Relating to elections to Employee Trust Fund Board and Teachers Retirement Board.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to requiring access to wire cutters when trolling in outlying waters.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to livestock premises registration.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to fee for screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders and other services.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to the "grow Wisconsin dairy producer" grant and loan program.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to district board member appointments.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to retail food establishment.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to auto title loans.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to payday lending.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to telephone solicitations; no-call and no-text list.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to restaurants and the Wisconsin Food Code, and affecting small businesses.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to allowing certain selected Wisconsin state-inspected meat establishments to sell meat and meat products in other state and affecting small business.
No action taken on March 28, 2013.
Relating to determination of eligibility for assignment of publicly appointed counsel.
No action taken on April 1, 2013.
Relating to determination of ability to pay.
No action taken on April 1, 2013.
Relating to the uniform traffic citation.
No action taken on April 1, 2013.
Relating to licenses authorizing persons to carry concealed weapons; concealed carry certification cards for qualified former federal law enforcement officers; the recognition by Wisconsin of concealed carry licenses issued by other states; and the certification of firearms safety and training instructors.
No action taken on April 1, 2013.
Senate Chairperson
Advice and Consent of the Senate
Motions Under Senate Rule 98 and Joint Rule 7
for the Month of March 2013
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Schultz, for Don Adelman, on the occasion of dedicating 30 years to providing the residents of the Town of Westford.
A certificate of commendations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Gudex, for Blake Anderson, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Harsdorf, for Mitchell Ditlefsen, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Fitzgerald, for Christy Dobbratz, on the occasion of earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
A certificate of commendations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for the Dominican Knights High School Boys Basketball team, on the occasion of being the WIAA Division 4 Champions, and on their outstanding season.
A certificate of commendations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Erpenbach, for Wayne Hefty, on the occasion of his retirement from the Town Board Supervisor of the Town of Springfield and wish him well on his future endeavors.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for Peter G. Hoell, on the occasion of for being named the 2012 Citizen of the Year.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Miller, for Dorie Janssen, on the occasion of earning and attaining the Girl Scout Gold Award.
A certificate of commendations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Darling, for the Germantown High School Boys Basketball team, on the occasion of being the WIAA Division 1 Champions, and on their outstanding season and second consecutive state title.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Miller, for Mr. Hayden Edgar Milligan, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Hansen, for Benjamin Janquart, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Schultz, for Steve Kohlstedt, on the occasion of his dedicated 30 years of service as an Agriculture and Community Resource Agent for the University of Wisconsin Extension.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Vukmir, for Alexander Pankow, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Erpenbach, for Danielle Seeger, on the occasion of earning and attaining the Girl Scout Gold Award.
A certificate of commendations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Lazich, for Andrew John Semancik, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendations by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Harsdorf, for Ms. Tasha Schuh, on the occasion of being crowned Ms. Wheelchair USA and wish her success in her future endeavors.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Vinehout, for Alexandra Zuelke, on the occasion of earning and attaining the Girl Scout Gold Award.