2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
February 13, 2014 - Introduced by Senators Olsen,
Grothman and Gudex,
cosponsored by Representatives
Murphy, Knudson, Jacque, Weatherston,
Kulp, Kaufert, Kahl and Strachota. Referred to Committee on Judiciary and
1An Act to repeal 779.02 (1) (e);
to renumber and amend 779.02 (2) (b);
2amend 779.02 (1) (c) and 779.15 (3); and
to create 779.02 (2) (b) 2. and 779.06
3(4) of the statutes;
relating to: procedures to preserve and determine the
4validity of certain liens and to make payments to prime contractors of public
5works contracts.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law allows a person who provides services or goods to improve land,
such as building a home, to have a claim against the land owner for the person's cost
of providing the services or goods (a construction lien) if the person follows certain
procedures, including providing notice of the claim to the owner. The person can then
file a construction lien with the clerk of circuit court, who is required to keep a
judgment and lien docket.
Currently, the notice requirement does not apply if a person provides services
or goods for an improvement to land that is wholly residential in character and
involves more that four family living units, or is partially or wholly nonresidential
(a commercial project). In addition, certain other persons are not required to give
notice of his or her claim to the land owner to maintain the right to a construction
lien, including a person other than a prime contractor who works on an improvement
on which the prime contractor is not required to give notice.
This bill limits those who do not have to give notice of his or her claim to
maintain the right to a construction lien for a commercial project to prime
contractors and other claimants who have a contract with the prime contractor.
Currently, those persons who are not prime contractors and who are required
to give notice to the land owner to maintain the right to a construction lien must serve
the written notice on the owner or authorized agent within 60 days after providing
the first services or goods.
This bill continues that requirement if the improvement involves four family
units or fewer and is wholly residential in character. However, under the bill, if the
improvement involves a commercial project, the persons who are required to give
notice of a claim to maintain the right to a construction lien must serve the written
notice on the owner or authorized agent within 45 days after providing the first
services or goods.
Currently, no action may be maintained to enforce a construction lien unless the
lien claimant files a claim for the lien with the office of the clerk of circuit court within
six months from the date that the services or goods were last provided and then
commences an action within two years of filing the claim. Current law requires the
lien claimant to notify the owner of the land that he or she intends to file the claim
for a lien. The lien claimant is also required under current law to serve a copy of the
claim for a lien within 30 days after the filing of the lien claim.
Under this bill, after the lien is filed, the land owner or any other interested
party may serve the lien claimant with a written demand that the lien claimant bring
an action to determine the validity of the lien. Under the bill, if the lien claimant fails
to bring that action within 90 days after being served with the demand, the lien is
Under current law, certain contract, payment, and performance assurance
requirements exist for contracts involving public improvements and public works.
Liens may also be obtained for those improvements if certain notice requirements
are met. Currently, if the notice requirements are met, and the prime contractor does
not dispute the claim within 30 days after service of notice of the claim by notifying
the public agency and the lien claimant, the public agency is required to pay the
amount of the claim and charge that amount to the prime contractor. If the prime
contractor disputes the claim, current law requires the commencement of an action
by the claimant or prime contractor to determine the validity of the claim.
This bill requires that if a valid lien exists regarding public improvements or
public works, and the prime contractor admits the claim within 30 days after service
of notice of the claim by notifying the public agency and the lien claimant, the public
agency is required to pay the amount of the claim and charge that amount against
what is owed to the prime contractor. If the prime contractor does not admit the claim
within 30 days after receipt of the notice, this bill requires the commencement of an
action by the claimant or prime contractor to determine the validity of the claim. In
addition, under the bill, during the period that a claim is disputed the public agency
may continue to make payments to the prime contractor provided the public agency
withholds sufficient funds to pay the claim.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 779.02 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) By any
prime contractor or any lien claimant
that has a contract
3with the prime contractor performing, furnishing, or procuring labor, services,
4materials, plans, or specifications for an improvement in any case where more than
54 family living units are to be provided or added by such work of improvement, if the
6improvement is wholly residential in character, or in any case where the
7improvement is partly or wholly nonresidential in character.
