Special Needs Scholarship Program established; LAB duty and report required -  AB110
Special Needs Scholarship Program established; LAB duty and report required; DPI to prepare document comparing certain rights under state and federal handicapped education law - SB486
Universal Service Fund: LAB to annually audit at least one program funded by [Sec. 69; original bill only]  - AB40
Universal Service Fund: LAB to annually audit at least one program funded by [Sec. 69] -  SB27
U.W. Board of Regents' use of telecommunications services and its relationship with Wisconsin's Research and Education Network (WiscNet): LAB audit required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 970b, d, 1015x, 9152 (1Lc), (1xc); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, service to hospitals added, third-party entity provisions and JCF approval, audit revised and ``telecommunications" changed to ``broadband", 335m, 9152 (2c), deletes 9152 (1Lc), (1xc)] -  AB40
Veterans home to be located in Chippewa Falls: DVA may contract with private entity to operate, LAB audit provision; transfer to veterans trust fund certain unencumbered balances [Sec. 65, 234, 698-701, 1242, 1243, 1249-1269, 2665; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, JCF approval of transfer to trust fund, DOA cost-benefit analysis required, 700c, 9101 (2u), 9253 (2u), deletes 700, 1243]  - AB40
Veterans home to be located in Chippewa Falls: DVA may contract with private entity to operate, LAB audit provision; transfer to veterans trust fund certain unencumbered balances [Sec. 65, 234, 698-701, 1242, 1243, 1249-1269, 2665]  - SB27
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) created; Comm.Dept duties and public employee and WRS provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, LAB duties added, WEDC duties revised, definitions and membership modified, report requirements] -  JR1 SB6
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative Fiscal Bureau
Biennial budget bill consideration: earmark transparency report required; LFB and JCF duties, Internet provision  - AB671
Biennial budget bill consideration: earmark transparency report required; LFB and JCF duties, Internet provision  - SB114
Biennial budget bill: process for removal of nonfiscal policy items established; LFB and JCF provisions  - AB382
Biennial budget report: state agencies required to include certain contractual services and cost-benefit analysis information; DOT and U.W. provisions -  SB573
Recall petition: employment discrimination against an individual who signs or refuses to sign prohibited; exception for nonpartisan employees of or applicants to GAB, the legislature, legislative service agencies, and other specified commissions - AB729
Recall petition: employment discrimination against an individual who signs or refuses to sign prohibited; exception for nonpartisan employees of or applicants to GAB, the legislature, legislative service agencies, and other specified commissions - SB566
Renner, Darin Arthur: life and public service of LFB fiscal analyst commended upon his death -  AJR105
School state aid revisions re guaranteed percentage, parental choice programs, school aid formula, counting low-income pupils, delayed payments, per pupil adjustment under the levy limit, independent charter schools, grants for study to improve efficiency, and transporting pupils to private schools; eliminates first dollar and school levy property tax credits and categorical state aid for high-poverty school districts; DPI, DOA, LFB, and JCF duties specified -  AB677
State Mandates, Joint Committee on, created; legislature may not enact bills with state-imposed mandates unless they either receive a hearing or are funded; state agency rules provision; LFB report requirement -  AB326
legislative reference bureauLegislative Reference Bureau, see also Blue Book
Administrative rule-making process: changes made by 2011 WisActs 21 and 32 eliminated, prior law restored  - AB389
Administrative rule revisions re state agency authority to promulgate and implement standards, gubernatorial approval, economic impact analysis, and venue in judicial review actions and in actions against the state [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, legislative review of proposed rules and JCRAR duties modified; A.Amdt.10: local governmental units provision]  - JR1 AB8
Congressional redistricting based on 2010 census; LRB duty specified -  SB149
Legislative and congressional redistricting plans: LRB and GAB to develop standards and draw redistricting plans for legislative approval -  AB198
Legislative and congressional redistricting plans: LRB and GAB to develop standards and draw redistricting plans for legislative approval -  SB157
Legislative redistricting based on 2010 census; LRB duty specified [S.Amdt.2: modifications to 8th and 9th Assembly districts] -  SB148
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): before implementing changes requiring rule promulgation, state agencies are required to request the LRB prepare legislation that allows the agency to take action; prohibition on requesting grants or other moneys from the federal government to implement; medical loss ratio reports from insurers reviewed by OCI provision; state agency report requirements  - SB563
