AB694,30,64 2. A test facility shall designate one chemical test of breath, blood, or urine
5which it is prepared to administer first as the primary test for the purpose of
6authorized analysis.
AB694,30,97 3. A test facility shall designate another chemical test of breath, blood, or urine,
8other than the test designated under subd. 2., which it is prepared to administer as
9an additional chemical test for the purpose of authorized analysis.
AB694,30,1710 4. If a person is arrested for a violation of the intoxicated operation of an
11off-highway motorcycle law or is the operator of an off-highway motorcycle involved
12in an accident resulting in great bodily harm to or the death of someone and if the
13person is requested to provide a sample or to submit to a test under par. (f) 1., the
14person may request the test facility to administer the additional chemical test
15specified under subd. 3.. or, at his or her own expense, reasonable opportunity to have
16any qualified person administer a chemical test of his or her breath, blood or urine
17for the purpose of authorized analysis.
AB694,31,218 5. If a person is arrested for a violation of the intoxicated operation of an
19off-highway motorcycle law and if the person is not requested to provide a sample
20or to submit to a test under par. (f) 1., the person may request the test facility to
21administer a chemical test of his or her breath or may request, at his or her own
22expense, a reasonable opportunity to have any qualified person administer a
23chemical test of his or her breath, blood, or urine for the purpose of authorized
24analysis. If a test facility is unable to perform a chemical test of breath, the person

1may request the test facility to administer the chemical test designated under par.
2(f) 2. or the additional chemical test designated under par. (f) 3.
AB694,31,43 6. A test facility shall comply with a request under this paragraph to
4administer any chemical test it is able to perform.
AB694,31,75 7. The failure or inability of a person to obtain a chemical test at his or her own
6expense does not preclude the admission of evidence of the results of a chemical test
7required and administered under par. (f) or (g).
AB694,31,188 8. A chemical test of blood or urine conducted for the purpose of authorized
9analysis is valid as provided under s. 343.305 (6). The duties and responsibilities of
10the laboratory of hygiene, department of health services, and department of
11transportation under s. 343.305 (6) apply to a chemical test of blood or urine
12conducted for the purpose of authorized analysis under pars. (f) and (g). Blood may
13be withdrawn from a person arrested for a violation of the intoxicated operation of
14an off-highway motorcycle law only by a physician, registered nurse, medical
15technologist, physician assistant, or person acting under the direction of a physician,
16and the person who withdraws the blood, the employer of that person, and any
17hospital where blood is withdrawn have immunity from civil or criminal liability as
18provided under s. 895.53.
AB694,31,2519 9. A test facility which administers a chemical test of breath, blood, or urine
20for the purpose of authorized analysis under pars. (f) and (g) shall prepare a written
21report which shall include the findings of the chemical test, the identification of the
22law enforcement officer or the person who requested a chemical test, and the
23identification of the person who provided the sample or submitted to the chemical
24test. The test facility shall transmit a copy of the report to the law enforcement officer
25and the person who provided the sample or submitted to the chemical test.
1(h) Chemical tests; refusal. No person may refuse a lawful request to provide
2one or more samples of his or her breath, blood, or urine or to submit to one or more
3chemical tests under par. (f). A person shall not be considered to have refused to
4provide a sample or to submit to a chemical test if it is shown by a preponderance of
5the evidence that the refusal was due to a physical inability to provide the sample
6or to submit to the test due to a physical disability or disease unrelated to the use of
7an intoxicant. Issues in any action concerning violation of par. (f) or this paragraph
8are limited to the following:
AB694,32,119 1. Whether the law enforcement officer had probable cause to believe the
10person was violating or had violated the intoxicated operation of an off-highway
11motorcycle law.
AB694,32,1312 2. Whether the person was lawfully placed under arrest for violating the
13intoxicated operation of an off-highway motorcycle law.
AB694,32,1614 3. Whether the law enforcement officer requested the person to provide a
15sample or to submit to a chemical test and provided the information required under
16par. (f) 2. or whether the request and information was unnecessary under par. (f) 3.
