(g) Beginning with grants awarded during fiscal biennium 2015-17, it contributes $150,000 in funds to be used with a grant awarded under this section.
(3) A nonprofit organization that receives a grant under sub. (1) shall use the grant to provide programs and education designed to preserve and protect this state's hunting, fishing, trapping, and shooting traditions.
(4) During fiscal biennium 2015-17, and during each fiscal biennium thereafter, the department shall award a grant under this section not later than 30 days after the biennial budget bill for that fiscal biennium is enacted.
20,572h Section 572h. 29.739 of the statutes is created to read:
29.739 Grants for walleye production. (1) The department shall establish a grant program to award grants on a competitive basis to cities, villages, towns, and counties; to federally recognized Indian tribes or bands located in this state; and to fish farms.
(2) Grants awarded under this section shall be used for the purpose of increasing the grantee's capacity to raise walleye for stocking in the waters of the state. The grants may be used to build, improve, or repair any of the following:
(a) Buildings and structures used as fish hatcheries or for fish rearing.
(b) Fish rearing ponds.
(c) Wells or water recirculation systems.
(d) Biosecurity systems to ensure fish health.
(e) Holding facilities and equipment used for fish brood stock.
(f) Equipment used for the distribution of fish or for the collection of fish spawn.
(3) For a fish farm to be eligible for a grant under this section, the fish farm shall meet all of the following requirements:
(a) The fish farm is registered with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection under s. 95.60.
(b) The fish farm is in compliance with all applicable state and federal environmental laws and all applicable state and federal laws related to fish health.
(4) A contract awarding a grant under this section shall state the number of fingerlings that will be reared as a result of the increased capacity and the purchase price the grantee shall charge for the fingerlings when the construction, improvement, or repair is completed.
(5) The department shall promulgate rules to implement the program to be established under this section.
20,572m Section 572m. 29.740 of the statutes is created to read:
29.740 Contracts for walleye production. (1) In this section, "local governmental unit" means a city, village, town, or county.
(2) The department may enter into contracts with local governmental units, federally recognized Indian tribes or bands located in this state, and fish farms for the purpose of increasing the amount of walleye available for stocking in the waters of the state.
(3) The terms of a contract entered into under this section may include all of the following:
(a) Authorization for the department to furnish fish eggs and fish for free or at cost to a local governmental unit, tribe, band, or fish farm that is a party to the contract.
(b) Authorization for the department to purchase fish from a local governmental unit, tribe, band, or fish farm that is a party to the contract.
(4) No contract entered into under this section may have a term that is more than 5 years.
20,573 Section 573. 29.753 of the statutes is created to read:
29.753 Importation of wild elk. Notwithstanding ss. 95.20 and 95.55 (6) and rules promulgated under those provisions, the department may import and move elk and introduce the elk into Ashland, Bayfield, Jackson, Price, or Sawyer county if all of the following apply:
(1) The elk are taken from the wild and not raised on a farm.
(2) The purpose of importing or moving the elk is to protect, develop, or manage wildlife resources in this state.
(3) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection determines that the applicable requirements related to chronic wasting disease under ss. 95.20 and 95.55 (6) are met to the fullest extent possible and practical with wild and free-roaming elk.
(4) The department tests each elk for tuberculosis and brucellosis before importing or moving the elk in accordance with the applicable disease testing requirements of the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
(5) The department does not seek a reduction of road access to public lands in connection with importing, moving, or introducing the elk.
20,574 Section 574. 30.025 (1b) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
30.025 (1b) (b) "Permit" means an individual permit, a general permit, an approval, or a contract required under this subchapter or subch. II, a permit or an approval required under ch. 31, a storm water discharge permit required under s. 283.33 (1) (a) or (am), or a wetland general permit or wetland individual permit required under s. 281.36 or under rules promulgated under subch. II of ch. 281 to implement 33 USC 1341 (a).
20,575 Section 575. 30.025 (1e) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
30.025 (1e) (b) This section does not apply to a proposal to construct a utility facility if the only permit that the utility facility is required to obtain from the department is a storm water discharge permit under s. 283.33 (1) (a) or (am).
20,575ac Section 575ac. 30.2038 of the statutes is created to read:
30.2038 Milwaukee shoreline established. (1) (a) The shoreline of Lake Michigan in the city of Milwaukee is fixed and established to extend from approximately Lafayette Place on the north to the present north harbor entrance on the south as specified in the agreement between the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company and the city of Milwaukee and in conformance with the conveyance to the City of Milwaukee recorded with the office of the register of deeds of Milwaukee County on April 23, 1913, in volume 662, pages 326-330, as document number 762955.
(b) The shoreline described under par. (a) constitutes the division between the lake bed of Lake Michigan and land that is not part of the lake bed of Lake Michigan.
