Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer substance abuse treatment and diversion from incarceration and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Nygren, Bies, Ballweg, Bernier, Born, Brooks, Endsley, Kaufert, Kleefisch, Knudson, Kooyenga, Krug, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Marklein, Murphy, Mursau, A. Ott, Petryk, Schraa, Spiros, Strachota, Tranel, Weatherston, Barnes, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Billings, Clark, Doyle, Goyke, Hesselbein, Hintz, Johnson, Kahl, Kolste, Mason, Ohnstad, Pasch, Riemer, Richards, Ringhand, C. Taylor, Wachs, Wright and Young; cosponsored by Senators Darling, S. Fitzgerald, Cowles, Gudex, Harsdorf, Leibham, Olsen, Petrowski, Carpenter, Harris, Jauch, Shilling, L. Taylor, Vinehout, Wirch and Lehman.
Relating to: rule-making procedures and practice standards for certified public accountants.
By Representatives Marklein, Kooyenga, Klenke, Kapenga and LeMahieu; cosponsored by Senator Grothman.
hist17804To committee on State Affairs and Government Operations. Relating to: the registration of antique snowmobiles.
By Representatives Williams, Loudenbeck, Ballweg, Mursau, A. Ott, Brooks, Czaja, T. Larson, Swearingen, Ripp, Kahl, Wright, Milroy, Bies and Thiesfeldt; cosponsored by Senators Tiffany, Grothman, Olsen, Schultz, Risser, Vinehout and L. Taylor.
hist17805To committee on Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage. Relating to: local airports and the process for enacting aerial approach ordinances.
By Representatives Schraa, Thiesfeldt, Bies, A. Ott, Krug, Bernier and Spiros; cosponsored by Senators Gudex and Grothman.
hist17806To committee on Urban and Local Affairs. Relating to: signs for the Nichole M. Frye Memorial Bridge on STH 141 in Oconto County.
By Representative Mursau.
Relating to: fees charged for credentials administered by the department of safety and professional services.
By Representatives August, Kulp, Craig, Bies, Czaja, Jacque, Kooyenga, Murphy, Murtha, Nass, Pridemore, Sanfelippo and Skowronski.
hist17808To committee on State Affairs and Government Operations. _____________
Reference Bureau Corrections
1. Page 4, line 5: delete “more then” and substitute “more than”.