2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
June 4, 2013 - Offered by Representative Kramer.
AB200-ASA1,1,6 1An Act to renumber and amend 218.0171 (7); to amend 218.0171 (2) (a),
2218.0171 (2) (b) 1., 218.0171 (2) (b) 2. a., 218.0171 (2) (c), 218.0171 (2) (cq),
3218.0171 (2) (d) and 218.0171 (5); and to create 218.0171 (1) (bt), 218.0171 (1)
4(g), 218.0171 (2) (cg), 218.0171 (6m), 218.0171 (7) (b), 218.0171 (8) and 227.01
5(13) (yd) of the statutes; relating to: the law governing repair, replacement,
6and refund under a motor vehicle warranty.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB200-ASA1,1 7Section 1. 218.0171 (1) (bt) of the statutes is created to read:
AB200-ASA1,1,98 218.0171 (1) (bt) "Heavy-duty vehicle" means any motor vehicle having a gross
9vehicle weight rating or actual gross weight of more than 10,000 pounds.
AB200-ASA1,2 10Section 2. 218.0171 (1) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
1218.0171 (1) (g) "Out of service," with respect to a motor vehicle, means that
2the vehicle is unable to be used by the consumer for the vehicle's intended purpose
3as a result of any of the following:
AB200-ASA1,2,64 1. The vehicle is in the possession of the manufacturer, motor vehicle lessor, or
5any of the manufacturer's authorized motor vehicle dealers for the purpose of
6performing or attempting repairs to correct a nonconformity.
AB200-ASA1,2,87 2. The vehicle is in the possession of the consumer and the vehicle has a
8nonconformity that substantially affects the use or safety of the vehicle.
AB200-ASA1,3 9Section 3. 218.0171 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB200-ASA1,2,1610 218.0171 (2) (a) If a new motor vehicle does not conform to an applicable
11express warranty and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer,
12the motor vehicle lessor, or any of the manufacturer's authorized motor vehicle
13dealers on the form specified in sub. (8) (a) 1. and makes the motor vehicle available
14for repair before the expiration of the warranty or one year after first delivery of the
15motor vehicle to a consumer, whichever is sooner, the nonconformity shall be
AB200-ASA1,4 17Section 4. 218.0171 (2) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB200-ASA1,2,2118 218.0171 (2) (b) 1. If after a reasonable attempt to repair the nonconformity is
19not repaired and if the consumer provides the manufacturer with the form specified
20in sub. (8) (a) 2. or 3.
, the manufacturer shall carry out the requirement under subd.
212. or 3., whichever is appropriate.
AB200-ASA1,5 22Section 5. 218.0171 (2) (b) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB200-ASA1,2,2523 218.0171 (2) (b) 2. a. Accept return of the motor vehicle and, subject to par. (cg),
24replace the motor vehicle with a comparable new motor vehicle and refund any
25collateral costs.
1Section 6. 218.0171 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB200-ASA1,3,142 218.0171 (2) (c) To receive a comparable new motor vehicle or a refund due
3under par. (b) 1. or 2., a consumer described under sub. (1) (b) 1., 2. or 3. shall offer
4to the manufacturer of the motor vehicle having the nonconformity to transfer title
5of that motor vehicle to that manufacturer. No later than 30 days after that offer, the
6manufacturer shall provide the consumer with the comparable new motor vehicle or
7refund. When the manufacturer provides the new motor vehicle or refund, the
8consumer shall return the motor vehicle having the nonconformity to the
9manufacturer and provide the manufacturer with the certificate of title and all
10endorsements necessary to transfer title to the manufacturer. If another person is
11in possession of the certificate of title, as shown by the records of the department of
12transportation, that person shall, upon request of the consumer, provide the
13certificate of title to the manufacturer or to the consumer upon satisfaction of any
14security interest in the motor vehicle
AB200-ASA1,7 15Section 7. 218.0171 (2) (cg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB200-ASA1,4,316 218.0171 (2) (cg) 1. If a consumer described under sub. (1) (b) 1., 2., or 3. elects
17a comparable new motor vehicle on the form specified in sub. (8) (a) 2., no later than
1830 days after receiving this form the manufacturer shall agree in writing to provide
19a comparable new motor vehicle or a refund of the full purchase price plus any sales
20tax, finance charge, amount paid by the consumer at the point of sale, and collateral
21costs. Upon the consumer's receipt of this writing, the manufacturer shall have until
22the 45th day after receiving from the consumer the form specified in sub. (8) (a) 2.
