An Act to repeal 48.44 (2), 48.78 (2) (d) 3., 301.26 (4) (cm) 2., 302.11 (10), 302.17 (3), 302.255, 304.15, 938.992 (3) and 946.42 (3) (d); to renumber and amend 48.355 (4), 48.357 (6), 48.365 (5), 48.38 (4) (ar), 48.44 (1), 48.619, 938.357 (6), 938.365 (5) and 938.38 (4) (ar); to amend 20.410 (3) (cg), 48.235 (1) (e), 48.33 (4) (intro.), 48.335 (3g) (intro.), 48.357 (1) (am) 2. (intro.), 48.357 (2), 48.357 (2m) (a), 48.357 (2m) (b), 48.357 (2v) (a) 3., 48.38 (2) (intro.), 48.38 (2) (g), 48.385, 48.48 (17) (c) 4., 48.481 (2), 48.57 (3) (a) 4., 48.57 (3m) (a) 1., 48.57 (3n) (a) 1., 48.57 (3n) (am) 6. a., 48.64 (4) (a), 48.64 (4) (c), 48.645 (1) (intro.), 48.645 (1) (a), 48.645 (2) (a) 3., 48.645 (2) (b), 48.685 (1) (am), 146.82 (2) (a) 18m., 227.03 (4), 252.15 (3m) (d) 15., 301.03 (9), 301.12 (2), 301.26 (4) (a), 301.26 (4) (b), 301.26 (4) (c), 301.26 (4) (d) 1m., 302.11 (1), 302.17 (2), 302.31 (7), 767.405 (8) (b) 1., 767.405 (10) (e) 1., 767.41 (2) (b) 2. c., 767.41 (5) (am) 12., 905.045 (1) (a), 938.235 (1) (e), 938.33 (4) (intro.), 938.335 (3g) (intro.), 938.355 (4) (a), 938.355 (6) (a) 1., 938.355 (6) (a) 2., 938.355 (6d) (a) 1., 938.355 (6d) (a) 2., 938.355 (6d) (b) 1., 938.355 (6d) (b) 2., 938.355 (6d) (c) 1., 938.355 (6d) (c) 2., 938.355 (6m) (a) (intro.), 938.357 (1) (am) 2. (intro.), 938.357 (2), 938.357 (2m) (a), 938.357 (2m) (b), 938.357 (2v) (a) 3., 938.357 (4g) (b), 938.38 (2) (intro.), 938.44, 938.53, 938.57 (3) (a) 4., 938.595, 938.78 (2) (d) 3., 946.42 (1) (a) 1. f., 946.44 (2) (d), 946.45 (2) (d) and 976.08; to repeal and recreate 48.366; and to create 48.355 (4) (b) 4., 48.357 (1) (am) 2r., 48.357 (2m) (bv), 48.357 (6) (a) 4., 48.365 (5) (b) 4., 48.38 (4) (ar) 2., 48.38 (4) (fg) 6., 48.38 (5) (c) 9., 48.619 (2), 48.64 (4) (d), 938.355 (4) (am) 4., 938.355 (6) (a) 3., 938.355 (6d) (a) 2g., 938.355 (6d) (a) 2r., 938.355 (6d) (b) 2g., 938.355 (6d) (b) 2r., 938.355 (6d) (c) 2g., 938.355 (6d) (c) 2r., 938.357 (1) (am) 2r., 938.357 (2m) (bv), 938.357 (6) (a) 4., 938.365 (5) (b) 4., 938.366, 938.38 (4) (ar) 2., 938.38 (4) (fg) 6., 938.38 (5) (c) 9. and 938.385 of the statutes; Relating to: extended out-of-home care to 21 years of age for children with individualized education programs, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
Date / House | Action | Journal |
12/13/2013 Asm. | Introduced by Representatives Loudenbeck, LeMahieu, Kolste, Krug, Petryk and C. Taylor; cosponsored by Senators Moulton, Darling and L. Taylor | |
12/13/2013 Asm. | Read first time and referred to Committee on Children and Families | |
12/17/2013 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
12/17/2013 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
12/17/2013 Asm. | Representative Kahl added as a coauthor | |
12/18/2013 Asm. | Public hearing held | |
12/18/2013 Asm. | Representative Billings added as a coauthor | |
12/19/2013 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
12/27/2013 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
12/30/2013 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
1/6/2014 Asm. | Fiscal estimate received | |
1/15/2014 Asm. | Executive action taken | |
1/30/2014 Asm. | Report passage recommended by Committee on Children and Families, Ayes 10, Noes 0 | |
1/30/2014 Asm. | Referred to Joint Committee on Finance | |
2/12/2014 Asm. | Assembly Amendment 1 offered by Representative Loudenbeck | |
3/12/2014 Asm. | Withdrawn from joint committee on Finance and referred to committee on Rules | |
3/12/2014 Asm. | Placed on calendar 3-18-2014 by Committee on Rules | |
3/18/2014 Asm. | Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Amendment 1 offered by Representative Loudenbeck | |
3/18/2014 Asm. | Laid on the table | |
4/8/2014 Asm. | Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1 |