Public assistance and children and family services: chap.49 reorganized; JRCCP report -  SB400
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure, additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils, and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian: 2009 WisAct 160 provisions repealed except some written policy provisions -  AB62
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure, additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils, and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian: 2009 WisAct 160 provisions repealed except some written policy provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, school nurse definition amended, requirement that prescription and nonprescription drug products be supplied by a parent or guardian eliminated, training required for administering drug products in certain cases, civil liability immunity provisions removed; S.Amdt.1: charter school provision deleted; S.Amdt.2: certain private school personnel training does not need DPI approval; S.Amdt.3: list of types of drug products requiring training expanded] -  SB45
Actions affecting the family and paternity actions: form for SSN of minor children [Sec. 3478-3481, 9308 (2), (3)]  - AB40
Actions affecting the family and paternity actions: form for SSN of minor children [Sec. 3478-3481, 9308 (2), (3)]  - SB27
Adult disabled child: court may order support re annulment, divorce, or legal separation -  AB271
Adult disabled child: court may order support re annulment, divorce, or legal separation -  SB534
Child support incentive payments to counties: DCF to develop plan, JCF approval required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9108 (2i)] - AB40
Child support payment distribution revision [Sec. 3482, 9308 (1)] -  AB40
Child support payment distribution revision [Sec. 3482, 9308 (1)] -  SB27
Confidential communications to a guidance counselor, teacher, or teacher's aide by petitioner or respondent in an action affecting the family: provisions created, exception provided  - AB249
Delinquent child support collection revisions re DOR collecting from certified debt, insurers checking the support lien docket before paying claims, and a support enforcement agency from another state may deal directly with a financial institution in this state to enforce a lien -  AB603
Genetic test results as conclusive determination of paternity provisions created -  AB42
Legal custody or physical placement of a child: modifications when a party is on active duty in the U.S. armed forces; third party and expedited hearing provisions  - AB66
Maintenance and family support: notice of payee's remarriage revised and termination upon death of payee or payer  - AB134
Physical placement of a child: court to presume schedule that equalizes placement to the highest degree, written and oral reasons for modifying placement or granting sole custody required; rebuttable presumption applied to modification after two years revised -  AB54
Unborn child in need of protection and services (UCHIPS) guardian ad litem, investigation of child abuse or neglect when suspected abuser cannot be identified, voluntary foster care education program, seizing funds for delinquent child support, minor parent signing statement acknowledging paternity, summons to deceased respondent in a paternity action, penalty for interfering with custody of a child on a paternity action summons (remedial legislation) -  SB460
family planningFamily planning, see Birth control
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit: computation order changed -  AB722
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit: computation order changed -  SB543
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended -  AB5
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended -  AB19
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended [S.Amdt.1: livestock farm modernization or expansion added]  - SB9
Farm to School Month: October 2011 proclaimed as -  SJR47
Overweight vehicle or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -  AB306
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -  SB223
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -  SE1 AB11
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -  SE1 SB11
Pilot farm to school programs: DPI to administer in rural school districts, FTE positions provision  - SB567
Unpasteurized milk and milk products: conditions allowing dairy farmers to sell created; certain DATCP rule exemption - SB108
farm and farming _ machineryFarm and farming — Machinery
Farm tractor may be operated on highway without being registered with DOT for special occasions such as a parade  - SB434
Vehicles or vehicle combinations transporting manure to or from a farm: seasonal weight limit exception created; DOT appendix report -  AB501
Vehicles or vehicle combinations transporting manure to or from a farm: seasonal weight limit exception created; DOT appendix report [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, penalties added] - SB410
farm produceFarm produce
Overweight vehicle or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -  AB306
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -  SB223
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -  SE1 AB11
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -  SE1 SB11
Vehicles or combination of vehicles carrying agricultural crops: dates extended re exceeding weight limit exception  - AB252
Vehicles or combination of vehicles carrying agricultural crops: dates extended re exceeding weight limit exception  - SB195
Vehicles or combination of vehicles carrying agricultural crops: dates extended re exceeding weight limit exception  - SE1 AB7
Vehicles or combination of vehicles carrying agricultural crops: dates extended re exceeding weight limit exception  - SE1 SB7
farmland preservationFarmland preservation
Agricultural conservation easement purchase program eliminated; conservation fee requirement for rezoning land out of a farmland preservation zoning district eliminated  - AB34