23to either provide the comparable new motor vehicle or the refund. During this period,
24the manufacturer shall exercise due diligence in locating and providing a comparable
25new motor vehicle. If the manufacturer agrees to provide a comparable new motor

1vehicle, the manufacturer retains the right to provide the refund if no comparable
2new motor vehicle exists or cannot be delivered within this 45-day period. This
3subdivision does not apply with respect to heavy-duty vehicles.
AB200-ASA1,4,164 2. If a consumer described under sub. (1) (b) 1., 2., or 3. elects a comparable new
5motor vehicle on the form specified in sub. (8) (a) 2., no later than 30 days after
6receiving this form the manufacturer shall agree in writing to provide a comparable
7new motor vehicle or a refund of the full purchase price plus any sales tax, finance
8charge, amount paid by the consumer at the point of sale, and collateral costs. Upon
9the consumer's receipt of this writing, the manufacturer shall have until the 120th
10day after receiving from the consumer the form specified in sub. (8) (a) 2. to either
11provide the comparable new motor vehicle or the refund. During this period, the
12manufacturer shall exercise due diligence in locating and providing a comparable
13new motor vehicle. If the manufacturer agrees to provide a comparable new motor
14vehicle, the manufacturer retains the right to provide the refund if no comparable
15new motor vehicle exists or cannot be delivered within this 120-day period. This
16subdivision applies only with respect to heavy-duty vehicles.
AB200-ASA1,4,2417 3. When a manufacturer provides a new motor vehicle under subd. 1. or 2., the
18consumer shall return the motor vehicle having the nonconformity to the
19manufacturer and provide the manufacturer with the certificate of title and all
20endorsements necessary to transfer title to the manufacturer. If another person is
21in possession of the certificate of title, as shown by the records of the department of
22transportation, that person shall, upon request of the consumer, provide the
23certificate of title to the manufacturer upon satisfaction of any security interest in
24the motor vehicle.
AB200-ASA1,8 25Section 8. 218.0171 (2) (cq) of the statutes is amended to read:
1218.0171 (2) (cq) Upon payment of a refund to a consumer under par. (b) 2. b.
2or (cg) 1. or 2., the manufacturer shall provide to the consumer a written statement
3that specifies the trade-in amount previously applied under s. 77.51 (12m) (b) 5. or
46. or (15b) (b) 5. or 6. toward the sales price of the motor vehicle having the
5nonconformity and the date on which the manufacturer provided the refund.
AB200-ASA1,9 6Section 9. 218.0171 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB200-ASA1,5,137 218.0171 (2) (d) No motor vehicle returned by a consumer or motor vehicle
8lessor in this state under par. (b) or sub. (6m), or by a consumer or motor vehicle lessor
9in another state under a similar law of that state, may be sold or leased again in this
10state unless full disclosure of the reasons for return is made to any prospective buyer
11or lessee. A manufacturer may not use a power of attorney to act as an agent of a
12consumer for purposes of transferring title to a motor vehicle returned to the
13manufacturer under this section.
AB200-ASA1,10 14Section 10. 218.0171 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB200-ASA1,5,1615 218.0171 (5) This Except as provided in sub. (7) (b), this section does not limit
16rights or remedies available to a consumer under any other law.
