Currently, each municipal clerk and board of election commissioners must
maintain a file of voter registration forms for the electors of the municipality. This
substitute amendment provides that the clerk or board must maintain registrations
that are entered electronically in the manner prescribed by GAB, by rule.
Verification of certain loans made to registrants
This substitute amendment provides that if any campaign finance registrant
reports that the registrant has received a loan in amount exceeding $10,000, GAB
must, upon request of any individual, require the registrant to substantiate the
source and amount of the loan. Currently, GAB requires substantiation only in
connection with a routine audit or an investigation of possible unlawful activity.
Failure of indefinitely confined electors to return absentee ballots
Currently, an elector who is indefinitely confined may direct the municipal
clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality where he or she resides
to send an absentee ballot to the elector for every election. The clerk or board must
discontinue this service if the elector fails to return an absentee ballot. Under this
substitute amendment, the clerk or board must discontinue this service if the elector
fails to return an absentee ballot for two successive regular elections.
Poll list signature format
Currently, GAB is directed to prescribe, by rule, the space and location for entry
of an elector's signature on a poll list at a polling place. This substitute amendment
deletes the rule-making requirement and instead directs GAB to determine the
space and location for entry of an elector's signature on the poll list at a polling place.
Voting by assisted electors
Currently, if the inspectors (poll workers) are informed that an eligible elector
is at the entrance to the polling place and cannot enter because of a disability, the
inspectors must bring the elector's ballot together with the poll list to the polling
place entrance and accept the elector's ballot at the entrance. This substitute
amendment provides that the inspectors shall maintain a supplemental poll list for
these assisted electors which shall be in the form prescribed by GAB.
Party representation at the polls
Currently, polling places are staffed principally by election inspectors. Unless
a municipality decides to increase or decrease the number of inspectors, there are
seven inspectors at each polling place. With certain exceptions, the individuals who
are appointed as inspectors at a polling place are drawn from nominations submitted
by the political parties whose candidates for president or governor received the most
votes in the area served by the polling place at the preceding general election, with
the party whose candidate received the most votes entitled to fill one more position
than the other party.
This substitute amendment provides that whenever two or more inspectors are
required to perform a function within a polling place and both parties that are

entitled to submit nominees have done so, the chief inspector must assign, insofar
as practicable, an equal number of inspectors from the nominees of each party.
Securing ballot containers
Under current law, election inspectors take all ballots counted by them and
secure the ballots together so that they cannot be separated or tampered with
without breaking a seal. The inspectors then put the secured ballots into a ballot
container and secure the container so that it cannot be opened without breaking a
seal or lock or without destroying the container. Under this substitute amendment,
only the chief inspector and one other inspector whose party affiliation is different
from the chief inspector's party affiliation may secure the ballot container.
Reporting of election returns by municipalities
Currently, the voters of each ward vote at the same polling place, which is
generally separate from other polling places in a municipality. Election returns are
reported by ward unless otherwise authorized by law. Currently, no later than 60
days before each September primary and general election, and no later than 30 days
before each other election, the governing body of a municipality may combine two or
more wards for voting purposes to permit the use of a common polling place. In
municipalities with a population of 35,000 or more, a municipality must continue to
report all election returns by ward even where wards are combined for voting
purposes at a single location. Other municipalities may report returns for combined
wards together unless a separate ballot is required in a partisan election, in which
case separate returns must be reported for the offices listed on each separate ballot
so that the results of the various elections may be determined.
Under this substitute amendment, any municipality having a population of
35,000 or more may provide that election returns for any ward having a population
of 20 or less will be combined with returns for any adjacent ward, unless separate
returns are required to determine the results of an election. A municipality, however,
may not combine wards if the total population of the combined wards would exceed
the applicable population range for wards in that municipality. The substitute
amendment allows the municipal clerk to estimate ward populations for the purpose
of combining returns if the population cannot be determined from census results.
Recounting votes cast with automatic tabulating equipment
Currently, with a limited exception, a board of canvassers must use automatic
tabulating equipment to conduct a recount of ballots that are in machine-readable
form. However, a candidate, or an elector if the recount is for a referendum question,
may petition the circuit court for an order requiring ballots in machine-readable
form to be recounted by hand or by another method approved by the court. To obtain
such an order, the candidate or elector must show by clear and convincing evidence
that due to an irregularity, defect, or mistake committed during the voting or
canvassing process the results of a recount using automatic tabulating equipment
will produce incorrect results and there is a substantial probability that recounting
the ballots by hand or by another method will produce a more correct result and
change the outcome of the election.
This substitute amendment permits the board of canvassers conducting a
recount to determine to conduct the recount of a specific election by hand unless a

court orders the recount to be conducted by another method. The board of canvassers
may also determine to recount by hand for only certain wards or election districts.
Fees for election recounts
Currently, any candidate who receives votes in an election and any elector who
votes in a referendum may petition for a recount of the votes cast. If the difference
between the votes cast for the leading candidate and those cast for the petitioner or
the difference between the affirmative and negative votes cast upon any referendum
question is at least ten votes if 1,000 or fewer votes are cast or more than 0.5 percent
but not more than 2 percent of the total votes if more than 1,000 votes are cast, the
petitioner must pay a fee of $5 per ward or $5 per municipality if a municipality is
not divided into wards. The substitute amendment increases that amount to $25 per
ward or $25 per municipality if a municipality is not divided into wards.
Reporting of attempts to influence legislative action by state agencies
Current law requires employees and officers of state agencies who attempt to
influence legislative action to biennially file a statement that identifies the name of
the agency; the name, title, and salary paid to the employee or officer; the amount
of time spent on the activity; and the general area of legislative action the employee
or officer has attempted to influence. For purposes of this requirement, the statutes
define "agency" to mean "any board, commission, department, office, society,
institution of higher education, council, or committee in the state government" and
certain authorities created under state law, except that "agency" does not include a
council or committee of the legislature. This substitute amendment requires the
officer or employee to report the number of each introduced bill on which the officer
or employee attempts to influence legislative action.
Attempts to influence state procurement decisions
Under current law, no former state public official, other than a former legislator
or legislative employee, may, for compensation, do any of the following on behalf of
any person other than a governmental entity for a period of 12 months following the
date on which he or she ceases to be a state public official: 1) make any formal or
informal appearance before, or negotiate with, any officer or employee of the agency
with which he or she was associated as a state public official within the 12 months
prior to the date on which he or she ceased to be a state public official; or 2) make any
formal or informal appearance before, or negotiate with, any officer or employee of
an agency in connection with any judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding, application,
contract, claim, or charge which might give rise to a judicial or quasi-judicial
proceeding which was under the former official's responsibility as a state public
official within the 12 months prior to the date on which he or she ceased to be a state
public official. Also under current law, no former state public official, other than a
former legislator or legislative employee, may, for compensation, act on behalf of any
party other than the state in connection with any judicial or quasi-judicial
proceeding, application, contract, claim, or charge that might give rise to a judicial
or quasi-judicial proceeding in which the former official participated personally and
substantially as a state public official.

Violators are subject to a forfeiture (civil penalty) of not more than $5,000 for
each violation. Intentional violators are guilty of a misdemeanor and are subject to
a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than
one year or both for each violation.
This substitute amendment adds "proposed procurement" to the matters that
a former state public official is prohibited from attempting to influence for
compensation under the current restrictions.
Currently, with certain exceptions, a principal that engages a lobbyist to
attempt to influence state lawmaking or rulemaking on the principal's behalf must
register and file semiannual reports with GAB containing specified information.
This substitute amendment also requires registration and reporting, subject to the
same exceptions, by any principal, whether or not currently subject to registration
and reporting requirements, that engages a lobbyist to attempt to influence the
specifications for or the award of any state procurement contract or order on behalf
of the principal. Under the substitute amendment, a principal must report any
proposed procurement with respect to which the principal attempts to influence
administrative action, as well as the principal's reasonable estimate of its time spent
in lobbying associated with that procurement.
Violators are subject to a forfeiture of not more than $5,000 for each violation,
except that a principal that fails to report a proposed procurement that the principal
is attempting to influence is subject to a forfeiture of not more than $25 to $100,
depending upon whether the violation constitutes a first or subsequent offense
within a three-year period. A principal that files a report that the principal does not
believe is true is guilty of a felony and is subject to a fine of not more than $10,000
or imprisonment for not more than six years or both for each violation.
Campaign contributions by lobbyists
Currently, a lobbyist may make a campaign contribution to a partisan elective
state official or candidate for partisan elective state office in the year of the official's
or candidate's election between June 1 and the day of the election. This substitute
amendment extends the time during which a lobbyist may make such a contribution
to between the first day authorized by law for the circulation of nomination papers
as a candidate and the day of the election.
Ethics training for lobbyists and legislators
Currently, GAB administers programs to explain the laws that regulate
lobbying and prescribe codes of ethics for state public and elected officials. These
programs are offered to state public officials, elective public officials, and candidates
for public office, among others. This substitute amendment requires any person
seeking a license to practice as a lobbyist to complete four hours of ethics training
administered by GAB within the 24 months preceding the individual's application
to practice as a lobbyist. The substitute amendment also requires each member of
the legislature to complete four hours of ethics training administered by GAB prior
to taking the oath of legislative office.

Scheduling of referendums
Currently, a local government may schedule, or may be required to schedule,
a referendum to be held under various laws for various purposes, including to apply
for a state trust fund loan, to approve the issuance of bonds, to exceed an applicable
levy limit, or to annex territory. In some cases, a referendum must be held at a special
election scheduled for that purpose. In other cases, a referendum may be held
concurrently with a specified election, such as the spring election. In still other cases,
a referendum may be held with any election or at a special election scheduled for that
purpose. Current law occasionally requires the local government to schedule a
referendum within a specified time after a precipitating action, such as two months
after the filing of a petition or application or no sooner than 42 days after the filing
of a resolution. Although more restrictive limitations do apply, current law generally
requires any measure or question to be submitted to a vote of the people, and any
petition requesting that a measure or question be submitted to a vote of the people,
to be filed with the official or agency responsible for preparing the ballots for the
election no later than 70 days prior to the election at which the measure or question
will appear on the ballot.
This substitute amendment provides that a local governmental unit may
schedule a referendum only concurrently with a spring primary (held in most
election districts in each year), a spring election (held in each year), a partisan
primary (held on the second Tuesday in August in an even-numbered year), or a
general election (held in even-numbered years on the Tuesday after the first Monday
in November) or at a special election held to fill vacancies. The substitute
amendment generally permits a referendum to be held at any of the specified
elections, including the next available election following the precipitating action if
holding the referendum at that election would be consistent with any applicable
restrictions on the number of days that must pass after a precipitating action or the
general provision that a measure, question, or petition be filed with the official or
agency responsible for preparing the ballots no later than 70 days prior to the election
at which the measure or question will appear on the ballot.
Under current law, before any group makes or accepts contributions, makes
disbursements, or incurs obligations exceeding $750 in the aggregate in any year to
promote or oppose a referendum, or before any individual accepts contributions,
makes disbursements, or incurs obligations exceeding $750 in the aggregate in any
year for such purpose, that group or individual must file a registration statement
with the appropriate filing officer. This substitute amendment increases the
threshold for filing a registration statement for referendum-related activity from
$750 to $2,500.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 5.02 (19) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,16,32 5.02 (19) "Special election" means any election, other than those described in
3subs. (5), (18) (12s), (21) and (22), to fill vacancies or to conduct a referendum.
AB225-ASA1,2 4Section 2. 5.056 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,16,10 55.056 Matching program with secretary of transportation. The
6administrator of the elections division of the board shall enter into the agreement
7with the secretary of transportation specified under s. 85.61 (1) to match personally
8identifiable information on the official registration list maintained by the board
9under s. 6.36 (1) and the information specified in s. 6.34 (2m) with personally
10identifiable information maintained by the department of transportation.
AB225-ASA1,3 11Section 3. 5.15 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,17,1412 5.15 (6) (b) No later than 30 days before each election, the governing body of
13any municipality may by resolution combine 2 or more wards for voting purposes to
14facilitate using a common polling place. Whenever wards are so combined, the
15original ward numbers shall continue to be utilized for all official purposes. Except
16as otherwise authorized under this paragraph, every municipality having a
17population of 35,000 or more shall maintain separate returns for each ward so
18combined. In municipalities having a population of 35,000 or more, the governing
19body may provide in a resolution that returns for any ward having a population of
2020 or less be combined with returns for any adjacent ward, if the total population of
21the combined wards does not exceed the applicable population range under sub. (2)
22(b) for wards in that municipality.
In municipalities having a population of less than
2335,000, the governing body may provide in the resolution that returns shall be
24maintained only for each group of combined wards at any election. Whenever a
25governing body provides for common ballot boxes and ballots or voting machines,

1that returns shall be maintained only for combined wards under this paragraph, the
2municipality shall report
separate returns shall be maintained results for each
3separate ballot required under ss. 5.62 and 5.58 to 5.64 at the partisan primary and
4general election
. The municipal clerk shall transmit a copy of the resolution to the
5county clerk of each county in which the municipality is contained. In municipalities
6having a population of less than 35,000, the resolution shall remain in effect for each
7election until modified or rescinded, or until a new division is made under this
8section. Whenever needed for purposes of this paragraph, the municipal clerk shall
9determine the population of each ward in his or her municipality. If the population
10of a ward cannot be determined from census results, the clerk shall determine the
11population of the smallest unit encompassing the entire ward that can be determined
12from census results. The clerk shall then divide the land area of the ward by the land
13area of that unit. The clerk shall then multiply that result by the population of the
14unit to determine the population of the ward for purposes of this paragraph.
AB225-ASA1,4 15Section 4. 5.90 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,18,816 5.90 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, recounts of votes cast
17on an electronic voting system shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in s. 9.01.
18Except as provided in this subsection, sub. (2), and s. 9.01 (1) (b) 8s., if the ballots are
19distributed to the electors, the board of canvassers shall recount the ballots with
20automatic tabulating equipment. The board of canvassers shall test the automatic
21tabulating equipment to be used prior to the recount as provided in s. 5.84, and then
22the official ballots or the record of the votes cast shall be recounted on the automatic
23tabulating equipment. In addition, the board of canvassers shall check the ballots
24for the presence or absence of the initials and other distinguishing marks, shall
25examine the ballots marked "Rejected", "Defective" and "Objected to" to determine

1the propriety of such labels, and shall compare the "Duplicate Overvoted Ballots"
2and "Duplicate Damaged Ballots" with their respective originals to determine the
3correctness of the duplicates. Unless a court orders a recount to be conducted by
4another method under sub. (2), the board of canvassers may determine to conduct the
5recount of a specific election by hand and may determine to conduct the recount by
6hand for only certain wards or election districts.
If electronic voting machines are
7used, the board of canvassers shall perform the recount using the permanent paper
8record of the votes cast by each elector, as generated by the machines.
AB225-ASA1,5 9Section 5. 6.24 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,18,1510 6.24 (3) Registration. The overseas elector shall register in the municipality
11where he or she was last domiciled or where the overseas elector's parent was last
12domiciled on a form prescribed by the board designed to ascertain the elector's
13qualifications under this section. The form shall be substantially similar to the
14original form under s. 6.33 (1), insofar as applicable. Registration shall be
15accomplished in accordance with s. 6.30 (4) or (5).
AB225-ASA1,6 16Section 6. 6.275 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,18,2017 6.275 (1) (b) The total number of electors of the municipality residing in that
18county who were preregistered on the deadline specified in s. 6.28 (1), including valid
19mail registrations which are postmarked by that day and valid electronic
20registrations entered under s. 6.30 (5)
AB225-ASA1,7 21Section 7. 6.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,19,1522 6.28 (1) Registration locations; deadline. Except as authorized in ss. 6.29,
236.55 (2), and 6.86 (3) (a) 2., registration in person for any election shall close at 5 p.m.
24on the 3rd Wednesday preceding the election. Registrations made by mail under s.
256.30 (4) must be delivered to the office of the municipal clerk or postmarked no later