(2) Any restrictions, conditions, reverters, or limitations imposed on the use of land or conveyance of land under chapter 358, laws of 1909, chapter 389, laws of 1915, chapter 284, laws of 1923, chapter 150, laws of 1929, chapter 151, laws of 1929, chapter 516, laws of 1929, chapter 381, laws of 1931, chapter 76, laws of 1973, 1985 Act 327, and any other act conveying a part of the lake bed of Lake Michigan do not apply to land located to the west of the shoreline described under sub. (1) (a).
20,575ag Section 575ag. 30.443 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
30.443 (1) (a) Promulgate rules establishing standards for erosion prevention or control at sites in the riverway that are not subject to the standards established under s. 101.1206 (1) or, 101.653 (2) , or 281.33 (3) (a) and that have a natural slope of 20% or less.
20,575an Section 575an. 33.455 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
33.455 (3) (a) The Subject to the requirements under s. 281.33 (3m), the county board may adopt a minimum standard, an ordinance or a local regulation, or a modification to or rescission of an ordinance or a local regulation, as proposed by the board of commissioners under sub. (1) or (2).
20,575ar Section 575ar. 33.457 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
33.457 (2) (f) Minimum standards for construction site erosion control ordinances. Minimum standards under this paragraph that are applicable to activities regulated under s. 281.33 (3) shall strictly conform with applicable uniform statewide standards established under s. 281.33 (3).
20,575aw Section 575aw. 34.05 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
34.05 (4) (a) On or after the date that it receives the public moneys, the selected public depository arranges for the redeposit of the moneys into savings deposit accounts in one or more federal or state savings and loan associations, state banks, federal or state savings banks, savings and trust companies, or national banks insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation or federal or state credit unions insured by the national credit union administration.
20,575b Section 575b. 35.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
35.01 (2) Class 2 — Wisconsin statutes, annotations and Blue Book.
20,575bp Section 575bp. 35.012 of the statutes is amended to read:
35.012 State printing; exception. All printing contracted for under this chapter, except statutes and annotations of the 2nd class, yearbooks, and other similar student publications not funded by student fees or student organization income, printing of the 5th and 7th classes, and such copyrighted or patented or printing specialties not available for production within this state, shall be printed in this state. Printing contracted for under this chapter which is required under this section to be printed in this state may be done in another state if the laws of that state allow printing contracted for under its laws to be done in this state.
20,575d Section 575d. 35.05 (1), (2) (b) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
35.05 (1) All printing for the legislature shall be in such form and printed in such manner and amount as may be determined by the joint rules of the legislature, or in the case of printing of a nature that is the concern of one house only, then as determined by that house except as provided for the Wisconsin statutes, and the Laws of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin administrative code and register under s. 35.50 (2).
(2) (b) When printing concerns both houses the form or amount of such printing may be determined by the joint rules or by joint resolution or by the joint committee on legislative organization, subject to any provisions of the joint rules or joint resolutions, except as provided for the Wisconsin statutes, and the Laws of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin administrative code and register under s. 35.50 (2).
(3) All printing that has a customary form, number of copies, or other features shall continue to conform to such form or other requirements until changed by or under authority of statute, joint rule, or rule of either house, except as provided for the Wisconsin statutes , and the Laws of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin administrative code and register under s. 35.50 (2).
20,575dp Section 575dp. 35.095 (3) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2013 Wisconsin Act 5, is amended to read:
35.095 (3) (a) The legislative reference bureau shall publish every act and every portion of an act which that is enacted by the legislature over the governor's partial veto on its date of publication on the Internet in one or more electronic file formats. The legislative reference bureau may electronically publish every act and every portion of an act that is enacted by the legislature over the governor's partial veto on other electronic media in one or more electronic file formats, as the legislative reference bureau determines.
20,575f Section 575f. 35.17 of the statutes is amended to read:
35.17 Correcting typographical obvious errors in enrolling and publishing. (1) In enrolling under s. 13.92 (1) (b) 3. and for publishing under ss. 35.095, 35.15, and 35.35 (1) (a), the legislative reference bureau shall correct obvious typographical minor clerical errors. No such correction shall be deemed an alteration of the enrolled copy. Like corrections shall be made by the
(2) The legislative reference bureau in printing shall correct obvious nonsubstantive errors when publishing the Wisconsin statutes under s. 35.18 (1) (a) and (b) and the administrative code under s. 35.93 (3).
(3) On questions of orthography the current edition of Webster's new international dictionary shall be taken as the standard.
20,575fp Section 575fp. The unnumbered title preceding 35.18 of the statutes [precedes 35.18] is amended to read:
20,575h Section 575h. 35.18 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 35.18 (1) (a).
20,575hp Section 575hp. 35.18 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
35.18 (1) (b) 1. The legislative reference bureau shall electronically publish interim updated versions of the statutes included in the biennial Wisconsin statutes printed under par. (a) on the Internet in one or more electronic file formats. The legislative reference bureau may electronically publish the updated versions on other electronic media in one or more electronic file formats, as the legislative reference bureau determines.