AB200-ASA1,11 17Section 11. 218.0171 (6m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB200-ASA1,5,2218 218.0171 (6m) Notwithstanding subs. (2) (b) and (6), if the consumer enters
19into a negotiated written settlement with the manufacturer regarding any motor
20vehicle nonconformity, the manufacturer shall no longer be subject to any
21requirement of this section, except for sub. (2) (d), with respect to that motor vehicle.
22This subsection applies only with respect to heavy-duty vehicles.
AB200-ASA1,12 23Section 12. 218.0171 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 218.0171 (7) (a) and
24amended to read:
1218.0171 (7) (a) In addition to pursuing any other remedy, a consumer may
2bring an action to recover for any damages caused by a violation of this section if the
3action is commenced within 36 months after first delivery of the motor vehicle to a
. The court shall award a consumer who prevails in such an action twice
5the amount of any pecuniary loss, together with costs, disbursements and reasonable
6attorney fees, and may award any equitable relief the court determines appropriate.
AB200-ASA1,13 7Section 13. 218.0171 (7) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB200-ASA1,6,158 218.0171 (7) (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or ch. 802,
9804, or 806, in an action for a violation under this section, if a court finds that any
10party to the action has failed to reasonably cooperate with another party's efforts to
11comply with obligations under this section, which hinders the other party's ability
12to comply with or seek recovery under this section, the court may extend any
13deadlines specified in this section, reduce any damages, attorney fees, or costs that
14may be awarded under par. (a), strike pleadings, or enter default judgment against
15the offending party.
AB200-ASA1,14 16Section 14. 218.0171 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB200-ASA1,6,1817 218.0171 (8) (a) The department of transportation shall prescribe one or more
18forms for consumers to use for all of the following:
AB200-ASA1,6,2119 1. To report a nonconformity to the manufacturer, the motor vehicle lessor, or
20any of the manufacturer's authorized motor vehicle dealers for the purpose of having
21the nonconformity repaired.
AB200-ASA1,6,2322 2. To elect that a manufacturer replace a motor vehicle with a comparable new
23motor vehicle as provided under sub. (2) (b) 2. a.
AB200-ASA1,6,2524 3. To elect that a manufacturer make a refund as provided under sub. (2) (b)
252. or 3.
1(b) The department shall make any form specified in par. (a) available on the
2department's Internet site. Any form specified in par. (a) shall require the consumer
3to provide all of the following information:
AB200-ASA1,7,44 1. The consumer's contact information.
AB200-ASA1,7,75 2. Identification of the motor vehicle dealer from which the motor vehicle was
6purchased, the date of delivery of the motor vehicle from the dealer, and the purchase
7price of the motor vehicle.
AB200-ASA1,7,98 3. Identification of any holder of a perfected security interest in the consumer's
9motor vehicle.
AB200-ASA1,7,1110 4. The mileage of the motor vehicle at the time the first nonconformity is
11asserted to have occurred.
AB200-ASA1,7,1312 5. If the form is to be used for the purpose of making an election described in
13par. (a) 2. or 3., a place on the form to make the election.
AB200-ASA1,7,1414 6. An itemization of any other damages claimed by the consumer.
AB200-ASA1,7,2115 (c) If any form specified in par. (a) is required under this section to be used by
16a consumer and the consumer has not provided all information required under par.
17(b) to the satisfaction of the manufacturer, the manufacturer may, within 30 days of
18receiving the form, request that the consumer provide additional information
19required under par. (b). If the manufacturer makes such a timely request for
20additional information, any time period under sub. (2) (c), (cg) 1. or 2., or (cm) 1. does
21not begin to elapse until the consumer provides this additional information.
AB200-ASA1,15 22Section 15. 227.01 (13) (yd) of the statutes is created to read:
AB200-ASA1,7,2423 227.01 (13) (yd) Relates to any form prescribed by the department of
24transportation under s. 218.0171 (8).
AB200-ASA1,16 25Section 16. Initial applicability.
1(1) This act first applies with respect to motor vehicles for which the express
2warranty commences on the effective date of this subsection.
AB200-ASA1,17 3Section 17. Effective date.