Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2390b, zk-zp] -
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age: changes made by 2011 WisAct 32 eliminated, prior law restored
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age: changes made by 2011 WisAct 32 eliminated, prior law restored
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow, conditions specified -
Prescription drugs or devices for incarcerated persons: Corr.Dept and sheriffs required to charge for
Administrative rule-making process: changes made by 2011 WisActs 21 and 32 eliminated, prior law restored
Battery-operated smoke detectors: minimum requirements in residential buildings, dwellings, and modular homes
Bed and breakfast definition modified and applicability of one- and two-family dwelling construction and inspection rules -
Bed and breakfast definition modified and applicability of one- and two-family dwelling construction and inspection rules -
Build Milwaukee initiative zones established and councils created re economic development and housing programs; development opportunity zone, public purchasing, contracts with financial institutions, and report provisions
Concealed weapon prohibition on school grounds and certain posted private property: exemption for law enforcement officers acting in their official capacity and qualified law enforcement and former law enforcement officers
Concealed weapon prohibition on school grounds and certain posted private property: exemption for law enforcement officers acting in their official capacity and qualified law enforcement and former law enforcement officers
Condemnation law revisions re public purpose, blighted property, residential property, public utilities, and procedures; PSC provision -
Condominium law revisions re recording condominium instruments, declarant, securities and warranty, manager requirements, expansion, and independent audits
Condominium law revisions re recording condominium instruments, declarant, securities and warranty, manager requirements, expansion, and independent audits
Condominium owner not required to provide a real estate condition report when selling under certain conditions
Condominium owner not required to provide a real estate condition report when selling under certain conditions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, disclosure of documents and recission of contract of sale provisions added]
Construction of one- and two-family dwellings: rules promulgation that would increase costs provisions, DSPS and JCRAR duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2738k, 2739c-L, 9310 (1i)] -
DRL name changed to Department of Safety and Professional Services; Comm.Dept functions transferred re building and safety, certain economic development business certifications and grant programs, and PECFA; approval of education and training for veterans and other eligible persons transferred from DVA; unfair trade practice rules re residential and noncommercial properties transferred from DATCP; administration of laws re erosion control at commercial building construction sites transferred from DNR; DOA appendix report [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -
DRL name changed to Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) and some Comm.Dept functions transferred; certain unfair trade practice rules transferred from DATCP; administration of laws re erosion control at commercial building construction sites transferred from DNR; DOA provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]
Electricity and natural gas sold for residential use exempt from sales and use tax regardless of when it is sold; JSCTE appendix report -
Foreclosure on abandoned properties: redemption period and court procedures modified -
Foreclosure on abandoned properties: redemption period and court procedures modified [S.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.2: notice of sale printed in a newspaper modified] -
Homestead tax credit reduced re federal housing subsidy -
Homestead tax credit reduced re federal housing subsidy -
Housing assistance programs transferred from Comm.Dept to WHEDA [Sec. 19-26, 214, 435-446, 716, 856, 1648, 1664, 2227-2229, 2238, 2433, 2713, 2730, 2739, 2753, 2821-2823, 2827, 2895, 3268-3275, 3450-3462, 3474, 3475, 3540, 9110 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transferred to DOA, DSPS provisions, 19m, 435m-446m, 738m, 2730e-s, 2738m, 2895k, 3274m, 3450m-3462m, deletes 19, 22-24, 26, 214, 435-446, 716, 2730, 2739, 2753, 2895, 3275, 3450-3462; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions]
Landlord-tenant relations: laws revised re disposal of tenant's personal property, security deposit, standardized check-in sheet, disclosure of uncorrected building code violations, repair or maintenance requests, voiding a rental agreement, damages for tenant's failure to vacate, and eviction for nonpayment of rent; local governments prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance placing a moratorium on evictions
Landlord-tenant relations: laws revised re disposal of tenant's personal property, security deposit, standardized check-in sheet, disclosure of uncorrected building code violations, repair or maintenance requests, voiding a rental agreement, damages for tenant's failure to vacate, and eviction for nonpayment of rent; local governments prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance placing a moratorium on evictions [for further revisions, see entry under ``Landlord and tenant"]
Lift or hoist in a residential dwelling for individual use: conveyance permit revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2378m, 2389g-r] -
Modular and manufactured homes sold in this state but used outside this state: sales and use tax exemptions [Sec. 2179, 9441 (3)] -
Modular and manufactured homes sold in this state but used outside this state: sales and use tax exemptions [Sec. 2179, 9441 (3)] -
Modular home permit issued for more than one section on a carrier permitted if they are for the same house; exception to indivisible load requirement -
Residential contractors prohibited from promising to pay or rebate property insurance deductible re specified repairs or replacements; consumer may cancel a contract for repairs or replacement if it is paid by insurance and all or part of the claim is not covered, written notice required; unfair trade practice and penalty provisions -
