Human growth and development instructional programs in schools: revisions re topics covered, definitions, exemptions, advisory committee, and volunteer health care provider [S.Amdts.7, 8, 10, and 12: further revisions]
Nomination paper or petition for an election: circulator's statement must be in the form of an affidavit
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions [S.Amdt.1: Mortgage Loan Originator Council eliminated]
Notary public and trademark functions of the Office of the Secretary of State transferred to DFI [Sec. 754, 2310, 2605-2637, 9142 (1) -
Notary public and trademark functions of the Office of the Secretary of State transferred to DFI [Sec. 754, 2310, 2605-2637, 9142 (1) -
Recall petition circulators: affidavit requirements -
SB270 noticeNotice, see
specific subject
Bird hunting preserve licensed by DNR considered a sport shooting range re liability, nuisance, and zoning provisions -
Termination of tenancy for criminal activity permitted, definition, written notice, and right to contest provisions; law enforcement to notify rental property owner or manager of nuisance investigations at the property if there is a nuisance ordinance -
Anesthesiologist Assistants, Council on, created in DSPS; licensure requirements and practice standards created [S.Amdt.1: nurse anesthetists provision added and other revisions]
Inadmissibility of a statement of apology, condolence, fault, or remorse by a health care provider in a civil action or administrative hearing -
Inadmissibility of a statement of apology, condolence, fault, or remorse by a health care provider in a civil action or administrative hearing -
Military training, education, or other experience may satisfy requirements for certain professional credentials [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, demonstration requirement added, some credentials specified]
Nursing staff in correctional facilities report required; litigation loans to prisoners modified; video surveillance of mental health patients under Corr.Dept supervision provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1667g, 3014m, 9111 (1u)]
Physician assistants: medically related actions authority expanded [S.Amdt.1: school attendance written excuse accepted from physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or advanced nurse prescriber] -
Revenue limit for school districts: adjustments allowed for school nurses, safety equipment, security officers, and pupil transportation costs eliminated [Sec. 2598-2600]
Revenue limit for school districts: adjustments allowed for school nurses, safety equipment, security officers, and pupil transportation costs eliminated [Sec. 2598-2600]
Revenue limit for school districts: restores adjustment allowed for school nurses that was eliminated in 2011 WisAct 32
School nurse: DPI established qualifications eliminated [Sec. 2434; original bill only] -
School nurse: DPI established qualifications eliminated [Sec. 2434] -
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure, additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils, and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian: 2009 WisAct 160 provisions repealed except some written policy provisions -
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure, additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils, and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian: 2009 WisAct 160 provisions repealed except some written policy provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, school nurse definition amended, requirement that prescription and nonprescription drug products be supplied by a parent or guardian eliminated, training required for administering drug products in certain cases, civil liability immunity provisions removed; S.Amdt.1: charter school provision deleted; S.Amdt.2: certain private school personnel training does not need DPI approval; S.Amdt.3: list of types of drug products requiring training expanded] -
Alzheimer's disease or related dementia: CBRF, nursing home, or adult family home promoting itself as providing specialized programming or unit required to produce a document describing the services; fee and penalty provisions
Certification of one- and two-bed adult family homes: DHS requirement to regulate eliminated [Sec. 189, 656, 1299, 1302, 1303, 1647, 1652, 1682, 1692, 1714, 3463]
Certification of one- and two-bed adult family homes: DHS requirement to regulate eliminated [Sec. 189, 656, 1299, 1302, 1303, 1647, 1652, 1682, 1692, 1714, 3463]
Collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment under MERA and SELRA permitted; U.W. System and UWHCA employees and certain home care and child care providers provided collective bargaining rights; annual certification eliminated; agreement limited to two years; dues may be deducted from salaries -
Collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment under MERA and SELRA permitted; U.W. System and UWHCA employees and certain home care and child care providers provided collective bargaining rights; annual certification eliminated; agreement limited to two years; dues may be deducted from salaries -
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS enrollment caps; Family Care expansion prohibited [Sec. 9121 (1)-(5); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS provisions deleted, long-term care services cap, emergency funding for Family Care benefits, long-term care cost-effectiveness study required, 1304m, 9121 (1g)-(3g), deletes 9121 (1)-(4)] -
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS enrollment caps; Family Care expansion prohibited [Sec. 9121 (1)-(5)] -
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS: revisions to 2011 WisAct 32 re enrollment cap, expansion, and certain funding allocation -
