2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
January 10, 2013 - Introduced by Representatives Vos, Barca, Suder, Kramer,
Steineke, Ballweg, Jorgensen, Pasch and Zamarripa.
AR3,1,8 1To repeal assembly rule 17d (2), assembly rule 53 (4), assembly rule 73 (9) and
2assembly rule 95 (58); to amend assembly rule 3 (1) (r), assembly rule 5 (2),
3assembly rule 11 (4), assembly rule 11 (5) (a), assembly rule 11 (10), assembly
4rule 29 (3), assembly rule 61 (5), assembly rule 73 (2) (a), assembly rule 73 (3)
5(a), assembly rule 73 (4) (c), assembly rule 93 (2), assembly rule 93 (3), assembly
6rule 95 (38), assembly rule 95 (50), assembly rule 95 (54) and assembly rule 95
7(63); and to create assembly rule 5 (4) and assembly rule 9 (2) (cd); relating
the assembly rules.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This resolution makes the following substantive changes to the assembly rules:
Casting of votes in committee
The resolution provides that votes in committee must be held open after the
adjournment of the committee session to permit an absent member to vote until 5:00
p.m. on the day on which the committee session is adjourned or 30 minutes after the
adjournment, whichever is earlier. The absent member must cast his or her vote in
the committee room where the meeting is held.

Committee notice for meeting on unintroduced proposals
The resolution requires that, if an unintroduced proposal will be considered at
a committee meeting, the committee chairperson must provide a copy of the
unintroduced proposal with the notice.
Provision of calendar to members
The resolution provides that, except during the final week of the last
general-business floorperiod, the calendar must be provided to each member at least
24 hours before the calendar is to be acted upon. The current requirement is 18
Questions of assembly or personal privilege
Current assembly rules governing floor debate provide that questions of
assembly or personal privilege have precedence only insofar as they require
immediate consideration. The resolution provides that these questions may not be
Power of speaker to make temporary committee appointments
The resolution authorizes the speaker of the assembly to make temporary
replacements of members on committees who are unable temporarily to serve on the
Determination of 24-hour notice rule for committee meetings
The resolution eliminates a rule that prohibited the counting of hours between
5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. for purposes of calculating a 24-hour notice provision for
committee executive action on introduced proposals.
Posting of notice for committee meetings during special, extraordinary, or
extended sessions
The resolution provides that during a special, extraordinary, or extended
session a notice of a committee meeting is not required other than posting on the
legislative bulletin boards and the legislature's Internet site, and a schedule of
committee activities need not be published. The current rule applies this provision
only to committee hearings.
Power of assembly chief clerk during skeletal sessions
The resolution permits the assembly chief clerk to perform duties of the
presiding officer during skeletal sessions, other than any duty related to the
enactment of legislation or the adoption of a resolution.
Proposals that may be considered during special, extraordinary, or
extended sessions
The resolution provides that during a special or extraordinary session an
assembly proposal may not be considered unless it is recommended to be introduced,
offered, or considered by the assembly committees on finance, organization, or rules,
or by the joint committees on employment relations, finance, or organization.
Currently, the only proposals that may be considered during a special or
extraordinary session are those offered or introduced by these committees.

