5:03 P.M.
The Senate reconvened.
Senator Kedzie in the chair.
Senator Cowles withdrew his motion that Assembly Bill 644 be referred to the joint committee on Finance.
The question was: Concurrence of Assembly Bill 644?
hist28014The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 19; noes, 14; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Darling, Ellis, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Gudex, Jauch, Kedzie, C. Larson, Lasee, Lazich, Leibham, Moulton, Olsen, Petrowski, Shilling, Tiffany, Vinehout and Vukmir - 19.
Noes - Senators Carpenter, Cowles, T. Cullen, Erpenbach, Hansen, Harris, Harsdorf, Lassa, Lehman, Miller, Risser, Schultz, L. Taylor and Wirch - 14.
Absent or not voting - None.
Concurred in.
Assembly Bill 670
Relating to: the registration of antique snowmobiles.
hist28015Read a second time.
hist28016Ordered to a third reading.
hist28017Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 670
hist28018Read a third time and concurred in.
Assembly Bill 675
Relating to: evaluation of infants for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and referral of infants who have that condition for services and treatment.
hist28019Read a second time.
hist28020Ordered to a third reading.
hist28021Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 675
hist28022Read a third time and concurred in.
In the Chair
President Pro Tempore Leibham in the chair.
5:08 P.M.
Assembly Bill 684
Relating to: various changes in the unemployment insurance law.
hist28023Read a second time.
hist28024Ordered to a third reading.
hist28025Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 684
hist28026Read a third time and concurred in.
Assembly Bill 693
Relating to: providing funding for a crime prevention program in the city of Milwaukee and making an appropriation.
hist28027Read a second time.
hist28028Ordered to a third reading.
hist28029Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
hist28030Assembly Bill 693
Read a third time.
The question was: Concurrence of Assembly Bill 693?
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 33; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Carpenter, Cowles, T. Cullen, Darling, Ellis, Erpenbach, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Gudex, Hansen, Harris, Harsdorf, Jauch, Kedzie, C. Larson, Lasee, Lassa, Lazich, Lehman, Leibham, Miller, Moulton, Olsen, Petrowski, Risser, Schultz, Shilling, L. Taylor, Tiffany, Vinehout, Vukmir and Wirch - 33.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - None.
Concurred in.
Assembly Bill 701
Relating to: opioid treatment programs and making an appropriation.
hist28031Read a second time.
hist28032Ordered to a third reading.
hist28033Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
hist28034Assembly Bill 701
Read a third time.
The question was: Concurrence of Assembly Bill 701?
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 33; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Carpenter, Cowles, T. Cullen, Darling, Ellis, Erpenbach, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Gudex, Hansen, Harris, Harsdorf, Jauch, Kedzie, C. Larson, Lasee, Lassa, Lazich, Lehman, Leibham, Miller, Moulton, Olsen, Petrowski, Risser, Schultz, Shilling, L. Taylor, Tiffany, Vinehout, Vukmir and Wirch - 33.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - None.
Concurred in.
Assembly Bill 702
Relating to: development of a system of short-term sanctions for individuals who violate conditions of extended supervision, parole, probation, or a deferred prosecution agreement and granting rule-making authority.
hist28035Read a second time.
hist28036Ordered to a third reading.
hist28037Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 702
hist28040Read a third time and concurred in.
Assembly Bill 710
Relating to: alerts for missing adults at risk and making an appropriation.
hist28041Read a second time.
hist28042Ordered to a third reading.
hist28043Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
hist28044Assembly Bill 710
Read a third time.
The question was: Concurrence of Assembly Bill 710?
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 33; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Carpenter, Cowles, T. Cullen, Darling, Ellis, Erpenbach, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Gudex, Hansen, Harris, Harsdorf, Jauch, Kedzie, C. Larson, Lasee, Lassa, Lazich, Lehman, Leibham, Miller, Moulton, Olsen, Petrowski, Risser, Schultz, Shilling, L. Taylor, Tiffany, Vinehout, Vukmir and Wirch - 33.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - None.
Concurred in.
Assembly Bill 712
Relating to: exempting employers from keeping records of the hours of employment of an employee who is exempt from the overtime pay requirement and who is not compensated on an hourly rate basis.
hist28045Read a second time.
hist28046Ordered to a third reading.
hist28047Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Assembly Bill 712
hist28049Read a third time and concurred in.