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS: revisions to 2011 WisAct 32 re enrollment cap, expansion, and certain funding allocation [A.Amdt.1: JCF review of contracts added] -
Health care benefits provided to certain assistance program recipients: modifications to third parties required to provide information to DHS and from which DHS may recover payments; pharmacy benefits manager provision
Health care benefits provided to certain assistance program recipients: modifications to third parties required to provide information to DHS and from which DHS may recover payments; pharmacy benefits manager provision [S.Amdt.1: limits on information to be provided] -
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign [for further revisions, see entry under ``Voting"]
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign
Long-term care facilities: laws revised re arbitration agreements in contracts, noneconomic damages and statute of limitations for torts re negligence, disclosure of incident or occurrence reports, health care provider regulatory records, and limit on punitive damages; JRCCP report -
Long-term care facilities: laws revised re arbitration agreements in contracts, noneconomic damages and statute of limitations for torts re negligence, disclosure of incident or occurrence reports, health care provider regulatory records, and limit on punitive damages; JRCCP report -
Military training, education, or other experience may satisfy requirements for certain professional credentials [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, demonstration requirement added, some credentials specified]
Nursing home regulation revisions -
Nursing home regulation revisions -
Nursing homes: MA payment base funding revised; Dodge and Dunn counties added to labor regions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1430c, 9121 (10q), 9421 (6q)] -
Prevailing wage exemption does not apply to public works project re nursing home in a county with a population less than 50,000 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9154 (2c)]
Protective placement and protective services law revisions -
Therapeutic alternate drug selection for persons with mental retardation: approval process modified re skilled nursing or intermediate care facilities [Sec. 3214-3216; original bill only] -
Therapeutic alternate drug selection for persons with mental retardation: approval process modified re skilled nursing or intermediate care facilities [Sec. 3214-3216]
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases [S.Amdt.1: punitive damages revisions; S.Amdt.9: actions against manufacturers, etc., modified] -
Veterans home exemption from nursing home bed assessment [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (8r)] -
Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority eliminated -
JR1 AB11
Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority eliminated -
JR1 SB11
Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Program and Buy Local Grant Program re locally produced food eliminated [Sec. 375, 2302, 2306; original bill only] -
Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Program and Buy Local Grant Program re locally produced food eliminated [Sec. 375, 2302, 2306] -
Hunger Takes No Holiday Month: March proclaimed as -
Meals to jail and prison inmates limited to two per day unless a medical need is indicated by a physician
Chippewa Moraine State Recreation Area's interpretive center designated the ``David R. Obey Ice Age Trail Interpretive Center" [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 861g] -
Child sex offenses: mandatory minimum sentence required for specified offenses, exception if offender was under 18 years old [A.Amdt.1: mandatory requirement removed, court may impose lesser sentence than required or place person on probation if person is no more than 24 months older than the victim; S.Amdt.1: 24 months changed to 48]
Computerized communication that invites a person to harass a third person or contact a third person with obscene, lewd, or profane language or suggestive acts prohibited; JRCCP report -
Crimes against children: mandatory minimum sentences and extended supervision re sex crimes, homicide, and child pornography; JRCCP report -
DPI license revocation for immoral conduct: definition expanded and proceedings initiation and Internet provisions -
DPI license revocation for immoral conduct: definition expanded and proceedings initiation and Internet provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, proceedings initiation provision removed, laws governing license revocation by DPI revised and open records law exemption re notifying the subject of a record being disclosed] -
Nude depictions of children: offenders 21 years and older required to register as a sex offender if victim is under the age of 16 -
School bullying: DPI model policy to include bullying by electronic means, requires records to be kept and annual report posted on the district's Web site, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where others can view it created; JRCCP report
School bullying: DPI model policy to include bullying by electronic means, requires records to be kept and annual report posted on the district's Web site, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where others can view it created; JRCCP report
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report
WC law revisions re payment of benefits, work injury supplemental benefit fund (WISB), hearings and procedures, and program administration; study required
WC law revisions re payment of benefits, work injury supplemental benefit fund (WISB), hearings and procedures, and program administration; study required