Residential dwelling rental: local ordinance prohibiting or restricting may not be enacted or enforced; excluded from definitions of ``hotel", ``bed and breakfast", and ``tourist rooming house" and is not subject to DHS regulation
Residential dwelling rental: local ordinance prohibiting or restricting may not be enacted or enforced; excluded from definitions of ``hotel", ``bed and breakfast", and ``tourist rooming house" and is not subject to DHS regulation
Time-share estates and licenses: nonjudicial foreclosure -
Time-share estates and licenses: nonjudicial foreclosure [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, judicial and nonjudicial (or administrative) options specified, license provisions removed] -
Zoning ordinances re agricultural or residential use: frac sand mining provisions and definition -
Agricultural production loan guarantees administered by WHEDA: revisions re amount and term of loan
SE1 AB20
Agricultural production loan guarantees administered by WHEDA: revisions re amount and term of loan
SE1 SB20
Housing assistance programs transferred from Comm.Dept to WHEDA [Sec. 19-26, 214, 435-446, 716, 856, 1648, 1664, 2227-2229, 2238, 2433, 2713, 2730, 2739, 2753, 2821-2823, 2827, 2895, 3268-3275, 3450-3462, 3474, 3475, 3540, 9110 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transferred to DOA, DSPS provisions, 19m, 435m-446m, 738m, 2730e-s, 2738m, 2895k, 3274m, 3450m-3462m, deletes 19, 22-24, 26, 214, 435-446, 716, 2730, 2739, 2753, 2895, 3275, 3450-3462; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions]
Neighborhood Business Revitalization Loan Guarantee program created in WHEDA -
Property tax deferral loan program in WHEDA: participants expanded to include veterans [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2832g, r] -
Public affairs network loan guarantee program created in WHEDA re broadcasting proceedings of the Legislature; income tax exemption [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1755d, 1896d, 2015d, 2840m, 2846c-r; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
Small business development loan guarantee program revisions -
Small business development loan guarantee program revisions -
Small business development loan guarantee program revisions -
WHEDA economic development activities revised, WEDC provision -
WHEDA economic development activities revised, WEDC provision -
WHEDA small business loan guarantee and agricultural production loan guarantee programs revised; Wisconsin development reserve fund limit increased -
WHEDA surplus: transfer to general fund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9224 (1f)] -
``Willis J. Hutnik Memorial Highway": DOT to designate and mark portion of STH 27 in Rusk and Sawyer counties as; contributions from interested parties provision
Congenital disorder testing of infants: DHS to set fee by rule [Sec. 2877, 9121 (9), 9321 (3), 9421 (5); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
Congenital disorder testing of infants: DHS to set fee by rule [Sec. 2877, 9121 (9), 9321 (3), 9421 (5)]
University of Wisconsin—Madison authority and board of trustees created; boards of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory abolished, functions transferred [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"; original bill only] -
University of Wisconsin—Madison authority and board of trustees created; boards of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory abolished, functions transferred [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -
Birth certificates for Milwaukee County residents for free for limited time to obtain ID card or driver's license for voting purposes -
Birth certificates may be obtained for free for a limited time to obtain ID card or driver's license for voting purposes
Buyer identification card (BID card) re motor vehicle salvage pool eliminated; ``junk vehicle" definition revised
Community outreach locations re operator's license and ID card services: DOT to work with NAACP, American Civil Liberties Union, and UMOS to provide in Milwaukee County
Concealed weapons: license procedure created and prohibition on possession in certain public places revised; codifies federal law re active duty and former law enforcement officers; creates certification cards for former state and local law enforcement officers; restrictions on transporting a handgun in a vehicle modified; disorderly conduct provision; permitted in person's legally occupied home or business; circuit court and DOJ duties; penalties for certain offenses; JRCCP report
Concealed weapons: license procedure created and prohibition on possession in certain public places revised; codifies federal law re active duty and former law enforcement officers; creates certification cards for former state and local law enforcement officers; restrictions on transporting a handgun in a vehicle modified; disorderly conduct provision; permitted in person's legally occupied home or business; circuit court and DOJ duties; penalties for certain offenses; JRCCP report
DOT to post signs at examining stations and service centers that ID cards may be available without charge for voting purposes -
Driver's license or ID card issued by DOT: applicant may have veteran status indicated on the license or card, DVA verification required -
Election revisions re late voter registration, absentee voting in person, and implementation of voter ID requirements; GAB duties -
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provision; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties -
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provision; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties -
Going armed with concealed and dangerous weapon prohibition eliminated; prohibition on going armed or possessing a firearm in certain public places revised; requirement that a firearm or bow or crossbow be unloaded or unstrung and encased in a vehicle eliminated; possessing electric weapons permitted; disorderly conduct provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Firearms and dangerous weapons"]