The bill requires trustees of living trusts to notify DHS, within 30 days after the
death of the trust settlor and before any assets are distributed, if the trust settlor,
or his or her predeceased spouse, received any recoverable public assistance benefits.
If DHS sends the trustee a claim for the recovery of recoverable public assistance
benefits, the trustee must, within 90 days, pay DHS the amount that it may recover

or provide DHS with information about any property that was distributed and to
whom it was distributed. The bill requires a trustee of a special needs or pooled trust,
the beneficiaries of which receive MA, to provide notice to DHS within 30 days after
the death of a trust beneficiary, and to repay DHS, within 90 days after receiving a
claim from DHS, for the amount of MA paid on behalf of the beneficiary. If the trustee
fails to comply with the notice or repayments requirements, the trustee is personally
liable to DHS for any MA amounts paid on behalf of the beneficiary that DHS is
unable to recover. The bill also provides that, after the death of a beneficiary under
a pooled trust, the trustee may retain up to 30 percent of the balance in the deceased
beneficiary's account, unless the trustee fails to comply with the notice and
repayment requirements, in which case the trustee may not retain any of the balance
in the deceased beneficiary's account.
Under current law, DWD assists individuals with disabilities in gaining
employment through its vocational rehabilitation program. An individual with a
disability who gains employment with assistance from the vocational rehabilitation
program no longer receives certain benefits from social security. The federal
government reimburses some of the benefits it no longer has to pay to individuals to
DWD for the vocational rehabilitation program. Also under current law, DHS
provides grants to independent living centers that meet certain criteria to provide
nonresidential services to severely disabled individuals. Current law requires that
DWD transfer social security reimbursement funds to DHS in order to provide these
This bill eliminates the transfer from DWD to DHS for grants to independent
living centers. Instead, DWD must allocate the moneys received from the federal
Social Security Administration for reimbursement of grants to independent living
centers. The bill then requires DWD to make grants to independent living centers
that meet the same requirements as those imposed to receive grants from DHS.
Under current law, among other specified, limited disclosures, the state or a
local registrar may disclose certain information from a vital record to a federal, state,
or local agency for use in the conduct of the agency's duties and may disclose a social
security number on a vital record to DCF or a county child support agency for child
and spousal support purposes and establishment of paternity. This bill allows the
state or local registrar to disclose information on vital records, including a social
security number, to DOR, upon DOR's request, for certain purposes related to
administering state taxes and collection of debts referred to DOR.
Under current law, the Office of Justice Assistance (OJA) within DOA operates
several programs and administers several grants related to law enforcement,
communications between law enforcement and other public safety agencies
(interoperable communications), criminal justice, juvenile justice and child advocacy
services, crime prevention, rehabilitation and alternatives to incarceration,
reintegration into society of American Indians who have been incarcerated, crime
data collection and analysis, and homeland security.
This bill eliminates OJA and transfers its functions to DOJ, except that the
programs and appropriations related to reintegrating American Indians who have

been incarcerated are transferred to DOC, and the programs and appropriations
related to homeland security, except those related to interoperable communications,
are transferred to DMA.
Under current law, a victim of abuse, harassment, or threats may obtain a
temporary restraining order against the person who has committed the acts of abuse
or harassment, or has made a threat. The restraining order bars the person from
contacting the victim and requires the person to stay away from the victim's
residence and other places temporarily occupied by the victim until a court conducts
a hearing to determine whether the restraining order should be incorporated into a
longer-lasting injunction. If the court determines that the person has engaged in,
or may engage in, abusive or harassing acts against the victim, the court may issue
an injunction against the person.
Under 2011 Wisconsin Act 266 (the Act), if a person violates certain restraining
orders or an injunction, the court may require the person to submit, for the duration
of the restraining order or injunction, to global positioning system (GPS) tracking by
DOC. The Act requires the court to find, before ordering GPS tracking, that the
person who violated the restraining order or injunction is more likely than not to
cause serious bodily harm to the victim.
This bill requires DOJ to establish standards for a local unit of government or
law enforcement agency that wishes to administer its own GPS tracking program for
persons who are subject to a restraining order or injunction and creates a grant
program for that purpose. Under the bill, in a jurisdiction that operates a GPS
tracking program, if a court issues a restraining order or injunction, a court may
order the person to submit, for the duration of the restraining order or injunction,
to GPS tracking. The bill requires the court to make the same findings as are
required for a person who has violated a restraining order or injunction.
Under current law, if a court imposes a sentence or places a person on probation
following a criminal conviction, the court must impose a crime victim and witness
assistance surcharge of $67 for each misdemeanor conviction and $92 for each felony
conviction. Specified portions of the collected surcharge are allocated to fund
services for crime victims and witnesses and to fund grants for sexual assault victim
services. This bill allocates the entire surcharge to fund services for crime victims
and witnesses and creates a general purpose revenue appropriation to fund the
grants for sexual assault victim services.
Under current law, a court may extend a term of probation or issue a judgment
for unpaid funds if a person who is nearing the end of his or her probation term owes
restitution or reimbursement fees. This bill also allows a court to extend a probation
term or issue a judgment for unpaid funds if the person nearing the end of his or her
probation term owes any part of a crime victim and witness assistance surcharge.
Currently, DOJ maintains three crime laboratories whose employees perform
duties including DNA testing, firearms identification, and other forensic testing.
Current law requires that the laboratories be located in the cities of Madison,
Milwaukee, and Wausau. This bill removes this requirement.
Also under current law, when advertising an open position in the classified civil
service, the state may not require as a condition of application that the applicant be