AB694,32,1817 4. Whether the person refused to provide a sample or to submit to a chemical
AB694,33,219 (i) Chemical tests; effect of test results. The results of a chemical test required
20or administered under par. (f) or (g) are admissible in any civil or criminal action or
21proceeding arising out of the acts committed by a person alleged to have violated the
22intoxicated operation of an off-highway motorcycle law on the issue of whether the
23person was under the influence of an intoxicant or the issue of whether the person
24had alcohol concentrations at or above specified levels. Results of these chemical
25tests shall be given the effect required under s. 885.235. Paragraphs (f) to (h) do not

1limit the right of a law enforcement officer to obtain evidence by any other lawful
AB694,33,63 (j) Report of arrest to department. If a law enforcement officer arrests a person
4for a violation of the intoxicated operation of an off-highway motorcycle law or the
5refusal law, the law enforcement officer shall notify the department of the arrest as
6soon as practicable.
AB694,33,117 (k) Release of persons arrested. 1. A person arrested for a violation of the
8intoxicated operation of the off-highway motorcycle law may not be released until
912 hours have elapsed from the time of his or her arrest or unless a chemical test
10administered under par. (a) 1. or 2. shows that the person has an alcohol
11concentration of 0.05 or less, except as provided in subd 2.
AB694,33,1412 2. A person arrested for a violation of the intoxicated operation of the
13off-highway motorcycle law may be released to his or her attorney, spouse, relative,
14or other responsible adult at any time after arrest.
AB694,33,1615 (L) Public education program. 1. The department shall promulgate rules to
16provide for a public education program to:
AB694,33,1817 a. Inform off-highway motorcycle operators of the prohibitions and penalties
18included in the intoxicated operation of an off-highway motorcycle law.
AB694,33,2019 b. Provide for the development of signs briefly explaining the intoxicated
20operation of an off-highway motorcycle law.
AB694,33,2421 2. The department shall develop and issue an educational pamphlet on the
22intoxicated operation of an all-terrain vehicle or a utility terrain vehicle law to be
23distributed to persons issued off-highway motorcycle registration certificates under
24sub. (3).
1(13) Age restrictions; safety certificate requirements. (a) Under 12 years
2of age.
No person under 12 years of age may operate an off-highway motorcycle on
3a roadway under any circumstances and may not operate an off-highway motorcycle
4off a roadway unless he or she is operating a small off-highway motorcycle and he
5or she is accompanied by a parent or guardian or by a person who is at least 18 years
6of age who has been designated by the parent or guardian.
AB694,34,107 (b) At least 12 years of age. No person who is at least 12 years of age and born
8after January 1, 1998, may operate an off-highway motorcycle off the highways
9unless the person holds a valid certificate issued by the department under sub. (14)
10or by another state or a province of Canada.
AB694,34,1411 (c) Exemptions. 1. The restrictions under pars. (a) and (b) do not apply to the
12operation of an off-highway motorcycle on private property if the owner of the
13property has given consent for the operation and does not hold the property out to
14the public for use of off-highway motorcycles.
AB694,34,2115 2. The restriction under par. (a) does not apply to a person who is operating a
16limited use off-highway motorcycle at an off-highway motorcycle event sponsored
17by a local governmental unit, by an off-highway vehicle association, as defined in
18sub. (1) (x), or by a similar organization that is approved by a local governmental
19unit, who is wearing protective headgear in compliance with sub. (8) (a) or (b), and
20who is accompanied by a person who is at least 18 years of age or a parent or
AB694,35,11 22(14) Safety certification program. The department shall establish or
23supervise the establishment of a program of instruction on laws related to the
24operation of off-highway motorcycles for recreational purposes off the highways.