2. 779.02 (1) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
3. 779.02 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 779.02 (2) (b) 1. and
10amended to read:
(2) (b) 1.
Every For an improvement in any case where 4 family units
12or fewer are to be provided or added and the improvement is wholly residential in
13character, every person other than a prime contractor who performs, furnishes, or
14procures labor, materials, plans, or specifications for an improvement shall have the
15lien and remedy under this subchapter only if within 60 days after performing,
16furnishing, or procuring the first labor, services, materials, plans, or specifications
17the person serves a written notice, in 2 signed copies, on the owner or authorized
18agent at the last-known post-office address. The owner or agent shall provide a copy
19of the notice received, within 10 days after receipt, to any mortgage lender who is
20furnishing or is to furnish funds for construction of the improvement to which the
21notice relates. The notice to the owner shall be in substantially the following
22language, with blanks accurately filled in: "As a part of your construction contract,
23your prime contractor or claimant has already advised you that those who perform,
24furnish, or procure labor, services, materials, plans, or specifications for the work will
25be notifying you. The undersigned first performed, furnished, or procured labor,
1services, materials, plans, or specifications on .... (give date) for the improvement
2now under construction on your real estate at .... (give legal description, street
3address or other clear description). Please give your mortgage lender the extra copy
4of this notice within 10 days after you receive this, so your lender, too, will know that
5the undersigned is included in the job".
4. 779.02 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (b) 2. For an improvement in any case where more than 4 family
8units are to be provided or added if the improvement is wholly residential in
9character, or in any case where the improvement is partly or wholly nonresidential
10in character, every person other than a prime contractor, or lien claimant who has
11a contract with the prime contractor, who performs, furnishes, or procures labor,
12materials, plans, or specifications for an improvement shall have the lien and
13remedy under this subchapter only if within 45 days after performing, furnishing,
14or procuring the first labor, services, materials, plans, or specifications the person
15serves a written notice on the owner or authorized agent at the last-known
16post-office address. The owner or agent shall provide a copy of the notice received,
17within 10 days after receipt, to any mortgage lender who is furnishing or is to furnish
18funds for construction of the improvement to which the notice relates. The notice to
19the owner shall be in substantially the following language, with blanks accurately
20filled in:
TO: (Name and address of property owner, property owner's designee, or prime
22contractor) ....
Please take notice that the undersigned is furnishing to: (Name and address of
24other contracting party) .... labor and materials for: (Describe type of work) .... in
1connection with the improvement of the real property located at (Address of property
2being improved, including county) ....
(Name and address of party furnishing notice) ....
By: (Name and title of person signing notice) ....
(Address of person signing if different from address of party furnishing notice)
(Date) .... (Signature) ....
5. 779.06 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) After a lien claim that has been filed under sub. (1) is served upon
12the owner of the property on which the lien is placed, the owner or any other
13interested party may serve upon the lien claimant a written demand that the
14claimant commence an action to determine the validity of the lien. If the lien
15claimant fails to commence an action to determine the validity of the lien within 90
16days after being served the written demand, the lien is forfeited.
6. 779.15 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) If a valid lien exists under sub. (1) and the prime contractor
does not
19dispute admits the claim within 30 days after service on the prime contractor of the
20notice provided in sub. (2), by serving written notice on the debtor state, county, town,
21or municipality and the lien claimant, the amount claimed shall be paid over to the
22claimant on demand and charged to the prime contractor pursuant to sub. (1). If the
23prime contractor
disputes does not admit the claim
within 30 days after service on
24the prime contractor of the notice provided in sub. (2), the right to a lien and to the
25moneys in question shall be determined in an action brought by the claimant or the
1prime contractor. If the action is not brought within 3 months from the time the
2notice required by sub. (1) is served, and notice of bringing the action filed with the
3officer with whom the claim is filed, the lien rights are barred.
During the period that
4a claim is disputed under this section, the state, county, town, or municipality may
5continue to make scheduled or progress payments to the prime contractor provided
6that the state, county, town, or municipality withholds sufficient funds to pay the
Initial applicability.
(1) This act first applies to contracts entered into on the effective date of this