a college graduate unless the position advertised requires a license, permit,
certificate, or other credential that a person may not acquire without a college
degree. Under the bill, when advertising an open position as a forensic scientist in
a state or regional crime laboratory, the state may require as a condition of
application that the applicant be a college graduate.
Under current law, DOJ issues grants to certain counties and to eligible
federally recognized American Indian tribes within this state to fund county or tribal
law enforcement operations. Current law directs DOJ to issue a $300,000 grant to
Forest County each fiscal year and $80,000 annually to the Lac Court Oreilles Band
of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians. This bill eliminates these specific
This bill also requires DOJ to reduce certain allocations related to grants aimed
at diverting youth from criminal activity in fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15 and
eliminates biennial grants to programs within the city of Milwaukee that relate to
community policing and crime prevention in targeted neighborhoods that suffer from
high levels of violent and drug-related crime.
Local government
With some exceptions, this bill prohibits cities, villages, towns, counties, and
school districts (local governmental units) from requiring, as a condition of
employment, that any nonelective employee or prospective employee reside within
any jurisdictional limits. Exceptions to the general prohibition include certain
school board officials. The prohibition also does not affect any other state law
requiring residency for a municipal position or any state or municipal requirement
for state residency. If a local governmental unit has a residency requirement in effect
on the effective date of the bill, the residency requirement does not apply and may
not be enforced.
The bill prohibits a local governmental employer from bargaining collectively
with respect to a decision to impose a residency requirement.
Under current law, subject to a number of exceptions, no county may impose an
operating levy at an operating levy rate that exceeds 0.001 or the operating levy rate
in 1992, whichever is greater, although a county may exceed the limit under certain
circumstances. "Operating levy" is defined as the county purpose levy, less the debt
levy, and "operating levy rate" is defined as the total levy rate minus the debt levy
Under current law, the county operating levy rate limit is suspended such that
it does not apply to a county's levy that is imposed in December 2011 or December
2012. Under this bill, the county operating levy rate limit is sunset and does not
apply to any county levy that is imposed in December 2011 or any year thereafter.
Generally under current law, local levy limits prohibit cities, villages, towns, or
counties (political subdivisions) from increasing their property tax levies by the
greater of either zero percent or the percentage change in the political subdivision's
equalized value due to new construction, less improvements removed.
Current law contains a number of exceptions to the levy limit. This bill makes
permanent the exception allowing an increase of a current year levy limit when the
prior year's actual levy was less than the allowable limit. The increase must be

