2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
April 15, 2013 - Introduced by Representatives Hebl, Richards, Pasch, Wachs,
Zepnick, Mason, Billings, Berceau, C. Taylor, Wright, Ohnstad and
Bernard Schaber, cosponsored by Senator Lehman. Referred to Committee on
1An Act to amend 757.91 of the statutes;
relating to: equally divided
2determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial
3discipline or permanent disability.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Judicial Commission (commission) must investigate
any possible misconduct or permanent disability of a judge or circuit or supplemental
court commissioner. If, after the investigation, the commission finds probable cause
that the judge or court commissioner has engaged in misconduct or has a permanent
disability, the commission must file a petition with the Wisconsin Supreme Court
(supreme court) and prosecute the case against the judge or court commissioner. The
case is heard either by a panel of judges or, when requested by the commission, by
a jury. Also under current law, the supreme court must review the findings of fact,
conclusions of law, and recommendations made by the panel of judges and determine
appropriate discipline of the judge or court commissioner in cases of misconduct and
appropriate action in cases of permanent disability.
This bill provides that, in cases where the supreme court is equally divided on
the question of appropriate discipline or action, the findings of fact, conclusions of
law, and recommendations of the panel of judges are binding on the disciplined or
disabled judge or court commissioner. The bill also clarifies that, in those cases of
discipline or permanent disability that are heard by a jury, the supreme court must
review the jury verdict and recommendations of the presiding judge. If the supreme
court is equally divided on the question of appropriate discipline or action in a case
heard by a jury, the jury verdict and recommendations of the presiding judge are
binding on the disciplined or disabled judge or court commissioner.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 757.91 of the statutes is amended to read:
2757.91 Supreme court; disposition. The supreme court shall review the
3findings of fact, conclusions of law
, and recommendations
made under s. 757.89
4the panel of judges selected under s. 757.87 (3), or the jury verdict and the
5recommendations of the presiding judge given under s. 757.89 when a jury hearing
6is requested under s. 757.87 (1), and determine appropriate discipline in cases of
7misconduct and appropriate action in cases of permanent disability. The rules of the
8supreme court applicable to civil cases in the supreme court govern the review
9proceedings under this section.
If any determination by the supreme court under
10this section is equally divided on the question of appropriate discipline or action, the
11findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations of the panel, if a panel
12hearing is held under s. 757.89, or the jury verdict and recommendations of the
13presiding judge, if a jury hearing is held under s. 757.89, are binding on the judge
14or circuit or supplemental court commissioner.