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): before taking action to implement, state agencies are required to request LRB to prepare legislation that allows the agency to take action; grants and expending state moneys provision - AB531
Publication and effective dates of acts revised, LRB duties - SB255
Recall petition: employment discrimination against an individual who signs or refuses to sign prohibited; exception for nonpartisan employees of or applicants to GAB, the legislature, legislative service agencies, and other specified commissions - AB729
Recall petition: employment discrimination against an individual who signs or refuses to sign prohibited; exception for nonpartisan employees of or applicants to GAB, the legislature, legislative service agencies, and other specified commissions - SB566
Uniform Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act; LRB, LC, and JRCCP duties -  SB304
legislative technology services bureauLegislative Technology Services Bureau
Recall petition: employment discrimination against an individual who signs or refuses to sign prohibited; exception for nonpartisan employees of or applicants to GAB, the legislature, legislative service agencies, and other specified commissions - AB729
Recall petition: employment discrimination against an individual who signs or refuses to sign prohibited; exception for nonpartisan employees of or applicants to GAB, the legislature, legislative service agencies, and other specified commissions - SB566
legislatureLegislature, see also Redistricting
Assembly recognizes and encourages each individual's participation in the legislative process, right to observe the process, and peaceful expression of his or her views in the Assembly gallery -  AR17
Assembly visitor gallery: display of signs and permitting a person to photograph or videotape proceedings [Assembly rules 26 (7), (8)] -  AR19
Elector challenging right of another elector to vote at a polling place: challenger must reside in same Senate district as the challenged elector, proof of residence required  - SB167
Executive budget bill or bills must be prepared according to GAAP and may not increase the state's budget deficit; if there is a budget deficit, according to certain financial reports, the legislature is required to pass legislation to reduce the deficit - SB503
Federal funding or moneys accepted or received by the state: recognizing the legislature is the appropriate branch of government to budget these funds and the governor may not return the money without the approval of the legislature by law; employment increase provision -  SJR67
Federal moneys accepted by the state may not be returned to the federal government without the approval of the legislature by law if the expenditure may increase employment in this state - SB495
Governor requested to commence good faith negotiations with collective bargaining units re Jr1 AB-11  - AR4
Independent redistricting commission given responsibility to reapportion the legislature and redraw congressional districts by law and plans approved by voters in a referendum, Supreme Court provision: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR68
Jeremiah Rusk portrait: removal from public display in the Assembly chamber requested -  AR13
Meetings of governmental bodies, including the legislature: laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to; legislative members subject to citations and civil penalties for violations. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR52
Meetings of governmental bodies, including the legislature: laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to; legislative members subject to citations and civil penalties for violations. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR41
National mortgage settlement: expenditure of moneys prohibited unless approved by the legislature  - AB636
National mortgage settlement: expenditure of moneys prohibited unless approved by the legislature  - SB468
NRB nominates DNR Secretary with advice and consent of the Senate, term of office provisions; filling an NRB member vacancy modified -  AB218
NRB nominates DNR Secretary with advice and consent of the Senate, term of office provisions; filling an NRB member vacancy modified -  SB119
Partisan caucus of Senate or Assembly: exception to open meetings law deleted; legislative rules made invalid  - AB89
Public affairs network loan guarantee program created in WHEDA re broadcasting proceedings of the Legislature; income tax exemption [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1755d, 1896d, 2015d, 2840m, 2846c-r; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB40
Recall of incumbent congressional, judicial, or legislative elective officer or county elective officer specified in the Wisconsin Constitution: grounds limited and filing officer duties; Legislature required to establish a code of ethics for government officials and a board to administer it. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR63
Recalling Jr1 AB-11 from the Senate -  AJR15