authorized by a supermajority vote of the political subdivision's governing body and,
for a town, a majority vote of the town meeting.
Current law authorizes two or more political subdivisions to enter into an
agreement to create a commission to issue types of municipal bonds referred to as
conduit bonds. Under current law, only one commission may be created in the state.
That commission currently exists and was created using the current law procedures
for intergovernmental or interstate cooperation agreements. Primarily, the
commission may issue bonds or refunding bonds to finance or refinance certain
projects. Currently, before the commission may issue any bonds on certain economic
development or housing projects, the commission must receive written approval
from WHEDA. This bill eliminates the requirement to receive this permission. The
bill also makes technical and definitional changes, and clarifies that a project may
be located outside of the United States under certain circumstances.
Under current law, a municipality may receive an expenditure restraint
payment if its municipal budget has not increased from the previous year by more
than the sum of an inflation factor and a valuation factor.
Under this bill, if a municipality makes payments to another governmental
unit for providing a service, the amount of the payments are included in the
municipality's budget for purposes of determining its eligibility for an expenditure
restraint payment.
Under current law, the state pays municipalities for municipal services
provided to state facilities. The state negotiates the payment amount with each
municipality. DOA must submit proposed negotiation guidelines to JCF, and JCF
must approve the guidelines, before negotiating payments. In addition, DOA must
report the results of its negotiations and the total amount of the proposed payments
to JCF under its passive review process. Under this bill, DOA is not required to
submit proposed negotiation guidelines to JCF for its approval prior to negotiating
payments for municipal services and DOA may make the payments without the
committee's approval.
military affairs
Under current law, an individual who is registered with a local unit of
government as an emergency management volunteer is considered an employee of
that local unit of government for worker's compensation purposes for an injury
suffered while providing emergency management services during a disaster,
imminent threat of disaster, or related training exercise. Under this bill, an
emergency management volunteer is considered an employee of the state, not the
local unit of government, for worker's compensation purposes.
natural resources
Fish, game, and wildlife
The bill requires DNR to establish a deer management assistance program for
collecting information from the public about deer health and the deer population in
this state and receiving suggestions from the public about managing the deer
population. DNR must analyze information received and use it to improve deer
health and manage the deer population in this state.

Under current law, a person who holds a deer hunting license may be issued a
bonus deer hunting permit that authorizes the person to take an additional deer of
the sex or type specified by DNR by rule. Generally, a person may not obtain more
than one bonus deer hunting permit in a single season. Under the bill, DNR may also
issue a bonus deer hunting permit to allow a person to take an additional deer in a
county or deer management area in which a deer has tested positive for chronic
wasting disease (CWD area). The bill provides that DNR may issue to a person more
than one bonus deer hunting permit in a single season if the additional permit
authorizes the person to take a deer in a CWD area.
This bill authorizes DNR to promulgate rules to implement the
recommendations contained in the 2012 final report of the assessment of this state's
deer management plans and policies.
This bill reduces the fees that apply to wolf harvesting approvals and repeals
the current law authority to hunt wolves during nighttime.
Current law authorizes DATCP to prohibit or regulate the importing of animals
into this state if necessary to prevent the introduction or spread of disease. This bill
authorizes DNR to import and introduce wild elk into specified counties if certain
conditions are met, including that the applicable DATCP requirements are met to the
extent possible.
The bill prohibits DNR from establishing an open season for hunting elk that
begins earlier than the Saturday nearest October 15.
Under current law, DNR issues small game hunting licenses and annual fishing
licenses at no charge to any resident who is in active service with the armed forces
and who is in the state on furlough or leave. Under the bill, DNR must issue a
resident small game hunting license, a resident deer hunting license, a resident
archer hunting license, or a resident annual fishing license without charging a fee
to a resident who served during the Iraq or Afghanistan wars as a member of the U.S.
armed forces, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces or national
guard. Only one license may be issued to each person who applies and the license
must be issued within one year of the person being released or discharged from the
armed forces or national guard.
Other natural resources
Current law authorizes the state to incur public debt under the Warren
Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program (stewardship program), which
is administered by DNR. The state may incur this debt to acquire land for the state
for conservation purposes and for property development activities and to award
grants or state aid to certain local governmental units and nonprofit conservation
organizations to acquire lands for these purposes.
Current law establishes the amounts that DNR may obligate in each fiscal year
through fiscal year 2019-20 for expenditure under each of the five stewardship
subprograms. The bill decreases the amount that DNR may obligate under the land
acquisition subprogram for fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15 and makes a
corresponding increase to the amount that DNR may obligate for those fiscal years
under the subprogram for property development and local assistance.