Agricultural conservation easement purchase program eliminated; conservation fee requirement for rezoning land out of a farmland preservation zoning district eliminated [Sec. 377-381, 383, 797, 889, 2279-2287, 2307, 2679; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, easement program modified and report required, 2307c, 9103 (1i), (2i), deletes 378, 380, 381, 383, 2307, 2679] -  AB40
Agricultural conservation easement purchase program eliminated; conservation fee requirement for rezoning land out of a farmland preservation zoning district eliminated  - SB24
Agricultural conservation easement purchase program eliminated; conservation fee requirement for rezoning land out of a farmland preservation zoning district eliminated [Sec. 377-381, 383, 797, 889, 2279-2287, 2307, 2679]  - SB27
Agricultural enterprise areas: DATCP allowed to use emergency rule-making procedures to designate  - AB602
Agricultural enterprise areas: DATCP allowed to use emergency rule-making procedures to designate  - SB497
Qualified production activities credit created re manufacturing property and agricultural property [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1755g, 1881n, 1887d, 1889n, 1896f, 2011d, 2012d, 2013f, 2015e, 2122d, 2123d, 2184n] -  AB40
Qualified production activities credit created re manufacturing property and agricultural property  - AB171
Qualified production activities credit created re manufacturing property and agricultural property  - SB123
Qualified production activities credit: technical changes -  AB638
Qualified production activities credit: technical changes -  SB526
federal aidFederal aid
Airport improvement project involving federal aid: state aid limits modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB152
Ambulatory surgical center assessment repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, repeal changed to refund or recoup amounts or payments for which the federal government does not pay its share, DHS duties]  - SB297
Child care scholarship and bonus program: transfer of TANF funds to federal Child Care and Development block grant funds permitted [Sec. 1376] -  AB40
Child care scholarship and bonus program: transfer of TANF funds to federal Child Care and Development block grant funds permitted [Sec. 1376] -  SB27
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: funding and bonding authority changes [Sec. 781, 2913-2923, 2925; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, federal aid and DNR and DOA duties, 780p, 9135 (3c), (3d)]  - AB40
Clean Water Fund Program: eliminate statutory provisions re federal financial hardship grant program (remedial legislation) - SB288
Community Services Block Grant Program appropriation [Sec. 665, 666, 675, 676, 1415] -  AB40
Community Services Block Grant Program appropriation [Sec. 665, 666, 675, 676, 1415] -  SB27
Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (or the Pittman-Robertson Act): DNR prohibited from expending funds without JCF approval -  AB301
Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (or the Pittman-Robertson Act): DNR prohibited from expending funds without JCF approval -  SB231
Federal funding or moneys accepted or received by the state: recognizing the legislature is the appropriate branch of government to budget these funds and the governor may not return the money without the approval of the legislature by law; employment increase provision -  SJR67
Federal moneys accepted by the state may not be returned to the federal government without the approval of the legislature by law if the expenditure may increase employment in this state - SB495
Human growth and development instructional programs in schools: revisions re topics covered, definitions, exemptions, advisory committee, and volunteer health care provider  - AB337
Human growth and development instructional programs in schools: revisions re topics covered, definitions, exemptions, advisory committee, and volunteer health care provider [S.Amdts.7, 8, 10, and 12: further revisions]  - SB237
Low-income assistance for weatherization and other energy conservation services funding [Sec. 326; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, federal assistance provisions added, 325d-t, 326m] -  AB40
Low-income dental clinic grants, federal funding provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 634x, 2648L] - AB40
Major interstate bridge project bonding authorization: federal funds precondition eliminated [Sec. 2220, 2221]  - AB40
Major interstate bridge project bonding authorization: federal funds precondition eliminated [Sec. 2220, 2221]  - SB27
National mortgage foreclosure settlement: allocating portion going to the general fund -  AB672
National mortgage foreclosure settlement: allocating portion going to the general fund -  SB511
National mortgage settlement: expenditure of moneys prohibited unless approved by the legislature  - AB636
National mortgage settlement: expenditure of moneys prohibited unless approved by the legislature  - SB468
State agency budget requests: additional information required re federal payments -  AB194
State agency budget requests: additional information required re federal payments -  SB254
TANF and federal social services block grant moneys: certain appropriations transferred from DHS to a new appropriation for DCF [Sec. 659, 662-664, 667, 673, 1324, 1329, 1330; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 659d, deletes 659]  - AB40
TANF and federal social services block grant moneys: certain appropriations transferred from DHS to a new appropriation for DCF [Sec. 659, 662-664, 667, 673, 1324, 1329, 1330]  - SB27
Transit employees whose employer receives certain federal funding: collective bargaining unit, dispute settlement, and definition provisions [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2406gh, prm, rrm, 2407bt, ep, 2409jn, 3508v; deleted and recreated with revisions by A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1]  - AB40
UI law changes including concealment penalties and integrity fund, test for illegal drugs, and contribution liability of successor employers [A.Amdt.1: penalty for the concealment of wages or material facts deleted, unemployment integrity fund sunset provision added] -  SB219