Birth certificate: adult who was adopted as a child may petition the court to have original information restored
Birth certificates for Milwaukee County residents for free for limited time to obtain ID card or driver's license for voting purposes -
Birth certificates may be obtained for free for a limited time to obtain ID card or driver's license for voting purposes
Certified copy of a birth certificate: to whom the State Registrar and local registrar may issue revised
Infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; evidence-based home visitation re poor birth outcomes or child abuse or neglect; informed consent before elective procedures to deliver a child before the gestational period of 39 weeks, MEB duties and disciplinary and penalty provisions
Infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; evidence-based home visitation re poor birth outcomes or child abuse or neglect; informed consent before elective procedures to deliver a child before the gestational period of 39 weeks, MEB duties and disciplinary and penalty provisions
Name changes: confidentiality provisions and exemption from newspaper publication requirement [A.Amdt.1: confidential information may not be disclosed except by court order]
Name changes: confidentiality provisions and exemption from newspaper publication requirement -
Unborn child in need of protection and services (UCHIPS) guardian ad litem, investigation of child abuse or neglect when suspected abuser cannot be identified, voluntary foster care education program, seizing funds for delinquent child support, minor parent signing statement acknowledging paternity, summons to deceased respondent in a paternity action, penalty for interfering with custody of a child on a paternity action summons (remedial legislation) -
Birth certificates for Milwaukee County residents for free for limited time to obtain ID card or driver's license for voting purposes -
Birth certificates may be obtained for free for a limited time to obtain ID card or driver's license for voting purposes
DOT to post signs at examining stations and service centers that ID cards may be available without charge for voting purposes -
Election-related expenses to local governments: reimbursement of costs revised, voter ID training provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3t, u, 747j, k] -
Election revisions re late voter registration, absentee voting in person, and implementation of voter ID requirements; GAB duties -
GAB expenditures on voter ID public informational campaign reviewed by JCF; public inspection of statements of economic interests modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 357m, 9118 (1q)]
ID card for voting purposes: fee exception for duplicate -
ID card for voting purposes: fee exception for duplicate -
ID cards issued by DOT: reply to inquiries and statement on application required re no fee if requested for purposes of voting -
ID cards issued by DOT: reply to inquiries and statement on application required re no fee if requested for purposes of voting -
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, driver's license or state ID card requirement expanded and changed to ``proof of identification," ``identification certificate" deleted, REAL ID noncompliant driver's license and ID card provision, signature requirement re voting in person, durational residency requirement increased, straight party ticket voting eliminated, deadline for late registration and absentee voting in person changed, GAB special registration deputies discontinued, voter registration information and list revisions; A.Amdt.1: proof of residence modified re university, college, and technical college student IDs] -
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign
Mobile DMV service centers required re operator's license, ID cards, and receipts; affidavit in form prescribed by GAB permitted for voting under certain conditions
Photo ID card issued by a university, college, or state technical college: requirements for use as voter ID revised
September primary date changed and renamed ``Partisan Primary"; absentee voting changes, primarily for military and overseas electors [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, absentee ballot and military and overseas electors provisions modified; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, fee exception for duplicate DOT issued ID for voting purposes]
Voter ID: card issued by the Veterans Health Administration of the U.S. DVA permitted, photo and name on ID required
Voter ID: card issued by the Veterans Health Administration of the U.S. DVA permitted, photo and name on ID required
Voter ID requirement: exemption for individuals 65 years old and older who register before the close of registration; voter registration list and poll list provisions
Voter ID: unexpired ID card issued by a state technical college may be used under certain conditions
Voter ID: unexpired ID card issued by a state technical college may be used under certain conditions
Voter Identification and Election Technology, Taskforce on, created; report required -
Voter intimidation or suppression and false statements or representations to deter people from voting: prohibitions, penalties, and court order to compel compliance provisions created; repealing requirement that police officers be stationed at certain polling places in populous cities -
Voter intimidation or suppression and false statements or representations to deter people from voting: prohibitions, penalties, and court order to compel compliance provisions created; repealing requirement that police officers be stationed at certain polling places in populous cities -