Duties of assembly chief clerk
The resolution permits the assembly chief clerk to delegate specific portions of
the work assigned to the chief clerk or to the chief clerk's office to appropriate staff.
This provision clarifies current rules which specifically permit the chief clerk to
delegate specific portions of the work assigned to the chief clerk's office only to
appropriate assistants.
Timing of reconsideration motions on amendments and proposals
The resolution provides that for both amendments and proposals, the time for
making reconsideration motions expires on the seventh order of business that next
occurs on a roll call day after adoption of the amendment or passage of the proposal.
Currently, reconsideration motions for amendments must be made no later than the
seventh order of business on the second legislative day after adoption of the
amendment, and reconsideration motions for proposals must be made no later than
the seventh order of business on the next legislative day after passage of the
Reconsideration of proposals when amendments are under reconsideration
The resolution provides that if a motion for reconsideration of an amendment
prevails, the entire proposal is returned to the amendable stage. Currently, the final
decision on the proposal at the end of the second reading stage must also be
reconsidered before a reconsideration of an amendment may be taken up.
Referral of notices and reports concerning proposed administrative rules
The resolution requires the referral of every notice and report concerning a
proposed administrative rule received by the speaker to the appropriate standing
committee of the assembly within ten working days following receipt. Current rules
provide that the referral must be within seven working days.
AR3,3,1 1Resolved by the assembly, That:
AR3,1 2Section 1. Assembly rule 3 (1) (r) is amended to read:
AR3,3,9 3Assembly Rule 3 (1) (r) Refer every notice and report concerning a proposed
4administrative rule received by him or her under section 227.19 of the statutes to the
5appropriate standing committee of the assembly within 7 10 working days following
6receipt, and notify that committee whenever the speaker is informed that a proposed
7rule or portion thereof is being withdrawn. The speaker shall refer any report
8received from a standing committee that objects to a proposed rule or portion thereof
9to the joint committee for review of administrative rules.
AR3,2 10Section 2. Assembly rule 5 (2) is amended to read:
1Assembly Rule 5 (2) The chief clerk may delegate specific portions of the work
2assigned to the chief clerk or to the clerk's office to appropriate assistants staff, but
3shall supervise and remain responsible for its execution.
AR3,3 4Section 3. Assembly rule 5 (4) is created to read:
AR3,4,9 5Assembly Rule 5 (4) In order to comply with joint rule 13 and section 10 of
6article IV of the constitution, the chief clerk may perform all of the duties
7enumerated under rule 3m, except that during any session convened under this
8subsection the chief clerk may not perform any duty related to the enactment of
9legislation or the adoption of a resolution.
AR3,4 10Section 4. Assembly rule 9 (2) (cd) is created to read:
AR3,4,20 11Assembly Rule 9 (2) (cd) If an assembly member of an assembly committee or
12a joint committee is unable to serve, the speaker may select a temporary replacement
13for a member of the majority party who is unable to serve from among those members
14of the same party and may select a temporary replacement for a member of the
15minority party, upon recommendation of the minority leader, who is unable to serve
16from among those members of the same party. The replacement takes effect when
17the member who is a temporary replacement answers the roll call of the assembly
18committee or joint committee and terminates upon the adjournment of the assembly
19committee or joint committee meeting or the return of the member who was unable
20to serve, whichever occurs first.
AR3,5 21Section 5. Assembly rule 11 (4) is amended to read:
AR3,5,2 22Assembly Rule 11 (4) All Except as provided in sub. (5) (a), all committee votes
23shall be taken in the presence of the committee. A member may not be recorded as
24voting unless the member is present at the committee session when the vote is taken.

1This subsection shall not apply to the committee on assembly organization when the
2committee is voting by ballot.
AR3,6 3Section 6. Assembly rule 11 (5) (a) is amended to read:
AR3,5,9 4Assembly Rule 11 (5) (a) A vote may shall be held open until after the
5adjournment of the committee session to permit an absent member to vote. Any such
6vote may only be recorded if the member votes in the presence of the committee in
until 5:00 p.m. on the day on which the committee session is adjourned or 30
8minutes after the adjournment, whichever is earlier. The absent member shall cast
9his or her vote in the committee room where the meeting is held
AR3,7 10Section 7. Assembly rule 11 (10) is amended to read:
AR3,5,13 11Assembly Rule 11 (10) The chairperson shall notify committee members of all
12committee meetings. If an unintroduced proposal will be considered at the meeting,
13the chairperson shall provide a copy of the unintroduced proposal with the notice.
AR3,8 14Section 8. Assembly rule 17d (2) is repealed.