2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
December 10, 2013 - Introduced by Law Revision Committee. Referred to
Committee on Judiciary and Labor.
SB427,1,2 1An Act relating to: affecting various provisions of the statutes to make
2corrections and reconcile conflicts (Corrections Bill).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This correction bill was prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau under s.
13.92 (1) (bm) 1. and 2. and (2) (i) and (L), stats. Specific changes are explained in
the Notes in the body of the bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB427,1 3Section 1. 5.05 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB427,2,64 5.05 (10) State election administration plan. With the assistance of the
5election administration council and approval of the joint committee on finance as
6provided in this subsection, the board shall adopt and modify as necessary a state
7plan that meets the requirements of P.L. 107-252 to enable participation by this
8state in federal financial assistance programs authorized under that law. The board
9shall adopt the plan and any modifications only after publishing a class I 1 notice

1under ch. 985 or posting on the Internet a statement describing the proposed plan
2or modification and receiving public comment thereon. After approval of the
3proposed plan or any modification of the plan by the board, the board shall submit
4the proposed plan or modification to the joint committee on finance for the approval
5of the committee. The board may adopt the proposed plan or modification only if the
6committee approves the proposed plan or modification.
Note: Conforms text to ch. 985.
SB427,2 7Section 2. 6.45 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB427,2,158 6.45 (1) After the deadline for revision of the registration list, the municipal
9clerk shall make copies of the list for election use. The registration list and any
10supplemental lists which are prepared at polling places or other registration
11locations under s. 6.55, shall be open to public inspection. Under the regulations
12prescribed by the municipal clerk, any person may copy the registration list at the
13office of the clerk. A registration list maintained at a polling place may be examined
14by any person who is observing the proceedings under s. 7.41 when such use does not
15interfere with the conduct of the election.
Note: 1999 Wis. Act 49 divided the then existing sub. (1) into subs. (1) and (1m),
leaving only the first sentence above in sub. (1). As the result of an error in transcribing
1999 Wis. Act 49, the stricken text incorrectly repeats the language of sub. (1m) and is
SB427,3 16Section 3. 11.06 (1) (jm) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 32,
17is amended to read:
SB427,3,418 11.06 (1) (jm) A copy of any separate schedule prepared or received pursuant
19to an escrow agreement under s. 11.16 (5). A candidate or personal campaign
20committee receiving contributions under such an agreement and attaching a
21separate schedule under this paragraph may indicate the percentage of the total
22contributions received, and disbursements made without itemization, except that

1amounts received from any contributor pursuant to the agreement who makes any
2separate contribution to the candidate or personal campaign committee during the
3calendar year of receipt as indicated in the schedule shall be aggregated and itemized
4if required under par. (a) or (b).
Note: Removes comma and adds "and" for correct grammar.
SB427,4 5Section 4. 13.94 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 10,
6is amended to read:
SB427,3,227 13.94 (4) (a) 1. Every state department, board, examining board, affiliated
8credentialing board, commission, independent agency, council or office in the
9executive branch of state government; all bodies created by the legislature in the
10legislative or judicial branch of state government; any public body corporate and
11politic created by the legislature including specifically the Fox River Navigational
12System Authority, the Lower Fox River Remediation Authority, the Wisconsin
13Aerospace Authority, and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, a
14professional baseball park district, a local professional football stadium district, a
15local cultural arts district and a long-term care district under s. 46.2895; every
16Wisconsin works agency under subch. III of ch. 49; every provider of medical
17assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49; technical college district boards; every county
18department under s. 51.42 or 51.437; every nonprofit corporation or cooperative or
19unincorporated cooperative association to which moneys are specifically
20appropriated by state law; and every corporation, institution, association or other
21organization which receives more than 50% of its annual budget from appropriations
22made by state law, including subgrantee or subcontractor recipients of such funds.
Note: Deletes unnecessary word.
1Section 5. 15.145 (5) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB427,4,213 15.145 (5) Council on offender reentry. (intro.) There is created a council on
4offender reentry which is attached to the department of corrections under s. 15.03,
5which shall have the duties, responsibilities, and powers set forth under s. 301.095.
6The council shall consist of 22 21 members, and the appointed members shall serve
7for 2-year terms and may be appointed for a maximum of 2 consecutive terms. The
8chairperson of the council shall be the secretary of corrections or the reentry director,
9as decided by the secretary of corrections. The chairperson may appoint
10subcommittees and the council shall meet no less frequently than 4 times per year
11at a date and location to be determined by the chairperson. Members of the council
12shall include the secretary of corrections, or his or her designee; the secretary of
13workforce development, or his or her designee; the secretary of health services, or his
14or her designee; the secretary of children and families, or his or her designee; the
15secretary of transportation, or his or her designee; the attorney general, or his or her
16designee; the chairperson of the parole commission, or his or her designee; the state
17superintendent of public instruction; the reentry director as appointed by the
18secretary of corrections; a current or former judge, as appointed by the director of
19state courts; an individual who has been previously convicted of, and incarcerated
20for, a crime in Wisconsin, as appointed by the secretary of corrections; and the
21following persons, as appointed by the governor:
Note: 2011 Wis. Act 32 eliminated one of the members of the council without
changing the number of members.
SB427,6 22Section 6. 16.301 (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 32,
23section 3450m, is amended to read:
116.301 Definitions. (intro.) In this subchapter ss. 16.301 to 16.315:
Note: Corrects cross-reference. Sections 16.301 to 16.315 were renumbered from
ss. 560.9801 to 560.9815, which made up an entire subchapter. Sections 16.301 to 16.315
were renumbered to be a part of subchapter I of Chapter 16 and the definitions in s. 16.301
do not apply to the entire subchapter.
SB427,7 2Section 7. 16.50 (3) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Acts 10
3and 32, is amended to read:
SB427,5,94 16.50 (3) (b) No change in the number of full-time equivalent positions
5authorized through the biennial budget process or other legislative act may be made
6without the approval of the joint committee on finance, except for position changes
7made by the governor under s. 16.505 (1) (c), (2), or (2j), by the investment board
8under s. 16.505 (2g), or by the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System
9under s. 16.505 (2m) or (2p).
Note: Inserts missing commas.
SB427,8 10Section 8. The treatment of 16.505 (1) (intro.) of the statutes by 2011
11Wisconsin Act 10
is not repealed by 2011 Wisconsin Act 32. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 16.505 (1) (intro.) reads:
(1) Except as provided in subs. (2), (2g), (2j), (2m), and (2p), no position, as defined
in s. 230.03 (11), regardless of funding source or type, may be created or abolished unless
authorized by one of the following:
SB427,9 12Section 9. 16.70 (11m) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Section 16.70 (11m) defines "recyclable material" in s. 16.70, but the term
does not appear in s. 16.70.
SB427,10 13Section 10. 16.75 (8) (a) 1. and 2. of the statutes are renumbered 16.75 (8) (am)
14and (bm).
Note: Section 16.75 (8) does not have multiple paragraphs as currently numbered.
SB427,11 15Section 11. 16.75 (10e) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
116.75 (10e) (b) If s. 16.855 (10s) (a) provides an applicable standard for the type
2of agency energy consuming equipment being purchased and the purchase will cost
3more than $5,000 per unit the department, any other designated purchasing agent
4under s. 16.71 (1), any agency making purchases under s. 16.74, and any authority
5may not purchase that type of energy consuming equipment unless the specifications
6for the equipment meet the applicable standards. If there is an applicable standard
7under s. 16.855 (10s) (a), but the energy consuming equipment meeting that
8standard is not reasonably available, the department, purchasing agent, agency, or
9authority shall ensure, for purchases over $5,000 per unit, that the energy
10consuming equipment that is purchased maximizes energy efficiency to the extent
11technically and economically feasible. The department, purchasing agent, agency,
12or authority shall not determine that energy consuming equipment that meets the
13applicable standard under s. 16.855 (10s) (a) either is not reasonably available on the
14basis of cost alone or is not cost-effective unless the difference in the cost of the
15purchase and installation of the equipment that meets the standard and the
16equipment that would otherwise be installed is greater than the difference in the cost
17of operating the equipment that meets the standard and the equipment that would
18otherwise be installed over the anticipated life of the equipment.
Note: Inserts correct word as indicated by drafting records for 2011 Wis. Act 32.
SB427,12 19Section 12. 16.85 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 32,
20section 267, is amended to read:
SB427,7,1121 16.85 (1) To take charge of and supervise all engineering or architectural
22services or construction work, as defined in s. 16.87 (1) (a), performed by, or for, the
23state, or any department, board, institution, commission, or officer of the state,
24including nonprofit-sharing corporations organized for the purpose of assisting the