25The program shall include instruction on the intoxicated operation of an off-highway

1motorcycle law, safety, and related subjects. The department shall establish by rule
2an instruction fee for this program. All or part of this program may be conducted by
3means of online instruction. The department shall issue certificates to persons
4successfully completing the program. An instructor conducting the program of
5instruction under this subsection shall collect the fee from each person who receives
6instruction. The department may determine the portion of this fee, which may not
7exceed 50 percent, that the instructor may retain to defray expenses incurred by the
8instructor in conducting the program. The instructor shall remit the remainder of
9the fee or, if nothing is retained, the entire fee to the department. The department
10shall issue a duplicate certificate of accomplishment to a person who is entitled to a
11duplicate certificate of accomplishment and who pays a fee of $2.75.
AB694,35,13 12(15) Safety grant program. (a) The department shall establish a program to
13award grants to organizations that meet the eligibility requirements under par. (b).
AB694,35,1514 (b) To be eligible for a grant under this subsection, an organization shall meet
15all of the following requirements:
AB694,35,1616 1. The organization is a nonstock corporation organized in this state.
AB694,35,1917 2. The organization promotes the off-highway operation of off-highway
18motorcycles in a manner that is safe and responsible and that does not harm the
AB694,35,2220 3. The organization promotes the off-highway operation of off-highway
21motorcycles in a manner that does not conflict with the laws, rules, and departmental
22policies that are applicable to the operation of off-highway motorcycles.
AB694,35,2523 4. The interest of the organization is limited to the recreational operation of
24off-highway motorcycles on off-highway motorcycle trails, off-highway motorcycle
25routes, and other areas that are off the highways.
15. The organization provides support to off-highway motorcycle clubs.
AB694,36,42 (c) An organization receiving a grant under this subsection shall use the grant
3moneys to promote and provide support to the safety certification program
4established under sub. (14) by conducting activities that include all of the following:
AB694,36,65 1. Collecting data on the recreational off-highway operation of off-highway
AB694,36,87 2. Providing assistance to the department in locating, recruiting, and training
8instructors for the safety certification program established under sub. (14).
AB694,36,119 3. Attempting to increase participation by current and future off-highway
10motorcycle operators and owners in the safety certification program established
11under sub. (14).
AB694,36,1712 4. Assisting the department of natural resources and the department of
13tourism in creating an outreach program to inform local communities of appropriate
14recreational off-highway use of off-highway motorcycles in their communities and
15of the economic benefits that may be gained from promoting tourism to attract
16persons who will participate in the recreational off-highway use of off-highway
AB694,36,1918 5. Attempting to improve and maintain its relationship with all of the
AB694,36,2020 a. The department of natural resources and the department of tourism.
AB694,36,2221 b. Off-highway motorcycle dealers and manufacturers of off-highway
AB694,36,2423 c. All-terrain vehicle dealers, as defined in s. 23.33 (1) (bd), and all-terrain
24vehicle manufacturers, as defined in s. 23.33 (1) (bp).
1d. Snowmobile clubs, as defined in s. 350.138 (1) (e), snowmobile alliances, as
2defined in s. 350.138 (1) (d), and other organizations that promote the recreational
3operation of snowmobiles.
AB694,37,74 6. Recruiting, assisting in the training of, and providing support to, a corps of
5volunteers that will assist in providing instruction on the safe and responsible
6off-highway operation of off-highway motorcycles that is given in the field to
7operators of off-highway motorcycles.
AB694,37,108 7. Assist the department in publishing a manual that will be used to train
9volunteers in monitoring the recreational off-highway operation of off-highway
10motorcycles for safety issues and other issues that relate to responsible operation.
AB694,37,1211 (d) The department shall pay the grants from the appropriation under s. 20.370
12(1) (jb).
AB694,37,15 13(16) Landowner incentive payment program. (a) The department shall
14establish a program to make incentive payments to private landowners who permit
15off-highway motorcycle corridors on their lands and who apply for the payments.
AB694,37,1916 (b) An application is not considered complete until the forester or another
17employee of each county in which the off-highway motorcycle corridor is located
18measures the length of the corridor in that county for the purpose of calculating the
AB694,37,2520 (c) The department shall allocate a certain amount for the incentive payments
21that may not be exceeded under this program for each fiscal year and shall
22promulgate rules to determine the amount of the annual allocation of the individual
23incentive payments. If the total amount of incentive payments made in a given fiscal
24year would exceed the amount available for the payments, the department shall
25establish a system to prorate the payments.
1(d) The department shall make the incentive payments under this subsection
2from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (cz).
AB694,38,8 3(17) Equipment requirements. (a) No person may operate a limited use
4off-highway motorcycle during hours of darkness unless it is equipped with a lighted
5headlamp and a lighted tail lamp. The headlamp is required to display a white light
6of sufficient illuminating power to reveal any person, vehicle, or substantial object
7at a distance of at least 200 feet ahead of the off-highway motorcycle. The tail lamp
8is required to display a red light plainly visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear.
AB694,38,109 (b) No person may operate a limited use off-highway motorcycle unless it is
10equipped with all of the following:
AB694,38,1111 1. At least one brake operated either by hand or by foot.
AB694,38,1212 2. Foot rests or pegs for the operator and any passenger.
AB694,38,1313 3. A functioning spark arrester of a type approved by the U.S. forest service.
AB694,38,1514 4. A functioning muffler unless the off-highway motorcycle is propelled by
15electric power.
AB694,38,2016 (c) No person may operate a limited use off-highway motorcycle unless the
17limited use off-highway motorcycle is constructed in such a manner that noise
18emitted from the limited use off-highway motorcycle does not exceed 96 decibels on
19the A scale as measured in the manner required under rules promulgated by the
AB694,38,2421 (d) Paragraphs (a) to (c) do not apply to the operation of a limited use
22off-highway motorcycle on private property if the owner of the property has given
23consent for the operation and does not hold the property out to the public for use of
24off-highway motorcycles.
1(18) Accidents. (a) If an operator of an off-highway motorcycle is involved in
2an accident that occurs off a highway and that results in the death of any person or
3in the injury of any person that requires treatment by a physician, the operator of
4each off-highway motorcycle involved in the accident shall give notice of the accident
5to a conservation warden or local law enforcement officer as soon as possible. Each
6operator shall also file a written report of the accident with the department on the
7form provided by it within 10 days after the accident.
AB694,39,108 (b) If an operator of an off-highway motorcycle is physically incapable of
9making the report required under par. (a) and there was another witness to the
10accident capable of making the report, the witness may make the report.
AB694,39,15 11(19) Trails and routes. (a) Department authority. The department shall
12encourage, develop, and supervise a system of off-highway motorcycle trails and
13off-highway motorcycle routes. The department may establish standards and
14procedures for designating off-highway motorcycle corridors and off-highway
15motorcycle routes under the jurisdiction of the department.
AB694,39,1916 (b) Trails. A local governmental unit or the department may designate
17corridors through land which it owns or controls, or for which it obtains leases,
18easements, or permission, for recreational use as off-highway motorcycle trails. A
19designation may include all or a portion of an all-terrain vehicle trail.
AB694,39,2320 (c) Routes. A local governmental unit may designate highways as off-highway
21motorcycle routes. No state trunk highway or connecting highway may be
22designated as an off-highway motorcycle route unless the department of
23transportation approves the designation.
AB694,40,224 (d) Restrictions. The designating local governmental unit may specify effective
25periods for the use of off-highway motorcycle trails and off-highway motorcycle

1routes and may restrict or prohibit the operation of off-highway motorcycles during
2certain periods of the year.
AB694,40,53 (e) Signs. The department, in cooperation with the department of
4transportation, shall establish uniform signs and standards for off-highway
5motorcycle routes and off-highway motorcycle trails.
AB694,40,116 (f) Interference with signs and standards prohibited. 1. No person may
7intentionally remove, damage, deface, move, obstruct, or interfere with the effective
8operation of any uniform off-highway motorcycle route sign or standard or any
9uniform off-highway motorcycle trail sign or standard if the sign or standard is
10legally placed by the state, any local governmental unit, or any authorized
AB694,40,1712 2. No person may possess any uniform off-highway motorcycle route sign or
13standard or any uniform off-highway motorcycle trail sign or standard of the type
14established by the department for the warning, instruction, or information of the
15public unless he or she obtained the uniform sign or standard in a lawful manner.
