Krug 55
Kuglitsch 72
Larson, T 43
LeMahieu 24
Loudenbeck 46
Marklein 51
Mason 61
Milroy 35
Murphy 71
Mursau 44
Murtha 49
Nass 41
Nerison 76
Nygren 15
Ohnstad 68
Ott, A 96
Ott, J 52
Pasch 6
Petersen 80
Petryk 23
Pope-Roberts 60
Pridemore 45
Richards 10
Riemer 12
Ringhand 32
Ripp 53
Sanfelippo 82
Sargent 31
Schraa 79
Severson 47
Shankland 89
Sinicki 63
Smith 37
Spiros 27
Steineke 2
Stone 56
Strachota 20
Stroebel 93
Suder 1
Swearingen 78
Tauchen 100
Taylor, C 64
Thiesfeldt 54
Tittl 70
Tranel 75
Vos 4
Vruwink 36
Wachs 87
Weatherston 26
Weininger 91
Williams 19
Wright 59
Young 90
Zamarripa 7 Zepnick 33
Speaker Vos introduced a privileged resolution.
hist640Introduction and Reference of Proposals Assembly Resolution 1
Relating to: notifying the senate and the governor that the 2013-2014 assembly is organized.
By Representatives Vos and Suder.
hist647The question was: Shall Assembly Resolution 1 be adopted? The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Barca, Barnes, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bernier, Bewley, Bies, Billings, Born, Brooks, Clark, Craig, Czaja, Danou, Doyle, Endsley, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hintz, Honadel, Hulsey, Hutton, Jacque, Jagler, Johnson, Jorgensen, Kahl, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kessler, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knodl, Knudson, Kolste, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Mason, Milroy, Murphy, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, Ohnstad, A. Ott, J. Ott, Pasch, Petersen, Petryk, Pope, Pridemore, Richards, Riemer, Ringhand, Ripp, Sanfelippo, Sargent, Schraa, Severson, Shankland, Sinicki, Smith, Spiros, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Swearingen, Tauchen, C. Taylor, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Tranel, Vruwink, Wachs, Weatherston, Weininger, Williams, Wright, Young, Zamarripa, Zepnick and Speaker Vos - 98.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - None.
Motion carried.
Speaker Vos introduced a privileged resolution.
hist642Introduction and Reference of Proposals Assembly Resolution 2
Relating to: establishing the assembly committee structure and names for the 2013-2014 legislative session.
By Representatives Vos and Suder.
hist648The question was: Shall Assembly Resolution 2 be adopted? The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Barca, Barnes, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bernier, Bewley, Bies, Billings, Born, Brooks, Clark, Craig, Czaja, Danou, Doyle, Endsley, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hintz, Honadel, Hulsey, Hutton, Jacque, Jagler, Johnson, Jorgensen, Kahl, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kessler, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knodl, Knudson, Kolste, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Mason, Milroy, Murphy, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, Ohnstad, A. Ott, J. Ott, Pasch, Petersen, Petryk, Pope, Pridemore, Richards, Riemer, Ringhand, Ripp, Sanfelippo, Sargent, Schraa, Severson, Shankland, Sinicki, Smith, Spiros, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Swearingen, Tauchen, C. Taylor, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Tranel, Vruwink, Wachs, Weatherston, Weininger, Williams, Wright, Young, Zamarripa, Zepnick and Speaker Vos - 98.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - None.
Motion carried.
Message from the Senate
From: Jeffrey Renk, Senate Chief Clerk.
Mr. Speaker: