State of Wisconsin’s Investment Board’s Annual Report
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 13.94 (1)(df) and 25.17 51)
Received on December 20, 2013
  Department of Administration
  Study on the consolidation of the Department of Safety   and Professional Services and the Department of   Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
  Pursuant to section 9101 (3s) of 2013 Wisconsin Act 20
Received on December 26, 2013
  Department of Natural Resources
General Permit to place fish habitat structures on   navigable waters
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 30.206 (1)(a) and 30.206 (1)(am)
Received on December 27, 2013
Referred to Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage
  Medical College of Wisconsin
Breast and Prostate Cancer Research Program Annual   Report
Received on December 27, 2013
Referred to Health
  Department of Public Instruction
Economic impact analysis of three permanent rule   changes submitted to the Legislative Council
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 227.137(4)
Received on December 27, 2013
Referred to joint committee on Finance
  Department of Administration
  Temporary reallocation of balances
  Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 20.002 (11)(f)
  Received on December 30, 2013
Referred to Ways and Means and joint committee on   Finance
  Department of Children and Families
  2012 Child Abuse and Neglect Report
  Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 48.981
  Received on December 30, 2013
Referred to Children and Families