16Possession of a uniform sign or standard creates a rebuttable presumption of illegal
AB694,40,21 18(20) Enforcement activities and projects; funding. (a) Calculation of
19registration fees.
Before January 1 of each fiscal year, the department shall
20determine the total amount of fees received from the registration of off-highway
21vehicles under subs. (4) (d), (e), and (h) 2. and (5) (e) in the previous fiscal year.
AB694,40,2522 (b) Off-highway motorcycle projects. The department may use funding from
23the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (jb) for off-highway motorcycle projects that are
24undertaken by the state or by local governmental units. Any of the following types
25of off-highway motorcycle projects are eligible for funding:
11. Acquisition of an easement or land in fee simple.
AB694,41,32 2. An off-highway motorcycle facility such as a parking area, riding area,
3shelter, toilets, or other improvement.
AB694,41,54 3. Development of off-highway motorcycle routes or off-highway motorcycle
AB694,41,96 4. Development or maintenance of an all-terrain vehicle trail, all-terrain
7vehicle route, or all-terrain vehicle facility or a snowmobile trail, snowmobile route,
8or snowmobile facility, if the trail, route, or facility is open for use by off-highway
AB694,41,1210 5. Maintenance of off-highway motorcycle trails and off-highway motorcycle
11routes, including routes on roadways that are not maintained or only minimally
12maintained for motor vehicle traffic on a seasonal basis.
AB694,41,1313 6. Purchase of liability insurance.
AB694,41,1814 (c) Priorities. In providing funding for the types of projects listed in par. (b), the
15department shall give higher overall priority to projects for facilities and trails that
16are open only for use by off-highway motorcycles. In determining which off-highway
17motorcycle projects will be provided funding, the department shall consider all of the
AB694,41,2019 1. The distance of a proposed off-highway project from a comparable existing
AB694,41,2221 2. The amount of interest demonstrated by a community in developing or
22maintaining an off-highway motorcycle project.
AB694,41,2423 3. The amount of support demonstrated by a local governmental unit in which
24the project will be located.
14. The number of existing trails, routes, and facilities that are open to
2off-highway motorcycles or that are in the process of being developed.
AB694,42,53 (d) Signs. In addition to the types of projects listed in par. (b), the department
4may provide funding under this subsection to a local governmental unit for up to 100
5percent of the cost of placing signs developed under sub. (12) (L) 1. b.
AB694,42,86 (e) Charging of fees. A local governmental unit that has not received funding
7under par. (b) in the prior fiscal year may charge a seasonal or daily use fee for an
8off-highway motorcycle area operated by the local governmental unit.
AB694,42,12 9(21) Local ordinances. (a) Any local governmental unit may enact an
10ordinance which is in strict conformity with this section and rules promulgated by
11the department under this section, if the ordinance encompasses all aspects
12encompassed by this section.
AB694,42,1713 (b) If a local governmental unit enacts an ordinance regulating off-highway
14motorcycles, its clerk shall immediately send a copy of the ordinance to the
15department and to the office of any law enforcement agency of the local governmental
16unit having jurisdiction over any highway designated as an off-highway motorcycle
AB694,42,20 18(22) Enforcement. (a) A law enforcement officer has the authority and
19jurisdiction to enforce this section and ordinances enacted in accordance with this
AB694,42,2221 (b) No operator of an off-highway motorcycle may refuse to stop after being
22requested or signaled to do so by a law enforcement officer.
AB694,42,24 23(23) Penalties. (a) Generally. Except as provided in pars. (b) to (f), any person
24who violates this section shall forfeit not more than $250.
1(b) Penalty related to nonresident trail passes. Any person who violates sub.
2(6) (a) shall forfeit not more than $1,000.
AB694,43,53 (c) Penalties related to intoxicated operation. 1. Except as provided under
4subds. 2. and 3., a person who violates sub. (12) (a) 1. or 2. or (h) shall forfeit not less
5than $150 nor more than $300.