1state in the construction and acquisition of new buildings or improvements and
2additions to existing buildings as contemplated under ss. 13.488, 36.09, and 36.11,
3except work to be performed for the University of Wisconsin System with respect to
4a building, structure, or facility involving a cost of less than $500,000 that is funded
5entirely with the proceeds of gifts or grants made to the system, and except
6engineering, architectural, and construction work of the department of
7transportation; and the engineering service performed by the department of safety
8and professional services, department of revenue, public service commission,
9department of health services, and other departments, boards, and commissions
10when the service is not related to the maintenance, and construction and planning,
11of the physical properties of the state.
Note: Text inserted by 2011 Wis. Act 32, section 266, was removed by Act 32,
section 267, without being shown as stricken. Drafting records show that no change was
intended. Also makes a cross-reference more specific. "Construction work" is defined in
s. 16.87 (1) (a).
SB427,13 12Section 13. 16.854 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB427,8,1513 16.854 (2) (intro.) Subject to the requirements of s. 16.82 (7), the department
14may, upon request of any local professional baseball park district, if the district has
15entered into a lease agreement with the department under s. 16.82 (7), take charge
16of and supervise engineering or architectural services or construction work, as
17defined in s. 16.87 (1) (a), performed by, or for, the district for compensation to be
18agreed upon between the department and the district. In connection with such
19services or work, the department may furnish engineering, architectural, project
20management and other building construction services whenever requisitions
21therefor are presented to the department by the district. If the district has entered
22into a lease agreement with the department under s. 16.82 (7), the department may
23also assist the district, upon request of the district, in letting contracts for

1engineering, architectural or construction work authorized by law and in
2supervising the work done thereunder. The department may award any such
3contract for any combination or division of work it designates and may consider any
4factors in awarding a contract including price, time for completion of work and the
5qualifications and past performance of a contractor. In awarding contracts under
6this section for the construction of baseball park facilities, as defined in s. 229.65 (1),
7the department shall ensure that any person who is awarded a contract agrees, as
8a condition to receiving the contract, that his or her goal shall be to ensure that at
9least 25% of the employees hired because of the contract will be minority group
10members and at least 5% of the employees hired because of the contract will be
11women. It shall also be a goal of the department to ensure that at least 25% of the
12aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded for the construction of such facilities in
13the following areas are awarded to minority businesses and at least 5% of the
14aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded for the construction of such facilities in
15the following areas are awarded to women's businesses:
Note: Makes cross-reference more specific. "Construction work" is defined in s.
16.87 (1) (a).
SB427,14 16Section 14. 20.505 (1) (gr) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act
, section 406, is amended to read:
SB427,9,218 20.505 (1) (gr) Disabled veteran-owned, woman-owned, and minority business
19certification fees.
All moneys received from fees collected under s. 16.283 (3) (c) for
20the costs of certifying disabled veteran-owned businesses under s. 16.283; all
21moneys received from fees collected under s. 16.285 (1) (bm), for the costs of certifying
22woman-owned businesses under s. 6.285 16.285; and all moneys received from fees

1collected under s. 16.287 (2) (dm) for the costs of certifying minority businesses under
2s. 16.287.
Note: Corrects cross-reference. 2011 Wis. Act 32 renumbered s. 560.035 to s.
16.285, but the cross-reference in this provision was changed from s. 560.035 (1) to s.
6.285. There is no s. 6.285.
SB427,15 3Section 15. The treatment of 20.923 (8) of the statutes by 2011 Wisconsin Act
is not repealed by 2011 Wisconsin Act 32. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 20.923 (8) reads:
(8) Deputies. Salaries for deputies appointed pursuant to ss. 13.94 (3) (b), 15.04
(2), 230.04 (16), and 551.601 (1) shall be set by the appointing authority. The salary shall
not exceed the maximum of the salary range one range below the salary range of the
executive salary group to which the department or agency head is assigned. The positions
of assistant secretary of state, assistant state treasurer and associate director of the
historical society shall be treated as unclassified deputies for pay purposes under this
subsection. The salary of the deputy director of the office of business development in the
department of administration is assigned to executive salary group 2.
SB427,16 5Section 16. 23.0917 (6m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB427,9,76 23.0917 (6m) (d) The procedures under pars. par. (a) and (b) apply to any land
7acquisition under sub. (5m).
Note: 23.0917 (6m) (b) of the statutes was repealed by 2011 Wis. Act 32.
SB427,17 8Section 17. 25.49 (intro.) and (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin
9Act 32
, are consolidated, renumbered 25.49 and amended to read:
SB427,9,12 1025.49 Economic development fund. There is established a separate
11nonlapsible trust fund designated as the economic development fund, to consist of:
The the surcharge imposed under subch. VII of ch. 77.