2. The legislative reference bureau shall include in the updated versions of the statutes electronically published under subd. 1. all general statutes in force, except that the legislative reference bureau may omit tables and graphic images from publication in a particular electronic file format if the legislative reference bureau determines that the tables and graphic images are incompatible with that electronic file format. If the legislative reference bureau omits tables or graphic images from publication in a particular electronic file format, it shall insert a note following the affected statutory unit identifying the omission and providing a hypertext link providing electronic access to the table or graphic image. The legislative reference bureau shall at all times publish the statutes on the Internet in at least one electronic file format that allows for publication of all tables and graphic images contained in the statutes.
3. The legislative reference bureau shall include all of the following with each updated version of the statutes published under subd. 1.:
a. The date of publication for the updated version.
b. The edition of the biennial Wisconsin statutes that is being updated.
c. The act number of the most recent legislative act included in the updated version.
d. The date through which the updated version has been updated. The updated version shall include all legislative acts that were enacted, and all supreme court orders affecting statutes that were entered, on or before the date referenced in this subd. 3. d.
e. A notice stating that the updated version of the statutes electronically published under this paragraph is certified under sub. (2) (b).
20,575j Section 575j. 35.18 (2) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
35.18 (2) (title) Legislative reference bureau certificate certification.
20,575jp Section 575jp. 35.18 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 35.18 (2) (a) and amended to read:
35.18 (2) (a) After making the necessary comparison, the chief of the legislative reference bureau shall annex, at the end of one copy of each newly printed statute, which shall be filed sign and file in the office of the secretary of state as a public record, a certificate certifying that the bureau has compared each printed section therein contained in the biennial Wisconsin statutes printed under sub. (1) (a) with the original section of the statutes, or, as the case may be, with the original section contained in the enrolled act from which the section was derived, together with all amendments of such original section, if any, and that all the sections appear to be correctly printed. All other copies of the biennial Wisconsin statutes printed under sub. (1) (a) shall contain a printed copy of such certificate.
20,575L Section 575L. 35.18 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
35.18 (2) (b) After making the necessary comparison, the legislative reference bureau shall publish on the Internet, and with each electronic publication of the Wisconsin statutes under sub. (1) (b), a certification that the bureau has compared each section of the Wisconsin statutes published under sub. (1) (b) with the original section of the statutes, or with the original section contained in the enrolled act from which the section was derived, together with all amendments of such original section, if any, and that all the sections appear to be correctly published. The certification shall indicate any electronic file formats in which the statutes are published that do not contain all graphic images and tables due to incompatibility with the electronic file format.
20,575Lp Section 575Lp. 35.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
35.20 Wisconsin Town Law Forms. With each issue edition of the biennial Wisconsin statutes printed under s. 35.18 (1) (a), under the supervision of the legislative reference bureau, an edition will be printed as directed by the department for distribution by the department to all town clerks, of a volume to be designated "Wisconsin Town Law Forms" containing suitable forms for use in the administration of laws relating to: common schools; the county board; the powers, duties and liabilities of towns, town officers and the assessment of taxes; highways, bridges and drainage districts; and such other forms as the legislative reference bureau determines desirable and practicable.
20,575n Section 575n. 35.23 of the statutes is renumbered 35.18 (4) and amended to read:
35.18 (4) Wisconsin Annotations. The legislative reference bureau shall prepare such annotations as will keep the volume known as "Wisconsin Annotations," up to date, and print such continuations in each biennial issue of the include those annotations in the Wisconsin statutes published under sub. (1) (a) and (b).
20,575np Section 575np. 35.50 (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
35.50 (2) Unless otherwise required by law, each edition of the Blue Book and the reports specified in ss. 35.26 and 35.27, and reprints thereof, shall be substantially the same in printing and binding as the previous edition of the same publication. Unless otherwise determined by the chief of the legislative reference bureau, each edition of the Laws of Wisconsin shall be substantially the same in format, printing, and binding as the previous edition of the same publication. Unless otherwise determined by the legislative reference bureau, each edition of the biennial Wisconsin statutes and the Wisconsin administrative code and register printed under s. 35.18 (1) (a) shall be substantially the same in format, printing, and binding as the previous edition of the same publication. Unless otherwise determined by the legislative reference bureau, each electronic publication of the Wisconsin statutes under s. 35.18 (1) (b), the Wisconsin administrative code under s. 35.93 (2), and the Wisconsin administrative register under s. 35.93 (3) shall be in substantially the same format as the previous edition or version of the same publication.
(3) Specifications for class 1 state printing shall be determined by the department with the advice and approval of the joint committee on legislative organization, except as otherwise provided for the Laws of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin administrative code and register under sub. (2).
20,575p Section 575p. 35.56 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
35.56 (1) (a) As a basis for printing of the biennial Wisconsin statutes and the Wisconsin administrative code and register under s. 35.18 (1) (a), the department shall, before advertising for bids and after consultation with the legislative reference bureau, establish base prices for 2-year periods and establish specifications subject to approval by the legislative reference bureau for 2-year periods.
20,575pp Section 575pp. 35.81 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: