By Representatives Bies, Bewley, Milroy, Ballweg, Berceau, Bernier, Brooks, Czaja, Goyke, Jacque, Knudson, Kolste, T. Larson, Ohnstad, A. Ott, Ringhand, Spiros, Tittl, Wachs and Bernard Schaber; cosponsored by Senators Harsdorf, Jauch, Kedzie, Gudex and Lassa.
Relating to: snowmobile registration, trail use sticker requirements, and funding for supplemental snowmobile trail aids.
By Representatives Czaja, Danou, Ballweg, Bernier, Bies, Endsley, Hesselbein, Hulsey, Jorgensen, Kahl, Kolste, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Milroy, Murphy, A. Ott, Ohnstad, Petryk, Ripp, Wachs, Weatherston, Weininger, Swearingen, Brooks, Wright, Born, Knodl and Thiesfeldt; cosponsored by Senators Gudex, Jauch, Cowles, T. Cullen, Erpenbach, Hansen, Harsdorf, Lassa, Leibham, Olsen, Shilling, L. Taylor, Vinehout and Lehman.
Relating to: a dental hygienist's administration of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia and practice of dental hygiene.
By Representatives Severson, Bernier, Bewley, Bies, Kooyenga, Mason, Pridemore, Spiros, Swearingen, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Wachs, Weatherston and Wright; cosponsored by Senators Harsdorf, Vukmir, Tiffany, Lehman and Grothman.
Relating to: investigation of deaths involving a law enforcement officer.
By Representatives Bies, C. Taylor, Berceau, Goyke, Kahl, Kessler and T. Larson; cosponsored by Senators L. Taylor, Lehman and Risser.
Relating to: nonconforming uses and manufactured home communities.
By Representatives Kleefisch, T. Larson, Schraa and Ohnstad.
hist10163To committee on Housing and Real Estate. Relating to: limitation of a property owner's liability when lands are used for noncommercial aviation.
By Representatives Tittl, Bies, Brooks, Kaufert, Kestell, Knodl, T. Larson, Murphy, Murtha, Ripp, Smith and Thiesfeldt; cosponsored by Senators Leibham, Grothman, Gudex, Hansen, Harsdorf and Lassa.
hist10164To committee on Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage. Relating to: exemption of outside salespersons from the minimum wage law.
By Representatives Born, Kestell and Jacque; cosponsored by Senator S. Fitzgerald.
Relating to: income and franchise tax credits for insulating concrete forms used to construct a building.
By Representatives Endsley, Brooks, Kessler, Kestell and T. Larson; cosponsored by Senators Leibham, Kedzie and Schultz.
Relating to: purchase of military service under the Wisconsin Retirement System.
By Representatives Petryk, Brooks, Kaufert, Bernier, LeMahieu, Born, Marklein, Murtha, Wright, Kestell, Kahl, Thiesfeldt, Petersen, Bies, Berceau, Ripp, Bernard Schaber, Mursau and Weatherston; cosponsored by Senators Gudex, Jauch, Farrow, Harsdorf, Hansen, Lehman, Leibham, Lassa, Cowles, Schultz and Moulton.
Relating to: changing the method by which a municipality may collect the costs of razing a building from a property owner.
By Representatives Nygren, Tittl, Bernier, Bewley, Brooks, Doyle, Kahl, Kooyenga, Krug, LeMahieu, Marklein, Murphy, Mursau, Petersen, Smith, Strachota, Tranel and Weatherston; cosponsored by Senators Olsen, Cowles, T. Cullen, Leibham, Schultz and Wirch.
hist10168To committee on Urban and Local Affairs. Relating to: the sharing of tax increments.
By Representatives Steineke, Murphy, Born and Ohnstad; cosponsored by Senator Cowles.
hist10169To committee on State and Local Finance. _____________
Committee Reports
The committee on Education reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 343
Relating to: the distribution by schools of a concussion and head injury information sheet and the participation by pupils in a youth athletic activity.
Ayes: 8 - Representatives Kestell, Jagler, Pridemore, Thiesfeldt, Pope, Clark, Wright and Hesselbein.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 348
Relating to: substitute special education teachers and paraprofessional staffing services.
Ayes: 8 - Representatives Kestell, Jagler, Pridemore, Thiesfeldt, Pope, Clark, Wright and Hesselbein.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 8 - Representatives Kestell, Jagler, Pridemore, Thiesfeldt, Pope, Clark, Wright and Hesselbein.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 370
Relating to: allowing pupils in grades 7 and 8 to earn high school credit.
Ayes: 8 - Representatives Kestell, Jagler, Pridemore, Thiesfeldt, Pope, Clark, Wright and Hesselbein.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Education
The committee on State and Local Finance reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 255
Relating to: lengthening the time during which tax increments may be allocated and expenditures for project costs may be made for Tax Incremental District Number 1 in the village of Wales.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Stroebel, Born, Kestell, Weatherston, Tauchen, Zepnick and Hintz.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Stroebel, Born, Kestell, Weatherston, Tauchen, Zepnick and Hintz.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 285
Relating to: deadlines for claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel bulk plants, repealing the woodland tax, property tax publications, the manufacturing and agriculture tax credit, manufacturing property tax assessment objections, and reporting capital stock transfers.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Stroebel, Born, Kestell, Weatherston, Tauchen, Zepnick and Hintz.
Noes: 0.
Committee on State and Local Finance