3"(f) Establish and maintain a scholarship program that provides a reduced fee
4for participation in a driver improvement course by a person to whom any of the
5following applies:
1. The person is a recipient of means-tested public assistance, including aid to
7families with dependent children, relief funded by a relief block grant under ch. 49,
8relief provided by counties under s. 59.53 (21), medical assistance, supplemental
9security income, food stamps, or benefits received by veterans under s. 45.40 (1m).
2. The person is represented by an attorney through a legal services program
11for indigent persons, including, without limitation, those funded by the federal legal
12services corporation, the state public defender, or volunteer attorney programs based
13on indigency.
13. The person is unable, because of poverty, to pay the full fee for participation
2in a driver improvement course. In determining the person's ability under this
3subdivision to pay the full fee for the course, the vendor shall consider the person's
4household size, income, expenses, assets, and debts and the federal poverty line
42 USC 9902 (2).".