2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
January 30, 2014 - Introduced by Representatives Knudson, Murtha, Brooks,
Jacque, Kahl, Krug, A. Ott and Bernier, cosponsored by Senators Farrow
and Schultz. Referred to Committee on Housing and Real Estate.
AB688,1,8 1An Act to renumber and amend 452.15; to amend 452.01 (4), 452.025 (5) (b),
2452.12 (3) and 452.14 (3) (intro.); and to create 440.03 (13) (bm), 452.01 (3p),
3452.01 (4v), 452.05 (1) (h), 452.05 (1) (i), 452.07 (2), 452.12 (5) (d), 452.139 (3),
4452.14 (2m), 452.14 (3) (o), 452.14 (3m), 452.14 (4r), 452.15 (2) and 452.25 of the
5statutes; relating to: eligibility for a broker's or salesperson's license or a
6time-share salesperson's certificate of registration following a criminal
7conviction, immunity for employing real estate brokers in certain actions,
8granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Eligibility for licensure or registration by Real Estate Examining Board
following criminal convictions
Under current law (the Fair Employment Law), a state agency may refuse to
license, and may suspend from licensing, an individual who has been convicted of a
felony, misdemeanor, or other offense only if the circumstances of the offense
substantially relate to the circumstances of the particular licensed activity. The
definition of state agency, for purposes of the Fair Employment Law, includes
examining boards such as the Real Estate Examining Board (REEB), which issues
broker's and salesperson's licenses and time-share salesperson's certificates of
registration (real estate licenses and certificates).

Under this bill, notwithstanding the Fair Employment Law, no person may be
issued a real estate license or certificate if the applicant has been convicted of any
felony, other than: 1) a felony for which the person has been pardoned; 2) a felony
for which the conviction has been reversed, set aside, or vacated; or 3) a felony for
which the conviction has been expunged. The bill, however, provides for an exception
to the prohibition if five years have elapsed since the person completed the sentence
imposed for the felony, including any probation, parole, or extended supervision. In
that case, the person may apply to the REEB for a determination as to whether the
person is suitable to be granted a real estate license or certificate. The REEB must
then make a determination by reviewing any information relating to the felony;
reviewing any supplemental information provided by the applicant bearing upon his
or her suitability for licensure or registration; and considering various factors that
are specified in the bill. The bill provides that the applicant bears the burden of
demonstrating his or her suitability for licensure or registration if seeking such a
determination under this exception. The prohibition applies to current real estate
license and certificate holders as of the next time a real estate license or certificate
is renewed; the next deadline for renewing a license or certificate is December 15,
2014. In addition, the bill requires the REEB to revoke a person's real estate license
or certificate if the person is convicted of a felony after the bill's effective date. The
bill does not modify the law with respect to disqualifications from obtaining real
estate licenses or certificates due to convictions for misdemeanors or other offenses.
The bill also authorizes the REEB to, by rule, establish a preapplication
procedure. Under the preapplication procedure, a person who does not possess a real
estate license or certificate may apply for a determination of whether the person
would be disqualified from obtaining a real estate license or certificate due to his or
her criminal record without submitting a full application and without paying the fees
applicable to applicants. Any determination by the REEB under the preapplication
procedure is binding upon the REEB if the person subsequently applies for a real
estate license or certificate, unless there is information relevant to the determination
that was not available to the REEB at the time of the determination.
The bill also does the following:
1. Requires the REEB to create a form for a person to disclose recent criminal
convictions when renewing a real estate license or certificate and, if the REEB
establishes a preapplication procedure, a form for a person to disclose criminal
convictions under the preapplication procedure.
2. Allows the REEB to assess a forfeiture of $1,000 against a person who
submits false information on either form.
3. Prohibits the issuance or renewal of a real estate license or certificate for a
person assessed such a forfeiture, if the person has not paid the forfeiture.
4. Allows the REEB to revoke, suspend, or limit the real estate license or
certificate of a person who submits false information on either form or who fails to
pay a forfeiture imposed by the REEB for doing so.