1than the 3rd Wednesday preceding the election. Electronic registration for an
2election under s. 6.30 (5) shall close at midnight on the 3rd Wednesday preceding the
All applications for registration corrections and additions may be made
4throughout the year at the office of the city board of election commissioners, at the
5office of the municipal clerk, at the office of the county clerk, or at other locations
6provided by the board of election commissioners or the common council in cities over
7500,000 population or by either or both the municipal clerk, or the common council,
8village or town board in all other municipalities. Other registration locations may
9include but are not limited to fire houses, police stations, public libraries, institutions
10of higher education, supermarkets, community centers, plants and factories, banks,
11savings and loan associations and savings banks. Special registration deputies shall
12be appointed for each location unless the location can be sufficiently staffed by the
13board of election commissioners or the municipal clerk or his or her deputies. An
14elector who wishes to obtain a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2) shall register at
15the office of the municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector resides.
AB225-ASA1,8 16Section 8. 6.30 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,19,1817 6.30 (1) In person. An elector shall apply for registration in person, except as
18provided under sub. subs. (4) and (5) and s. 6.86 (3) (a) 2.
AB225-ASA1,9 19Section 9. 6.30 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB225-ASA1,20,1620 6.30 (5) By electronic application. Any eligible elector who holds a current
21and valid operator's license issued under ch. 343 or a current and valid identification
22card issued under s. 343.50 may register electronically in the manner prescribed by
23the board. The board shall maintain on the Internet a secure registration form that
24enables the elector to enter the information required under s. 6.33 (1) electronically.
25The form shall contain an authorization for the board to obtain from the department

1of transportation an electronic copy of the applicant's signature, which signature
2shall constitute an affirmance that all information provided by the elector is correct
3and shall have the same effect as if the applicant had signed the application
4personally. Upon submittal of the electronic application, the board shall obtain from
5the department of transportation a copy of the electronic signature of the applicant
6and shall integrate the signature into the applicant's electronic application. The
7board shall maintain the electronically integrated application on file together with
8nonelectronic applications and shall notify the municipal clerk or board of election
9commissioners of the municipality where the applicant resides of its receipt of each
10completed application. The board shall also permit any elector who has a current and
11valid operator's license issued to the elector under ch. 343 or a current and valid
12identification card issued under s. 343.50 to make changes in his or her registration
13authorized under s. 6.40 (1) at the same Internet site that is used by electors for
14original registration under this subsection. An elector shall attest to the correctness
15of any changes in the same manner as provided in this subsection for information
16entered on an application for original registration.
AB225-ASA1,10 17Section 10. 6.32 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,20,22 186.32 Verification of certain registrations. (1) Upon receipt of a
19registration form that is submitted by mail under s. 6.30 (4) or by electronic
20application under s. 6.30 (5)
or that is submitted by a special registration deputy
21appointed under s. 6.26, the board or municipal clerk shall examine the form for
AB225-ASA1,21,2 23(2) If the form is insufficient to accomplish registration or the board or clerk
24knows or has reliable information that the proposed elector is not qualified, the board
clerk shall notify the proposed elector within 5 days, if possible, and request that

1the elector appear at the clerk's office or other another registration center location
2to complete a proper registration or substantiate the information presented.
AB225-ASA1,21,6 3(3) If the form is submitted later than the close of registration, the board or
4clerk shall make a good faith effort to notify the elector that he or she may register
5at the clerk's office under s. 6.29 or at the proper polling place or other location
6designated under s. 6.55 (2).
AB225-ASA1,21,17 7(4) If the form is sufficient to accomplish registration and the board or clerk has
8no reliable information to indicate that the proposed elector is not qualified, the
9board or clerk shall enter the elector's name on the registration list and transmit a
101st class letter or postcard to the registrant, specifying the elector's ward or and
11aldermanic district, or both, if any, and polling place. The letter or postcard shall be
12sent within 10 days of receipt of the form. If the letter or postcard is returned, or if
13the board or clerk is informed of a different address than the one specified by the
14elector, the board or clerk shall change the status of the elector on the list from
15eligible to ineligible. The letter or postcard shall be marked in accordance with postal
16regulations to ensure that it will be returned to the board or clerk if the elector does
17not reside at the address given on the letter or postcard.
AB225-ASA1,11 18Section 11. 6.33 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,23,419 6.33 (1) The board shall prescribe the format, size, and shape of registration
20forms. All nonelectronic forms shall be printed on cards and each item of information
21shall be of uniform font size, as prescribed by the board. Except as provided in this
22subsection, electronic forms shall contain the same information as nonelectronic
The municipal clerk shall supply sufficient forms to meet voter registration
24needs. The forms shall be designed to obtain from each applicant information as to
25name; date; residence location; location of previous residence immediately before

1moving to current residence location; citizenship; date of birth; age; the number of
2a current and valid operator's license issued to the elector under ch. 343 or the last
34 digits of the elector's social security account number; whether the applicant has
4resided within the ward or election district for at least 28 the number of consecutive
5days specified in s. 6.02 (1); whether the applicant has been convicted of a felony for
6which he or she has not been pardoned, and if so, whether the applicant is
7incarcerated, or on parole, probation, or extended supervision; whether the applicant
8is disqualified on any other ground from voting; and whether the applicant is
9currently registered to vote at any other location. The Except as provided in s. 6.30
10(5), the
form shall include a space for the applicant's signature. Below the space for
11the signature, the form shall state "Falsification of information on this form is
12punishable under Wisconsin law as a Class I felony.". The form shall include a space
13to enter the name of any special registration deputy under s. 6.26 or 6.55 (6) or
14inspector, municipal clerk, or deputy clerk under s. 6.55 (2) who obtains the form and
15a space for the deputy, inspector, clerk, or deputy clerk to sign his or her name,
16affirming that the deputy, inspector, clerk, or deputy clerk has accepted the form.
17The form shall include a space for entry of the ward and aldermanic district, if any,
18where the elector resides and any other information required to determine the offices
19and referenda for which the elector is certified to vote. The form shall also include
20a space where the clerk may record an indication of whether the form is received by
21mail or by electronic application, a space where the clerk may record an indication
22of the type of identifying document submitted by the elector as proof of residence
23under s. 6.34 or an indication that the elector's information in lieu of proof of
24residence was verified under s. 6.34 (2m)
, whenever required, and a space where the
25clerk, for any applicant who possesses a valid voting identification card issued to the

1person under s. 6.47 (3), may record the identification serial number appearing on
2the voting identification card. Each county clerk shall obtain sufficient registration
3forms for completion by an elector who desires to register to vote at the office of the
4county clerk under s. 6.28 (4).
AB225-ASA1,12 5Section 12. 6.33 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,23,186 6.33 (2) (a) All information may be recorded by any person, except that the ward
7and aldermanic district, if any, other geographic information under sub. (1), the
8indication of whether the registration is received by mail or by electronic application,
9the type of identifying document submitted by the elector as proof of residence under
10s. 6.34 or the indication of verification of information in lieu of proof of residence
11under s. 6.34 (2m)
, whenever required, and any information relating to an applicant's
12voting identification card shall be recorded by the clerk. Each Except as provided in
13s. 6.30 (5), each
applicant shall sign his or her own name unless the applicant is
14unable to sign his or her name due to physical disability. In such case, the applicant
15may authorize another elector to sign the form on his or her behalf. If the applicant
16so authorizes, the elector signing the form shall attest to a statement that the
17application is made upon request and by authorization of a named elector who is
18unable to sign the form due to physical disability.
AB225-ASA1,13 19Section 13. 6.34 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,24,820 6.34 (2) Upon completion of a registration form prescribed under s. 6.33, each
21eligible elector who is required to register under s. 6.27, who is not a military elector
22or an overseas elector, and who registers after the close of registration under s. 6.29
23or 6.86 (3) (a) 2., shall provide an one of the identifying document that establishes
24documents specified in sub. (3) to establish proof of residence under sub. (3). Each.
25Except as authorized in sub. (2m), each
eligible elector who is required to register

