One-Hundred and First Regular Session
3:05 P.M. THURSDAY, October 10, 2013
The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber located in the State Capitol.
Speaker Pro Tempore August in the Chair.
The Assembly dispensed with the call of the roll.
Amendments Offered
hist10753Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 270 offered by Representative Loudenbeck. hist10754Assembly Amendment 2 to Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 270 offered by Representative Loudenbeck. hist10700Assembly Amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 399 offered by Representative Petryk. _____________
Introduction and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Relating to: public notice for meetings of assembly committees.
By Representatives Richards, Barca, Barnes, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Billings, Doyle, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Johnson, Kahl, Kessler, Kolste, Mason, Ohnstad, Pope, Sargent, Shankland, C. Taylor, Vruwink, Wright, Young and Zamarripa.
hist10743To committee on Assembly Organization. Relating to: commending the Honor Flight Network and its volunteers.
By Representatives Vos, Petryk, Kramer, Ballweg, Barnes, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bernier, Bewley, Bies, Born, Clark, Czaja, Doyle, Endsley, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hintz, Hulsey, Hutton, Jacque, Jagler, Jorgensen, Kahl, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kleefisch, Kolste, Krug, LeMahieu, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Mason, Murphy, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nygren, Ohnstad, A. Ott, Pasch, Petersen, Pridemore, Riemer, Sanfelippo, Smith, Spiros, Strachota, Swearingen, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Vruwink, Wachs, Weatherston, Williams and Zamarripa.
Relating to: proclaiming November 2013 as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.
By Representatives Ballweg, Berceau, Bernier, Bies, Danou, Endsley, Hesselbein, Hintz, Jacque, Jorgensen, Kahl, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kleefisch, Kolste, Marklein, Milroy, Murphy, Ohnstad, A. Ott, Petryk, Pope, Pridemore, Ringhand, Ripp, Shankland, Spiros, Strachota, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Tranel, Vruwink, Williams and Wright; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Cowles, Hansen, Kedzie, Lassa, Lazich, Lehman, Olsen, Risser, Schultz, Shilling and Wirch.
Relating to: requiring the legislature to enact laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to meetings of governmental bodies, including legislative committees, and making members of the legislature subject to citations and civil penalties for violations of such laws (first consideration).
By Representatives Richards, Barca, Barnes, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Billings, Doyle, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Johnson, Kahl, Kessler, Kolste, Mason, Ohnstad, Pope, Sargent, Shankland, C. Taylor, Vruwink, Wright, Young and Zamarripa; cosponsored by Senators Vinehout, C. Larson, Carpenter, Harris, Lehman, Risser and Wirch.
Relating to: public notice for assembly, senate, and joint committee meetings.
By Representatives Richards, Barca, Barnes, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Billings, Doyle, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Johnson, Kahl, Kessler, Kolste, Mason, Ohnstad, Pope, Sargent, Shankland, C. Taylor, Vruwink, Wright, Young and Zamarripa; cosponsored by Senators Vinehout, C. Larson, Carpenter, Harris, Lehman, Risser and Wirch.
hist10724To committee on Assembly Organization. Relating to: honoring Caron Butler on his return to his home state of Wisconsin to play for the Milwaukee Bucks.
By Representatives Mason, Weatherston, Barca, Ohnstad, Kerkman, Barnes, Johnson, Riemer, Zamarripa, Kooyenga, Young, Hintz, Berceau, Murtha, Tittl, Jorgensen, Goyke and Pasch; cosponsored by Senators Lehman, Wirch, C. Larson, Harris, L. Taylor, Cowles and Darling.
Committee Reports
The committee on Government Operations and State Licensing reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 270
Relating to: additional providers in the volunteer health care provider program and proof of financial responsibility and malpractice insurance requirements for certain advanced practice nurses serving as volunteer health care providers.
hist10716Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 adoption: Ayes: 11 - Representatives August, Craig, Knodl, Kooyenga, Hutton, Nass, Neylon, Sinicki, Hulsey, Ringhand and Kessler.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives August, Craig, Knodl, Kooyenga, Hutton, Nass, Neylon, Sinicki, Hulsey, Ringhand and Kessler.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 291
Relating to: requirements concerning barbering and cosmetology licensure.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives August, Craig, Knodl, Kooyenga, Hutton, Nass, Neylon, Sinicki, Hulsey, Ringhand and Kessler.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives August, Craig, Knodl, Kooyenga, Hutton, Nass, Neylon, Sinicki, Hulsey, Ringhand and Kessler.
Noes: 0.