Immunity for employing brokers in certain actions
Under current law, each broker must supervise, and is responsible for, the
brokerage services provided on behalf of the broker by any broker, salesperson, or
time-share salesperson who is an employee of the broker.
This bill provides that an employing broker that hires an individual who has
a real estate license or certificate and who has committed a crime under the laws of
this state or another wrongful act may not be held civilly liable for hiring that
individual in a negligent hiring claim if, regardless of whether the employing broker
conducted its own investigation, the employing broker relied on the investigations
conducted by the Department of Safety and Professional Services or on a
determination by the REEB. A negligent hiring claim is an action brought under the
common law under which an employer may be held liable for failing to exercise
reasonable care when hiring an employee, such as by failing to conduct an adequate
background investigation of the employee, if the employee commits a wrongful act.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB688,1 1Section 1. 440.03 (13) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688,3,72 440.03 (13) (bm) Upon a request by the real estate examining board, the
3department may conduct an investigation to determine whether an individual
4seeking a determination by the real estate examining board under the rules
5promulgated under s. 452.07 (2) has an arrest or conviction record. In conducting an
6investigation under this paragraph, the department may require an individual to
7provide any information that is necessary for the investigation.
AB688,2 8Section 2. 452.01 (3p) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688,3,119 452.01 (3p) "Crime" does not include a crime for which the individual has been
10pardoned; a crime for which the conviction has been reversed, set aside, or vacated;
11or a crime for which the conviction has been expunged under s. 973.015.
AB688,3 12Section 3. 452.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
1452.01 (4) "Disciplinary proceeding" means a proceeding against one or more
2licensees or registrants in which the board may revoke, suspend, or limit a license
3or registration, reprimand a licensee or registrant, issue a private letter of warning
4to a licensee or registrant, or assess a forfeiture or require education or training
5under s. 452.14 (4m) or (4r).
AB688,4 6Section 4. 452.01 (4v) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688,4,117 452.01 (4v) "Felony" means a felony under the laws of this state or a crime
8committed elsewhere that would be a felony if committed in this state. "Felony" does
9not include a felony for which the applicant has been pardoned; a felony for which
10the conviction has been reversed, set aside, or vacated; or a felony for which the
11conviction has been expunged under s. 973.015.
AB688,5 12Section 5. 452.025 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,4,1713 452.025 (5) (b) An application to renew a certificate of registration granted
14under this section shall, on or before the applicable renewal date specified under s.
15440.08 (2) (a),
be submitted with the applicable renewal fee determined by the
16department under s. 440.03 (9) (a) on or before the applicable renewal date specified
17under s. 440.08 (2) (a)
and a completed copy of the form under s. 452.05 (1) (i).
AB688,6 18Section 6 . 452.05 (1) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688,4,2119 452.05 (1) (h) If the board promulgates rules under s. 452.07 (2), create a form
20on which an individual applying for a determination under those rules may do all of
21the following:
AB688,4,2222 1. State whether he or she has ever been convicted of a crime.
AB688,4,2423 2. Identify the date of conviction for any crime described under subd. 1. and
24describe the nature and circumstances of the crime.
13. Sign his or her name to attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the
2information under subds. 1. and 2. and to acknowledge the department's authority
3to conduct an investigation under s. 440.03 (13).
AB688,7 4Section 7. 452.05 (1) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688,5,75 452.05 (1) (i) Create a form on which an individual applying to renew a broker's
6or salesperson's license or a time-share salesperson's certificate of registration may
7do all of the following:
AB688,5,108 1. State whether he or she has been convicted of a crime since he or she last
9applied to renew the license or certificate or, for an initial renewal, since he or she
10initially applied for the license or certificate.
AB688,5,1211 2. Identify the date of conviction for any crime described under subd. 1. and
12describe the nature and circumstances of the crime.
AB688,5,1413 3. Sign his or her name to attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the
14information under subds. 1. and 2. and to acknowledge all of the following:
AB688,5,1515 a. The department's authority to conduct an investigation under s. 440.03 (13).
AB688,5,1716 b. The board's authority to revoke the license or certificate under s. 452.14 (3)
AB688,5,1818 c. The board's authority to assess forfeitures under s. 452.14 (4r).
AB688,8 19Section 8. 452.07 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688,6,520 452.07 (2) The board may promulgate rules establishing a procedure that
21allows an individual who does not possess a broker's or salesperson's license or a
22time-share salesperson's certificate of registration to, without submitting a full
23application and without paying the fees applicable to applicants, apply to the board
24for a determination of whether the individual would be disqualified from obtaining
25a license or certificate due to his or her criminal record. A determination made under

1this subsection, with respect to criminal convictions reviewed by the board as part
2of the determination, is binding upon the board and the department if the individual
3subsequently applies for a license or certificate, unless there is information relevant
4to the determination that was not available to the board at the time of the
AB688,9 6Section 9. 452.12 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688,6,97 452.12 (3) (a) Each Subject to s. 452.139 (3), each broker shall supervise, and
8is responsible for, the brokerage services provided on behalf of the broker by any
9broker, salesperson, or time-share salesperson who is an employee of the broker.
AB688,10 10Section 10. 452.12 (5) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688,6,1211 452.12 (5) (d) At the time of renewal, each broker or salesperson who is an
12individual shall complete the form under s. 452.05 (1) (i).