridges and culverts, areas of special natural resource interest, environmental approvals, houseboat repair and maintenance, expedited procedures for certain plan approvals, and publishing notices on its Internet Web site  - SE1 AB24
DNR regulation of certain activities near navigable waterways and environmental laws: revisions re issuing individual and general permits, piers and wharves, placement of fill or structures within a bulkhead line, land grading and removal of materials, bridges and culverts, areas of special natural resource interest, environmental approvals, houseboat repair and maintenance, expedited procedures for certain plan approvals, and publishing notices on its Internet Web site  - SE1 SB24
DPI license revocation for immoral conduct: definition expanded and proceedings initiation and Internet provisions - AB71
DPI license revocation for immoral conduct: definition expanded and proceedings initiation and Internet provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, proceedings initiation provision removed, laws governing license revocation by DPI revised and open records law exemption re notifying the subject of a record being disclosed] -  SB49
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provision; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties -  AB365
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provision; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties -  SB528
Electronically prerecorded message to telephone number in the nonsolicitation directory prohibited; exceptions and DATCP duties -  SB16
Electronically prerecorded message to telephone number in the nonsolicitation directory prohibited, exceptions provided; DATCP duties and rules revised including eliminating biennial notification -  AB111
GPS tracking by Corr.Dept for restraining order or injunction violation conviction: court may order; surcharge, costs, notification, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - AB175
GPS tracking by Corr.Dept for restraining order or injunction violation conviction: court may order; surcharge, costs, notification, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report [S.Amdt.3: penalties revised, exclusion zone violation defined, public safety changed to petitioner safety; S.Amdt.4: witness intimidation provision removed] -  SB104
Green data center: income and franchise tax credits created - AB61
Green data center: income and franchise tax credits created - SB31
Gubernatorial appointments: requirements re posting vacancies on the Office of the Governor Web site  - AB700
ID card, driver's license, and operator's license with ``H" endorsement: renewal notice by electronic means [Sec. 3165-3167, 3177, 3178, 3181, 3182, 9448 (2)]  - AB40
ID card, driver's license, and operator's license with ``H" endorsement: renewal notice by electronic means [Sec. 3165-3167, 3177, 3178, 3181, 3182, 9448 (2)]  - SB27
Inattentive driving: current prohibitions revised; prohibition created re electronic device activated and transmitting information or entertainment by visual means, exceptions provided - AB206
Income augmentation services receipts and Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System appropriations modified [Sec. 660, 681, 682, 1325-1328]  - AB40
Income augmentation services receipts and Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System appropriations modified [Sec. 660, 681, 682, 1325-1328]  - SB27
Instructional materials for students with disabilities in the U.W. or technical college systems or school within the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities: publisher requirements for providing in alternate formats upon request; exceptions, use restrictions, and conditions specified - SB485
Instructional materials for students with disabilities in the U.W. or technical college systems: publishers required to provide in alternate formats upon request, exception for members of certain nationwide exchange network; conditions specified and public accommodations law provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, certain private and nonprofit institutions of higher education included, publisher requirements in response to a request specified, public accommodation law provision removed, commercial availability exception]  - AB322
Involuntary commitment for treatment hearing: court to determine if individual attends via videoconferencing [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1663p; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: deletes involuntary commitment provisions, revises when a defendant is entitled to be in a courtroom in a criminal case and objections to use of videoconferencing technology, 3492r, w, deletes 1663p] -  AB40
Juvenile correctional facilities: Southern Oaks Girls School and Ethan Allen School removed from certain telecommunications access, Copper Lake School added; group transportation for Corr.Dept employees to Ethan Allen School deleted [Sec. 337, 804] -  AB40
Juvenile correctional facilities: Southern Oaks Girls School and Ethan Allen School removed from certain telecommunications access, Copper Lake School added; group transportation for Corr.Dept employees to Ethan Allen School deleted [Sec. 337, 804] -  SB27
Political communication: requirements on identifying the source revised, penalty provisions  - AB378
Political communication: requirements on identifying the source revised, penalty provisions  - SB281
Political disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperatives, and labor organizations provisions revised; registration and reporting requirements re mass communication within 60 days of an election, special report provision; penalties specified - AB591
Political disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperatives, and labor organizations provisions revised; registration and reporting requirements re mass communication within 60 days of an election, special report provision; penalties specified - SB446
Portable electronics insurance: criteria for selling and offering established -  AB541
Portable electronics insurance: criteria for selling and offering established -  SB429
Publication of legal notices: typeface used and rates charged modified and electronic copy provision added  - AB548
Publication of legal notices: typeface used and rates charged modified and electronic copy provision added  - SB414
State agency operations, contracts, and grants: deadline for DOA to implement disclosure of expenditures requirements from 2011 WisAct 32; time frame for state agencies to report to DOA -  SB565
State agency operations, contracts, and grants: disclosure of expenditures, Internet provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 215m; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: computer operations upgrade exemption with JCF approval] -  AB40
Student information system: State Superintendent to develop request for proposal procedures and criteria for selecting vendors, fee and compatible software provisions  - SB556
Traffic stop information collection and analysis requirements, law enforcement training programs, and reports: 2009 WisAct 28 provisions repealed -  AB18
Traffic stop information collection and analysis requirements, law enforcement training programs, and reports: 2009 WisAct 28 provisions repealed -  SB15
Unclaimed money or security or case-related funds received from the circuit court clerk: county treasurer may post notice to the county's Web site -  AB45
Unclaimed money or security or case-related funds received from the circuit court clerk: county treasurer may post notice to the county's Web site -  SB37
