Convention to revise constitution, XII, 2
Conveyances, subdivisions or state, XI, 3a
Coroner, election, term, VI, 4
Formation, special laws, repeal, XI, 1
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31
Acquisition of lands, XI, 3a
Board, legislative powers, IV, 22
Chief executive officer to approve or veto resolutions or ordinances, proceeding, IV, 23a
Debt limit, tax levy, XI, 3
Division of, XIII, 7
Government, one or more systems, IV, 23
Officers, election, appointment, XIII, 9
Election, removal, vacancy, VI, 4
County seat:
Removal, XIII, 8
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31
Court of appeals, districts, judges, jurisdiction, VII, 5
Court of appeals judge:
Age limit, VII, 24
Compensation, VII, 10
Disciplinary proceedings VII, 11
Election, vacancy, VII, 9
Eligibility for office, VII, 10, 24
Recall, XIII, 12
Removal, VII, 1, 11, 13
Reserve, VII, 24
Court system, VII, 2
Administration, VII, 4
Courts, judicial power, VII, 2
Credit, state not to give or loan, VIII, 3
Crime victims, privileges and protections, I, 9m
Criminal prosecutions, rights of accused, I, 7, 8
Imprisonment, I, 16
Municipal, limit, tax levy, XI, 3
Property exempt from seizure, I, 17
State, evidence of, restriction, VIII, 9
Extraordinary expenses, VIII, 6
Internal improvements, VIII, 10
Limitation, VIII, 4
Public purposes, VIII, 7
Declaration of rights, I
District attorney, election, term, VI, 4
Divorce, governed by general law, IV, 31, 32
Double jeopardy forbidden, I, 8
Due process of law, I, 8
Education, X
By secret ballot, III, 3
General, when held, XIII, 1
Judicial, VII, 9
Recall, XIII, 12
Laws may be enacted on, III, 2
Qualifications, III, 1
Eminent domain, XI, 3a
Compensation, I, 13
Property taken for public use, XI, 2
Enabling act, acceptance, II, 2
Equality, inherent rights, I, 1
School fund, X, 2
Title in people of state, IX, 3
Ex post facto law, prohibited, I, 12
Exemption, of property of debtor, I, 17
Expenses of state:
Extraordinary, VIII, 6
Tax levy, VIII, 5
Ferries, special laws forbidden, IV, 31
Feudal tenures, prohibited, I, 14
Excessive, forbidden, I, 6
School fund, X, 2
Fishing, right to; guaranteed, I, 26
Appropriations, VIII, 10
Taxation, classification, VIII, 1
Forfeitures, school fund, X, 2
Free government, maintenance of, I, 22
Free press guaranteed, I, 3
Free speech guaranteed, I, 3
Gambling, general prohibition, exceptions, IV, 24
Election, V, 3
Eligibility, V, 2
Executive power, V, 1
Joint election with lieutenant governor, V, 3
Wisconsin Constitution updated by the Legislative Reference Bureau. Published October 4, 2024. Click for the Coverage of Annotations for the Annotated Constitution. Report errors at 608.504.5801 or