Relating to: appointment of treasurer in Milwaukee county (first consideration).
By Representatives Riemer, Sanfelippo, Zamarripa, Barnes, Craig, Goyke, Kooyenga, Pasch, Sinicki, Young, Zepnick and Kuglitsch; cosponsored by Senators Carpenter, Harris and L. Taylor.
hist14717To committee on State Affairs and Government Operations. Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates displaying the words Support Planned Parenthood and making an appropriation.
By Representatives C. Taylor, Barnes, Berceau, Hesselbein, Hulsey, Kahl, Kessler, Ohnstad and Sargent; cosponsored by Senators Harris and Risser.
Relating to: employment discrimination on the basis of family status.
By Representatives Riemer, Genrich, Barnes, Berceau, Billings, Clark, Goyke, Hesselbein, Hulsey, Johnson, Jorgensen, Kahl, Kessler, Mason, Ohnstad, Pasch, Pope, Ringhand, Sargent, Sinicki, C. Taylor, Vruwink, Wright, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Harris, C. Larson, Lehman and Risser.
Relating to: reporting deaths; death investigations and other duties of coroners and medical examiners; disposition of bodies; creating a medicolegal investigation examining board; licensure of coroners, medical examiners, and medicolegal investigation staff members; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing penalties.
By Representatives Vruwink, Kleefisch, Loudenbeck, Goyke, Bies, Kahl, Berceau, Pope, Ohnstad and Wachs; cosponsored by Senator Lassa.
hist14734To committee on State Affairs and Government Operations. Relating to: creation of a wage council to study and make recommendations concerning increases in the living wage and granting rule-making authority.
By Representatives Sinicki, Barnes, Kahl, Barca, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bewley, Billings, Clark, Danou, Doyle, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hulsey, Johnson, Jorgensen, Kolste, Ohnstad, Pasch, Pope, Richards, Ringhand, Sargent, Shankland, Smith, Vruwink, Wachs, Wright, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Harris, Carpenter, T. Cullen, L. Taylor and Vinehout.
Relating to: changing the names, Wisconsin higher education grants, and tuition grants, to Wisconsin grants.
By Representatives Ballweg, Bies, Kahl, Ripp and Thiesfeldt; cosponsored by Senators Risser, Olsen and Lassa.
hist14736To committee on Colleges and Universities. Relating to: school district bonds, promissory notes, and state trust fund loans.
By Representatives Strachota, Stroebel, Nygren, Murphy, Kooyenga, Marklein, Nass, Pridemore, Bies, Kestell, Craig and Thiesfeldt; cosponsored by Senators Lasee and Lazich.
Relating to: the procedure for deciding certain claims against the state filed with the claims board and making appropriations.
By Representatives Strachota, Bernier, Kooyenga and Czaja; cosponsored by Senator Grothman.
hist14738To committee on State Affairs and Government Operations. Relating to: prohibiting municipalities from providing alcohol beverages retailers with identification scanners.
By Representatives Craig, Schraa, Kessler, Ballweg, Bernier, Czaja, Jagler, Kahl, Knodl, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Loudenbeck, Murtha, Nass, Ohnstad, Pridemore, Sanfelippo, Swearingen and Vruwink; cosponsored by Senators Petrowski and Gudex.
hist14739To committee on Urban and Local Affairs. Relating to: prohibition on tracking the location of a cellular telephone by law enforcement without a warrant.
By Representatives Hutton, Sargent, August, Ballweg, Berceau, Bewley, Craig, Czaja, Kapenga, Kessler, Kleefisch, Knudson, Kooyenga, Murphy, Nass, Ohnstad, Sanfelippo, Sinicki, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Vruwink and Wachs; cosponsored by Senators Grothman and Lehman.
Committee Reports
The committee on Environment and Forestry reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 494
Relating to: the waiver of fees imposed on waste disposed of at a solid or hazardous waste disposal facility.
Ayes: 8 - Representatives Mursau, Krug, Czaja, Loudenbeck, Stroebel, Danou, Milroy and Clark.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Environment and Forestry
The committee on Judiciary reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 69
Relating to: requiring a mandatory minimum sentence for causing bodily harm to another while driving while intoxicated and providing a penalty.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives J. Ott, Jacque, Kerkman, August, T. Larson, Craig, Hebl, Wachs and Goyke.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives J. Ott, Jacque, Kerkman, August, T. Larson, Craig and Wachs.
Noes: 2 - Representatives Hebl and Goyke.
Assembly Bill 70
Relating to: mandatory period of confinement for homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle and providing a penalty.
Ayes: 6 - Representatives J. Ott, Jacque, Kerkman, August, T. Larson and Craig.
Noes: 3 - Representatives Hebl, Wachs and Goyke.
Assembly Bill 71
Relating to: penalties for operating-while-intoxicated offenses and providing a penalty.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives J. Ott, Jacque, Kerkman, August, T. Larson, Craig, Hebl, Wachs and Goyke.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives J. Ott, Jacque, Kerkman, August, T. Larson, Craig, Hebl, Wachs and Goyke.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives J. Ott, Jacque, Kerkman, August, T. Larson, Craig, Hebl, Wachs and Goyke.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 72
Relating to: seizure and forfeiture of motor vehicles used in certain operating-while-intoxicated offenses and providing a penalty.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives J. Ott, Jacque, Kerkman, August, T. Larson, Craig, Hebl, Wachs and Goyke.
Noes: 0.