Muskego, City of

Mutza, Mark Joseph

Nation of Patriots 2013 Patriot Tour

Nation of Patriots 2014 Patriot Tour

National Black Fellowship

National Healthy Schools Day

Nauber-Finch, Joshua

Nazer, Ray

NDT Solutions, Inc.

Neckar, Ed

Neillsville High School girls’ basketball team

Nelsen, Victoria

Nelson, Anders

Nelson Surveying

New Berlin East Lions Club

New Berlin Police Department

New Berlin Soap Box Derby

New Day Shelter (Ashland)

Niemann, Charles

Nigbor, Marcus

Niles, Oliver

Nolan, Samuel R.

Noll, Jason

Nordeen, Austin

Northern Metal Fab, Inc.

Nowaczynski, Tre

Nucor Cold Finish Wisconsin, Inc.

Nysse, Josh

Oakfield woman’s softball team

Oaks, Jeremy Grieg

Oates, Daniel

Oberst, Katie J.

Oconto Blue Devils High School boys baseball team

O’Hara, Pat

Olewinski, Steven

Olson, Myron “Tub”

Olson, Virginia

Onesti, Marion

Osborn, Dakota

Osdene, Michelle

Osmanski, Zarah E.

Ouellette, Donna

Our Redeemer Lutheran School

Ozak, Bryce Allen

Paape, Alexa N.

Paluda, Michael

Pankow, Alexander

Park Manor

Parker, Jeffrey

Pasterski, Matthew Ryan

Paukner, Mitchell

Pauls, Regan

Paulson, Carmen Marie

Peace for Change Alliance, Inc.

Pederson, Bradley “Brad” A.

Pedley, Scott

Pellett, Zane

Peneau, Curtis

Peterson, Dorothy (Johnson)

Peterson, Grace Weesner

Peterson, Laurel

Petrie, Silas Benjamin

Phillips, John

Phillips, Miles

Pierce, Benjamin

Pierce, Nathan B.

Pine Valley Health Care and Rehabilitation Center

Plaman, Adam M.

Plat Elementary School

Pliszka, Jake

Pluskota, Colleen

Poborsky, Owen

Pogorzelski, Zachary Valentine

Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative

Polus, John

Pomietlo, Alexis

Poole, John

Porter, Andrew

Porter, Ted

Potter, Don

Precision Color Graphics

Prem Meats & Catering

Probst, Ales

Process Retail Group

Product Services & Manufacturing Corporation

Pronschinske, Jason

Propp, Edith Mae

Pugh, McKenna

Pulver, Grant