Voter Identification and Election Technology, Taskforce on, created; report required -
Voting machine use discontinued, recounts of machine-readable ballots, petitions for recounts, destruction of ballots after an election, and inspection of areas where voted ballots are stored -
Apprentice wages: income and franchise tax credits created, conditions specified -
Apprentice wages: income and franchise tax credits created, conditions specified -
County fair association employee wages: income tax withholding exemption revised -
County fair association employee wages: income tax withholding exemption revised -
Minimum wage law revisions; DWD duties and consumer price index provision; prohibition on living wage local ordinance eliminated -
Minimum wage law revisions; DWD duties and consumer price index provision; prohibition on living wage local ordinance eliminated -
Creditable military service calculation for WRS participants revised re death or disability benefits; differential wage payments treated as earnings for WRS purposes; JSCRS appendix report -
Creditable military service calculation for WRS participants revised re death or disability benefits; differential wage payments treated as earnings for WRS purposes; JSCRS appendix report -
Prevailing wage applied to highway, road, street, bridge, sanitary sewer, or water main public works project for a town: statutory threshold for applicability raised; DWD duties
Prevailing wage applied to highway, road, street, bridge, sanitary sewer, or water main public works project for a town: statutory threshold for applicability raised; DWD duties
Prevailing wage exemption does not apply to public works project re nursing home in a county with a population less than 50,000 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9154 (2c)]
Prevailing wage law: changes made by 2009 WisAct 28 altered or eliminated re certain publicly funded private construction projects, threshold for applicability to public works projects, inspection and submission of payroll records re DWD, and violation remedies; other revisions re enactment of statewide concern, ``prevailing wage rate" defined, exemptions for small municipalities and residential properties, incidental work outside a worker's usual trade, and application to work the local government is not required to compensate for and certain truck drivers and subjourneypersons -
Prevailing wage law exemption for public works project with certain amount of private funding and completed facility is used for conservation, recreational, or education purposes
Prevailing wage law exemption for public works project with certain amount of private funding and completed facility is used for conservation, recreational, or education purposes
Prevailing wage revisions including publicly funded private construction projects, inspection and submission of payroll records to DWD, enactment of statewide concern, incidental work outside a worker's usual trade, work the local government is not required to compensate, and multiple- and single-trade project of public works [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 354y, 1727mb-y, 2390c-zhi, zr, 2404c, q, 2725t, 3534e-h, 9354 (1u); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 9454 (1u)]
Community development financial institution (CDFI) credit created, Comm.Dept duties; dairy manufacturing facility, meat processing facility, and food processing plant and food warehouse investment credits revised -
Community development financial institution (CDFI) credit created, Comm.Dept duties; dairy manufacturing facility, meat processing facility, and food processing plant and food warehouse investment credits revised -
Overweight vehicle or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -
SE1 AB11
Overweight vehicles or combination of vehicles with six or more axles and transporting certain agricultural products to a farm or from field to farm, storage facility, or processing facility: DOT may issue overweight permits under set conditions; exception to DOT report requirement -
SE1 SB11
State automotive museum: Wisconsin Automotive Museum in City of Hartford designated as -
Agricultural nutrient management research projects: DNR to waive requirements of laws re discharge of pollutants into waters of the state under certain conditions
Agricultural nutrient management research projects: DNR to waive requirements of laws re discharge of pollutants into waters of the state under certain conditions
Agricultural nutrient management research projects: wastewater permit waiver under certain conditions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2951k] -
Aquaculture regulation revisions re use of natural bodies of water, wastewater discharge permits, record-keeping, and importing fish -
Aquaculture regulation revisions re use of natural bodies of water, wastewater discharge permits, record-keeping, and importing fish -
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: funding and bonding authority changes [Sec. 781, 2913-2923, 2925; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, federal aid and DNR and DOA duties, 780p, 9135 (3c), (3d)]
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: funding and bonding authority changes [Sec. 781, 2913-2923, 2925] -
Clean Water Fund Program: eliminate statutory provisions re federal financial hardship grant program (remedial legislation) -
Ferrous metallic mining regulations created, nonferrous metallic mining regulations revised -