The following bill(s), originating in the Senate, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
Bill Number Act Number Date Approved
hist15316Senate Bill 110 103 December 13, 2013 hist15312Senate Bill 118 98 December 13, 2013 hist15310Senate Bill 119 97 December 13, 2013 hist15300Senate Bill 220 90 December 13, 2013 hist15308Senate Bill 240 94 December 13, 2013 hist15314Senate Bill 247 100 December 13, 2013 hist15306Senate Bill 258 93 December 13, 2013 hist15318Senate Bill 275 107 December 13, 2013 hist15320Senate Bill 294 108 December 13, 2013 hist15322Senate Bill 295 109 December 13, 2013 hist15324Senate Bill 296 110 December 13, 2013 hist15302Senate Bill 371 91 December 13, 2013 hist15304Senate Bill 384 92 December 13, 2013 Sincerely,
Pursuant to s. 35.095 (1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes, the following 2013 Act(s) have been published: Act Number Bill Number Publication Date
hist15301Wisconsin Act 90 220 December 14, 2013 hist15303Wisconsin Act 91 371 December 14, 2013 hist15305Wisconsin Act 92 384 December 14, 2013 hist15307Wisconsin Act 93 258 December 14, 2013 hist15309Wisconsin Act 94 240 December 14, 2013 hist15311Wisconsin Act 97 119 December 14, 2013 hist15313Wisconsin Act 98 118 December 14, 2013 hist15315Wisconsin Act 100 247 December 14, 2013 hist15317Wisconsin Act 103 110 December 14, 2013 hist15319Wisconsin Act 107 275 December 14, 2013 hist15321Wisconsin Act 108 294 December 14, 2013 hist15323Wisconsin Act 109 295 December 14, 2013 hist15325Wisconsin Act 110 296 December 14, 2013 _____________
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
Relating to education.
Submitted by Department of Safety and Professional Services.
hist15068Report received from Agency, December 10, 2013. hist15334Referred to committee on Health and Human Services, December 16, 2013. Relating to renewable resource credits.
Submitted by Public Service Commission.
hist15070Report received from Agency, December 10, 2013. hist15335Referred to committee on Energy, Consumer Protection, and Government Reform, December 16, 2013. Relating to animal disease control and animal movement, and animal markets, dealers and truckers, and affecting small business.
Submitted by Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.
hist15071Report received from Agency, December 10, 2013. hist15336Referred to committee on Agriculture, Small Business, and Tourism, December 16, 2013. Relating to home improvement practices and basement waterproofing practices, and affecting small businesses.
Submitted by Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.
hist15072Report received from Agency, December 10, 2013. hist15337Referred to committee on Agriculture, Small Business, and Tourism, December 16, 2013. Relating to hearings, injunctions, and warnings.
Submitted by Department of Safety and Professional Services.
hist15073Report received from Agency, December 10, 2013. hist15338Referred to committee on Judiciary and Labor, December 16, 2013. Relating to copy of diploma requirement.
Submitted by Department of Safety and Professional Services.
hist15074Report received from Agency, December 10, 2013. hist15339Referred to committee on Health and Human Services, December 16, 2013.