1under s. 6.27, who is not a military elector or an overseas elector, who registers by
2mail or by electronic application, and who has not voted in an election in this state
3shall, if voting in person, provide an one of the identifying document that establishes
4documents specified in sub. (3) to establish proof of residence under sub. (3) or, if
5voting by absentee ballot, provide a copy of an identifying document specified in sub.
that establishes proof of residence under in sub. (3). If the elector registered by
7mail or by electronic application, the identifying document may not be a residential
AB225-ASA1,14 9Section 14. 6.34 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB225-ASA1,24,1410 6.34 (2m) An elector who registers by electronic application under s. 6.30 (5)
11is not required to provide proof of residence under sub. (2) if, at the time of
12registration, the elector provides the number of a current and valid operator's license
13issued under ch. 343 together with the elector's name and date of birth and the board
14is able to verify the information using the system maintained under sub. (4).
AB225-ASA1,15 15Section 15. 6.34 (3) (a) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,24,1816 6.34 (3) (a) 8. A utility bill, including a bill for cellular or wireless telephone
for the period commencing not earlier than 90 days before the day
18registration is made.
AB225-ASA1,16 19Section 16. 6.34 (3) (a) 9. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,24,2120 6.34 (3) (a) 9. A bank statement from a financial institution, as defined in s.
21705.01 (3)
AB225-ASA1,17 22Section 17. 6.34 (3) (a) 12. of the statutes is created to read:
AB225-ASA1,24,2423 6.34 (3) (a) 12. A credit card statement for the period commencing not earlier
24than 90 days before the day registration is made.
AB225-ASA1,18 25Section 18. 6.34 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
16.34 (4) The board shall maintain a system that electronically verifies, on an
2instant basis, information submitted in lieu of proof of residence under sub. (2m),
3using the information maintained by the department of transportation pursuant to
4the board's agreement with the secretary of transportation under s. 85.61 (1).
AB225-ASA1,19 5Section 19. 6.35 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,25,86 6.35 (1) (intro.) Under the direction of the municipal clerk or board of election
7commissioners, the original registration forms shall be filed in one of the following
8ways, except as provided in sub. subs. (1m) and (2):
AB225-ASA1,20 9Section 20. 6.35 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB225-ASA1,25,1210 6.35 (2) The board shall prescribe, by rule, the procedure and methods by which
11municipal clerks and boards of election commissioners shall maintain records of
12registrations that are entered electronically under s. 6.30 (5).
AB225-ASA1,21 13Section 21. 6.36 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB225-ASA1,26,314 6.36 (2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), each registration list prepared for use
15as a poll list at a polling place or for purposes of canvassing absentee ballots at an
16election shall contain the full name and address of each registered elector; a blank
17column for the entry of the serial number of the electors when they vote or the poll
18list number used by the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers in canvassing
19absentee ballots; an indication next to the name of each elector for whom proof of
20residence under s. 6.34 is required; a space for entry of the elector's signature, or if
21another person signed the elector's registration form for the elector by reason of the
22elector's physical disability, the word "exempt"; and a form of certificate bearing the
23certification of the administrator of the elections division of the board stating that
24the list is a true and complete registration list of the municipality or the ward or
25wards for which the list is prepared. The board shall, by rule, prescribe determine

1the space and location for entry of each elector's signature on the poll list which. The
shall provide for entry of the elector's signature without changing the
3orientation of the poll list from the orientation used by the election officials.