U.W. Board of Regents' use of telecommunications services and its relationship with Wisconsin's Research and Education Network (WiscNet): LAB audit required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 970b, d, 1015x, 9152 (1Lc), (1xc); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, service to hospitals added, third-party entity provisions and JCF approval, audit revised and ``telecommunications" changed to ``broadband", 335m, 9152 (2c), deletes 9152 (1Lc), (1xc)] -  AB40
Vehicles transporting loads of hay or straw that exceed height limitations: DOT may issue annual or consecutive month permits [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, urban areas, electronic permit application process, general permits, and rule-making provisions added] -  AB248
data processing _ criminal acts and law enforcementData processing — Criminal acts and law enforcement
Child sex offenses: mandatory minimum sentence required for specified offenses, exception if offender was under 18 years old [A.Amdt.1: mandatory requirement removed, court may impose lesser sentence than required or place person on probation if person is no more than 24 months older than the victim; S.Amdt.1: 24 months changed to 48]  - AB209
Computerized communication that invites a person to harass a third person or contact a third person with obscene, lewd, or profane language or suggestive acts prohibited; JRCCP report - AB649
Electronic records of the juvenile court may be transferred to a law enforcement agency; Director of State Courts, CCAP, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions  - AB240
Electronic records of the juvenile court may be transferred to a law enforcement agency; Director of State Courts, CCAP, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, disclosure to another juvenile court, municipal court, court of criminal jurisdiction, and certain prosecutors, attorneys, and guardians ad litem, restrictions on information re physical and mental health and other sensitive personal matters] - SB173
Electronic records of the juvenile court may be transferred to another juvenile court, municipal court, courts of criminal jurisdiction, DAs and other prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies; Director of State Courts, CCAP, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions -  AB537
Global positioning device placed on a person's vehicle without that person's consent or knowledge prohibited, exceptions specified; annulment, divorce, or legal separation provisions; JRCCP report -  AB690
Global positioning device placed on a person's vehicle without that person's consent or knowledge prohibited, exceptions specified; annulment, divorce, or legal separation provisions; JRCCP report -  SB540
School bullying: DPI model policy to include bullying by electronic means, requires records to be kept and annual report posted on the district's Web site, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where others can view it created; JRCCP report  - AB644
School bullying: DPI model policy to include bullying by electronic means, requires records to be kept and annual report posted on the district's Web site, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where others can view it created; JRCCP report  - SB427
day careDay care
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA contract authority eliminated [Sec. 39, 43, 264, 267, 727, 776-778, 9401 (1)] -  AB40
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA contract authority eliminated [Sec. 39, 43, 264, 267, 727, 776-778, 9401 (1)] -  SB27
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA to contract with child care providers and may lease or provide space in state-owned or state-leased building; report required on providing for child care facility space in any construction or major remodeling project  - AB315
Child care scholarship and bonus program: transfer of TANF funds to federal Child Care and Development block grant funds permitted [Sec. 1376] -  AB40
Child care scholarship and bonus program: transfer of TANF funds to federal Child Care and Development block grant funds permitted [Sec. 1376] -  SB27
Collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment under MERA and SELRA permitted; U.W. System and UWHCA employees and certain home care and child care providers provided collective bargaining rights; annual certification eliminated; agreement limited to two years; dues may be deducted from salaries -  AB338
Collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment under MERA and SELRA permitted; U.W. System and UWHCA employees and certain home care and child care providers provided collective bargaining rights; annual certification eliminated; agreement limited to two years; dues may be deducted from salaries -  SB233
Collective bargaining rights of U.W. System, UWHCA, and certain home care and child care provider employees eliminated - JR1 AB11
Collective bargaining rights of U.W. System, UWHCA, and certain home care and child care provider employees eliminated - JR1 SB11
Fingerprints of licensed child care providers required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1335d] -  AB40
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created  - AB534
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created  - SB426
Military training, education, or other experience may satisfy requirements for certain professional credentials [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, demonstration requirement added, some credentials specified]  - SB357
Private school offering care and supervision for children under the age of three required to obtain a child care center license - AB215
Private schools providing care for children under three required to have a child care center license  - SB179
Public assistance and children and family services: chap.49 reorganized; JRCCP report -  SB400
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow, conditions specified -  AB736
Sexual assault of a child by the child's day care provider: penalty enhancement permitted; JRCCP report  - AB102
TANF and child care allocations revised [Sec. 670, 672, 674, 680, 1373-1375, 1388-1400; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transitional jobs demonstration project provisions added, 1385c, 1393L, 9408 (3f); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1, further revisions] -  AB40
TANF and child care allocations revised [Sec. 670, 672, 674, 680, 1373-1375, 1388-1400] -  SB27
Unlicensed child care center: DCF to conduct inspections, maintain a toll-free telephone number for reporting unlicensed centers, and conduct a public education campaign; FTE positions provision -  SB372
W-2 and Wisconsin Shares: restores certain changes made by 2011 WisAct 32 -  AB446
W-2 and Wisconsin Shares: restores certain changes made by 2011 WisAct 32 -  SB336
WHEFA authorized to issue bonds to finance projects by a nonprofit institution for a nonprofit facility or refinance that institution's outstanding debt; WHEFA bonding authority changes; child care provider references deleted [A.Amdt.1: nonprofit facilities provisions deleted, miscellaneous revisions and coverage limited to nonprofit health institutions, educational institutions, and research institutions]  - AB508
Wisconsin Next Generation Reserve Board created re grants, loans, and investments in Wisconsin bioscience companies; DOR and SWIB duties; Wisconsin next generation reserve fund created; child care provider references deleted [A.Amdt.1: nonprofit facilities provisions deleted, miscellaneous revisions and coverage limited to nonprofit health institutions, educational institutions, and research institutions]  - SB508