Supreme Court justices and appeals court judges appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate, judicial selection committee provision: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR42
U.W. Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities, Special Task Force on, created and study required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (1tc)] -  AB40
Women's reproductive rights supported by the Wisconsin Legislature -  AJR81
legislature _ audit committee, joint legislativeLegislature — Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
Executive and judicial branch state agencies required to report on their fiscal condition and operations at one of JLAC's quarterly meetings -  AB400
Executive and judicial branch state agencies required to report on their fiscal condition and operations at one of JLAC's quarterly meetings -  SB385
legislature _ billsLegislature — Bills, see Bills, Legislative
legislature _ caucusLegislature — Caucus, see Legislature
Assembly committee structure and names for the 2011-12 legislative session established [Assembly rule 9 (1)]  - AR2
DNR regulation of certain activities near navigable waterways and environmental laws: revisions re issuing individual and general permits, piers and wharves, placement of fill or structures within a bulkhead line, land grading and removal of materials, bridges and culverts, areas of special natural resource interest, environmental approvals, houseboat repair and maintenance, expedited procedures for certain plan approvals, and publishing notices on its Internet Web site [for further revisions, see entry under ``Natural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection"] -  SB326
Open Meetings Laws: special committee created to examine, report required -  JR1 AR1
Public hearing requirement for bills placed on calendar: waiving requirement prohibited [Senate rule 18 (1m)]  - SR22
Public notice of Assembly committee meetings revisions [Assembly rules 11 (9), (12), 93 (9)]  - AR14
Public notice of Senate, Assembly, and joint committee meetings revisions [Joint rule 27] - AJR62
Public notice of Senate committee meetings revisions [Senate rules 25 (1)(b), (c), 93 (2)] -  SR21
Retention of counsel by members of the Assembly or Senate cannot be approved if a signed agreement or oath of confidentiality is required -  AJR124
State compliance with court orders: special committee created to examine, report required -  JR1 AR2
State Mandates, Joint Committee on, created; legislature may not enact bills with state-imposed mandates unless they either receive a hearing or are funded; state agency rules provision; LFB report requirement -  AB326
legislature _ criminal penalties, joint review committee onLegislature — Criminal Penalties, Joint Review Committee on
Absence without leave: legislator who is intentionally absent under certain conditions shall be fined; JRCCP report  - AB153
Absence without leave: legislator who is intentionally absent under certain conditions shall be fined; JRCCP report  - SB106
Alcohol beverages knowingly provided to a person under 18 years old and suffers great bodily harm or death from their consumption: penalties apply to any underage person, including 18, 19, and 20 year olds; JRCCP report  - AB520
Alcohol beverages knowingly provided to 18, 19, or 20 year old on a licensed premise: penalties created if the underage person suffers great bodily harm or death; JRCCP report  - AB420
Animal intentionally treated cruelly resulting in great bodily harm or death: felony penalty created; JRCCP report  - AB401
Badger Health Benefit Authority created and must establish and operate a Wisconsin Health Benefit Exchange in this state; JRCCP report -  SB273
Battery or threats to cause harm to a court employee or threats to cause damage to a courthouse: felony penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  AB424
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: failure to provide penalty revised; JRCCP report -  SB170
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: law enforcement agencies required to collect from every adult arrested for a felony or certain sexual assault offenses; juveniles, DNA data bank, crime laboratories, and expunging information provisions; JRCCP report -  AB584
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: law enforcement agencies required to collect from every adult arrested for a felony or certain sexual assault offenses; juveniles, DNA data bank, crime laboratories, and expunging information provisions; JRCCP report -  SB214
Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer: intent to cause bodily harm removed as an element to qualify as a felony; JRCCP report -  AB212
Campaign finance law: scope of regulated activity expanded to include organizations or individuals who use communications media which includes references to candidates for certain offices within 60 days of an election; Clean Elections Fund established to provide grants to qualifying candidates for campaign expenses, penalty provisions; JRCCP report and emergency rule provisions -  AB642
Capitol Council created re management, operation, maintenance, and repair of the state capitol and capitol park; security and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - SB347