2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
March 29, 2013 - Introduced by Representatives Kaufert, Nygren, Bernier,
Brooks, Stone, Tittl, Bies, Kerkman, Krug, Strachota, LeMahieu,
Marklein, Kuglitsch, Schraa, A. Ott, Endsley, Mursau and Tranel,
cosponsored by Senators Cowles, Leibham, Lasee and Grothman. Referred to
Committee on State Affairs.
1An Act to create 49.79 (7m) and 227.01 (13) (tm) of the statutes;
relating to:
2a pilot program to limit foods under FoodShare and providing an exemption
3from rule-making procedures.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the federal food stamp program, now known as the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and called FoodShare in this
state, assists eligible low-income individuals to purchase food. SNAP benefits are
paid entirely with federal moneys. The cost of administration is split between the
federal and state governments; the program is administered in this state by the
Department of Health Services (DHS).
This bill requires DHS to conduct a pilot program that limits the use of SNAP
benefits for foods, food products, and beverages (foods and beverages) that have
sufficient nutritional value. DHS must identify specific or categories of foods and
beverages that do not have sufficient nutritional value and prohibit the use of SNAP
benefits for those foods and beverages. If DHS determines that a federal waiver is
needed to implement the pilot program, it must request the waiver and may not
implement the pilot program unless the waiver is granted.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 49.79 (7m) of the statutes is created to read:
(7m) Pilot program limiting foods. (a) Subject to par. (b), the
3department shall conduct a pilot program under which the department allows the
4benefits under the food stamp program to be used only for foods, food products, and
5beverages that have sufficient nutritional value. The department shall identify
6specific foods, food products, and beverages, or general categories of foods, food
7products, and beverages, that do not have sufficient nutritional value and shall
8prohibit the use of benefits under the program for those foods, food products, and
(b) If the department determines that it may not implement the pilot program
11under par. (a) without a federal waiver, the department shall request a waiver from
12the secretary of the federal department of agriculture and may not implement the
13pilot program under par. (a) unless the waiver is granted and in effect.
2. 227.01 (13) (tm) of the statutes is created to read:
(13) (tm) Relates to a pilot program under s. 49.79 (7m).