This bill increases DNR's bonding authority, for the purpose of funding a dam
safety program, debt service on which is paid from the general fund, by $4,000,000.
Current law requires that vehicles entering state parks or other recreational
sites managed by DNR display an annual or daily vehicle admission receipt
(admission sticker). This bill requires DNR to waive the fee for an annual admission
sticker for a vehicle with Wisconsin plates if the owner of the vehicle is a Wisconsin
resident serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces (resident service member).
This bill also requires DNR to waive the annual fee for admission to state trails for
a resident service member. Each resident service member qualifies for the fee waiver
for state parks and state trails only once.
Under current law, vehicles are exempt from the admission sticker requirement
from November 1st to March 31st, and trail users are exempt from the admission fee
requirement for state trails from October 27th to March 31st. This bill exempts a
vehicle with a resident service member as an occupant from the admission sticker
requirement on Veterans Day and during the three-day Memorial Day weekend and
exempts a resident service member from a trail admission fee on these days.
Retirement and Group Insurance
Under current law, a Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) participant who has
applied to receive an annuity must wait at least 30 days between terminating
WRS-covered employment and returning to WRS-covered employment as a
participating employee, or the participant is not eligible to receive a WRS retirement
annuity. This bill provides that the participant must remain separated from
WRS-covered employment for at least 75 days to be eligible for an annuity.
Currently, when a WRS participant terminates employment and receives an
annuity he or she may return to WRS-covered employment and either terminate the
annuity and again become a WRS participating employee or, instead, continue to
receive the annuity, as well as wages from WRS-covered employment. If a
participant does not terminate the annuity, the participant may not be a WRS
participating employee and, in the case of state employment, is not eligible for group
insurance benefits, and may not use any of his or her employment service as a rehired
annuitant for any WRS purposes. If the participant terminates the annuity, the
participant returns to participating employee status, is eligible for all group
insurance benefits provided to other participating employees, and is able to
accumulate additional years of creditable service under the WRS for the additional
period of covered employment.
The bill provides that if a WRS participant who is receiving an annuity, or a
disability annuitant who has attained his or her normal retirement date, is
appointed to a position in WRS-covered employment in which he or she is expected
to work at least two-thirds of what is considered full-time employment by DETF, the
participant's annuity must be terminated and no annuity payment is payable until
after the participant again terminates covered employment.
2011 Wisconsin Act 32 increased the number of hours that an employee must
work in order to become a WRS participating employee from one-third to two-thirds
of what is considered full-time employment, as determined by DETF by rule. Under
2011 Wisconsin Act 32, this change in law did not apply to those employees who were

first hired by a WRS employer before July 1, 2011, regardless of whether they were
participating employees before that date. The bill provides that in order to be exempt
from this change in law, an employee must have been a participating employee before
July 1, 2011.
Federal law authorizes the establishment of health savings accounts, under
which individuals and their employers may make tax-exempt contributions that can
be used for the payment of medical expenses. Federal law sets annual contribution
limits. As a condition of establishing a health savings account, an individual must
be covered under a high-deductible health insurance plan. The specific
requirements of the high-deductible plans are set in federal law, but generally
require the payment of deductibles and certain out-of-pocket expenses before an
individual's medical services are covered under the plan.
State employees receive health insurance through plans offered by the Group
Insurance Board (GIB). This bill requires GIB, beginning on January 1, 2015, to offer
a high-deductible health insurance plan and a health savings account. The bill also
requires the state to make contributions into an employee's health savings account
in an amount determined annually by the director of OSER.
Currently, the director of OSER establishes the amount that employees must
pay for health insurance premiums, subject to a general provision that the state may
not pay more than 88 percent of the average premium costs of the lowest cost health
insurance plans. Under current law, health insurance plans are assigned to three
different tiers, depending on cost.
This bill provides that the state may not pay more than 88 percent of the
average premium costs of the health insurance plans in each tier. In addition, the
bill provides that if any tier contains no health insurance plans, but is used to
establish the premiums for employees who work and reside outside of the state, the
amount these employees must pay is based on the premium contribution amount for
that tier in the prior year, adjusted by the average percentage change of the premium
contribution amount of the other tiers from the prior year.
The bill provides that craft employees must pay all of their health insurance
premiums, unless otherwise determined by the director. A craft employee is a state
employee who is a skilled journeyman craftsman, including the skilled journeyman
craftsman's apprentices and helpers, but does not include employees not in direct
line of progression in the craft. A craft employee may be either nonrepresented or
in a collective bargaining unit.
Current law provides that GIB may not enter into an agreement to modify or
expand any group insurance coverage in a manner that conflicts with laws or rules
promulgated by DETF or that materially affects the level of premiums or the level
of benefits under any group insurance coverage. This bill permits GIB to modify or
expand benefits if the modification or expansion is required by law or would maintain
or reduce premium costs for the state or its employees in the current or any future
The bill provides that, beginning in 2014, GIB must impose a premium
surcharge for health care coverage for state employees and retired state employees
who use tobacco products and may terminate the health care coverage of any eligible

employee who falsely claims that he or she does not use tobacco products. During
2014 and 2015, the surcharge is $50 a month. The bill further provides that the
premium surcharges paid by annuitants who use tobacco products are be used to
reduce future health care coverage premiums for annuitants and to reimburse DETF
for costs incurred by DETF in providing health care coverage to annuitants.
WRS is established as a governmental plan and as a qualified plan for federal
income tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Under current law, no
WRS benefit plan may be administered in a manner that violates a provision of the
IRC that authorizes or regulates the benefit plan or that would cause an otherwise
tax exempt benefit to become taxable under the IRC. This bill updates and conforms
numerous provisions governing WRS benefits and the administration of the WRS to
the IRC.
The bill requires the secretary of employee trust funds to submit an annual
report to the secretary of administration and JCF on DETF's progress in
modernizing its business processes and integrating its information technology
The bill further provides that, during the 2013-15 fiscal biennium, the
secretary of employee trust funds may request the governor to supplement any sum
certain appropriation from the public employee trust fund for the purpose of
modernizing business processes or integrating information technology systems of
DETF. Upon receiving such a request, the governor may approve or modify the
request and must notify JCF of the proposed action under JCF's passive review
The bill provides that, during the 2013-15 fiscal biennium, the secretary of
employee trust funds may request the governor to create or abolish a full-time
equivalent position or portion thereof that is funded from revenues deposited in the
public employee trust fund if the employee holding the position would perform duties
relating to modernizing business processes or integrating information technology
systems. Upon receiving such a request, the governor may approve or modify the
request. If the governor proposes to approve or modify the request, the governor
must notify JCF of the proposed action under passive review.
This bill permits DETF to disclose information concerning the payment of
annuities under WRS to DOR for the purposes of administering the payment of state
taxes; collecting debts owed to DOR; locating WRS participants, or the assets of WRS
participants, who have failed to file tax returns, underreported their taxable income,
or who are delinquent debtors; identifying fraudulent tax returns and credit claims;
or providing information for tax-related prosecutions.
safety and professional services
Buildings and safety
Under current law, DSPS has various duties and powers relating to regulation
of petroleum products and hazardous substances, including:
1. Prescribing grade specifications for gasoline and similar fuels and
administering laws regulating the inspection and sale of those fuels and other
petroleum products.

2. Regulating the installation, maintenance, and removal of tanks that contain
flammable or combustible liquids or federally regulated hazardous substances
(dangerous materials).
3. Administering a program to inventory aboveground and underground
petroleum storage tanks.
This bill transfers these powers and duties, except for those that relate to the
reviewing of plans for dangerous materials, from DSPS to DATCP.
Professional regulation
Under current law, DSPS regulates professional employer organizations and
professional employer groups that contract with clients for, among other services, the
nontemporary placement of employees with those clients. DSPS regulates the
fund-raising activities of charitable organizations, professional fund-raisers, and
fund-raising counsel. This bill transfers the regulation of professional employer
organizations, professional employer groups, charitable organizations, professional
fund-raisers, and fund-raising counsel from DSPS to DFI. Under the bill, DFI
registers all of those persons and administers the laws governing their practices.
The bill also gives DFI a number of general powers and duties concerning the
regulation of those persons that are similar to many of the powers and duties DSPS
exercises under current law.
State Government
State employment
This bill establishes a pay progression plan for assistant state public defenders
and assistant attorneys general, consisting of 17 hourly salary steps, with each step
equal to one-seventeenth of the difference between the lowest and the highest hourly
salary for the salary range for assistant state public defenders and assistant
attorneys general. The pay progression plan is based entirely on merit.
Under the bill, beginning with the first pay period that occurs on or after July
1, 2013, all assistant state public defenders and assistant attorneys general who
have served for a continuous period of 12 months or more and who are not paid the
maximum hourly rate must be paid an hourly salary at the step that is immediately
above their hourly salary on June 30, 2013. All other assistant state public defenders
and assistant attorneys general who are not paid the maximum hourly rate must
receive the same increase when they have served with the state as assistant state
public defenders or assistant attorneys general for a continuous period of 12 months.
In addition, beginning with the first pay period that occurs on or after July 1,
2014, and with the first pay period that occurs on or after each succeeding July 1, all
assistant state public defenders and assistant attorneys general who have served for
a continuous period of 12 months or more and who are not paid the maximum hourly
rate may, at the discretion of the state public defender or the attorney general, be
paid an hourly salary at any step, or part thereof, above their hourly salary on the
immediately preceding June 30. All other assistant state public defenders and
assistant attorneys general or the attorney general who are not paid the maximum
hourly rate may, at the discretion of the state public defender or the attorney general,
be paid an hourly salary at any step, or part thereof, above their hourly salary on the
immediately preceding June 30, when they have served for a continuous period of 12

months. The bill provides, however, that no salary increase may exceed 10 percent
during a fiscal year.
This bill attaches the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC)
to DWD. Currently, WERC is an independent state agency. The bill also eliminates
a requirement that WERC commissioners not have other employment and provides
that newly appointed commissioners are appointed to two-thirds of a full-time
equivalent position.
Currently, each cabinet secretary may appoint an executive assistant to
perform duties prescribed by the secretary. This bill eliminates this power and
instead authorizes each secretary to appoint an assistant deputy secretary to
perform duties prescribed by the secretary. This bill allows the attorney general to
appoint, in the unclassified service of the state civil service system, a solicitor general
and up to three deputy solicitors general and to assign assistant attorneys general
to assist the solicitor general.
State finance
Current statutes provide that no bill directly or indirectly affecting general
purpose revenues may be adopted if the bill would cause the estimated general fund
balance on June 30 of any fiscal year to be less than a certain amount of the total
general purpose revenue appropriations for that fiscal year. Currently, for fiscal
years 2015-16 and 2016-17, and for each fiscal year thereafter, the amount is 2
percent of total general purpose revenue appropriations for that fiscal year. This bill
provides that for fiscal years 2015-16 and 2016-17, the amount is $65,000,000; and
for 2017-18 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount is 2 percent of total general
purpose revenue appropriations for that fiscal year.
Currently, in any fiscal year, the secretary of administration may temporarily
reallocate moneys to the general fund from other state funds in an amount not to
exceed, at any one time, 5 percent of the total general purpose revenue
appropriations for that fiscal year. This bill increases that maximum amount to 9
This bill transfers:
1. $16,000,000 from the petroleum inspection fund to the transportation fund
in each year of the fiscal biennium.
2. $23,000,000 from the general fund to the transportation fund in the fiscal
3. $750,000 from the agrichemical management fund to the environmental
fund in fiscal year 2013-14.
4. $5,300,000 from the general fund to the veterans trust fund in fiscal year
State procurement
Current law generally authorizes state agencies to purchase materials,
supplies, or equipment. With some exceptions, purchases for which the estimated
cost exceeds $50,000 require bids to be invited or proposals to be solicited. Also,
under current law, if a state agency enters into or renews a contract for services that
involves an estimated expenditure of more than $25,000, the agency must conduct
either a uniform cost-benefit analysis for a new contract or a continued

appropriateness review for a contract renewal. This bill raises the threshold to
$50,000 for either and exempts the following services: services that must, by law, be
performed by contract; services incidental to the purchase of a commodity; services
that must be provided per a contract, license, or warranty; services that cannot be
performed by state employees; services that are expected to be completed within 12
months; and Web-based software application services that are delivered and
managed remotely.
Current law requires DOA to certify a business as a disabled veteran-owned
business, a woman-owned business, or a minority business, but has different
requirements for each certification. DOA may certify a business as a minority
business if another state agency, a municipality, the federal government, an
American Indian tribe, or, if it uses substantially the same procedures as DOA would
use, a private business certifies the business as such. This bill makes the
certification practice consistent by permitting DOA to certify a business as a disabled
veteran-owned business or a woman-owned business if one of the entities listed
above certifies it as such.
Under current law, DOA must maintain a list of entities that are ineligible for
state contracts because they have violated a state procurement contract or a statute
governing state procurement. This bill requires DOA to include on the list an entity
that has been debarred from contracting with the federal government or any other
state agency.