2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
January 14, 2013 - Introduced by Senators S. Fitzgerald, Ellis and Grothman.
Referred to Committee on Senate Organization.
SR2,1,7 1To renumber senate rule 7 (2) to (5); to renumber and amend senate rule 7 (1);
2to amend senate rule 4 (6), senate rule 7 (title), senate rule 13m (4), senate rule
313m (8), senate rule 17 (6), senate rule 20 (1) (b) 2., senate rule 25 (1) (a), senate
4rule 46 (2) (c), senate rule 69 and senate rule 99 (77); and to create senate rule
513r, senate rule 18 (1b), senate rule 25 (5), senate rule 25 (6), senate rule 56m
6(title), senate rule 56m (1) and senate rule 56m (2m); relating to: the senate
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This resolution makes the following substantive changes to the senate rules:
Admittance to senate spaces
The resolution provides that any individual who violates senate rules or policies
or provisions in the senate policy manual in a senate space may be removed from the
senate space and not be allowed admittance to any senate spaces for a period of 24
hours. For a second violation, the individual may be removed from the senate space
and not be allowed admittance to any senate spaces until the first roll call day of the
next regularly scheduled floorperiod. For a third violation, the individual may be
removed from the senate space and not be allowed admittance to any senate spaces
for the remainder of the biennial legislative session. The resolution specifically
provides that senate spaces include the senate chamber, senate offices, senate

hearing rooms, and any other space in the capitol that is traditionally reserved for
the conduct of senate business.
Order and decorum
The resolution clarifies that the president and presiding officer must enforce on
all occasions the observance of order and decorum in the senate chamber, not just
among the senators.
Definition of senate chamber
The resolution provides that the parlor is included within the definition of
"senate chamber" for all purposes of the senate rules.
Display of signs and other objects
The resolution provides that individuals in the gallery may not display signs
or other objects. Currently, the prohibition applies only to signs.
Use of electronic devices
The resolution provides that individuals in the gallery must turn off all
electronic devices. Currently, the requirement applies only to cellular telephones
and pagers.
Points of order
The resolution clarifies that when a point of order is raised, and the point of
order concerns a proposal or a question currently pending on such proposal, taking
the point of order under advisement removes the proposal from further consideration
until the presiding officer announces the ruling on the point of order.
Messages from the assembly
The resolution provides that messages from the assembly or from the governor
may be received and read, and any proposal referenced in the messages that is an
assembly proposal initially received for consideration of the senate shall be referred.
Any other proposals referenced in the messages shall be taken up immediately
unless referred by the presiding officer to a standing committee. Under current
rules, no proposals referenced in the message may be immediately taken up by the
Committee on Senate Organization chairperson
The resolution provides that when the two major political parties are
represented in the senate by equal representation, the former majority leader shall
serve as chairperson of the Committee on Senate Organization.
Conduct of individuals in senate meeting rooms
The resolution provides that, unless otherwise ordered by a committee
chairperson, an individual in any room in which a senate meeting is being conducted
must be quiet at all times; must be seated at all times; and may not display signs or
other objects.
Rereferral of proposals and appointments
The resolution permits the president, with the consent of the chairperson of the
Committee on Senate Organization, to withdraw a proposal or appointment from the
standing committee to which it is referred and rerefer it to another standing

committee. Currently, the president also needs the consent of the chairperson of the
standing committee.
Senate rules and committee proceedings
The resolution provides that, insofar as applicable, the rules of the senate apply
to the procedures of standing committees and special committees.
Resolutions to change senate rules
The resolution clarifies that after the senate rules have been established at the
commencement of the biennial session, any resolution to change the senate rules
must lay over one week, regardless of whether the resolution is privileged.
SR2,3,1 1Resolved by the senate, That:
SR2,1 2Section 1. Senate rule 4 (6) is amended to read:
SR2,3,4 3Senate Rule 4 (6) Enforce on all occasions the observance of order and decorum
4among the members in the senate chamber.
SR2,2 5Section 2. Senate rule 7 (title) is amended to read:
SR2,3,6 6Senate Rule 7 (title) Presiding officer to preserve order; appeal.
SR2,3 7Section 3. Senate rule 7 (1) is renumbered senate rule 7 and is amended to
SR2,3,12 9Senate Rule 7. The presiding officer shall preserve order and decorum; may
10speak to points of order in preference to others, rising for that purpose; and shall
11decide questions of order, subject to an appeal by a member, on which appeal each
12member may speak once not to exceed 5 minutes
SR2,4 13Section 4. Senate rule 7 (2) to (5) are renumbered senate rule 56m (2) to (5).
SR2,5 14Section 5. Senate rule 13m (4) is amended to read:
SR2,3,16 15Senate Rule 13m (4) May not display signs or other objects. If an individual
16brings a sign to the chamber, the sign shall be left in the gallery vestibule.
SR2,6 17Section 6. Senate rule 13m (8) is amended to read:
SR2,3,19 18Senate Rule 13m (8) Shall turn off all cellular telephones and pagers electronic
1Section 7. Senate rule 13r is created to read:
SR2,4,5 2Senate Rule 13r. Admittance to senate spaces. (1) Any individual who
3violates senate rules or policies or provisions in the senate policy manual in a senate
4space may be removed from the senate space and not be allowed admittance to any
5senate spaces for a period of 24 hours.
SR2,4,96 (2) Any individual who violates senate rules or policies or provisions in the
7senate policy manual in a senate space a 2nd time during a biennial legislative
8session may be removed from the senate space and not be allowed admittance to any
9senate spaces until the first roll call day of the next regularly scheduled floorperiod.
SR2,4,1310 (3) Any individual who violates senate rules or policies or provisions in the
11senate policy manual in a senate space a 3rd time during a biennial legislative
12session may be removed from the senate space and not be allowed admittance to any
13senate spaces for the remainder of the biennial legislative session.
SR2,4,1614 (4) Senate spaces shall specifically include the senate chamber, senate offices,
15senate hearing rooms, and any other space in the capitol that is traditionally
16reserved for the conduct of senate business.
SR2,4,1817 (5) This section shall not be construed to prevent any senator from fulfilling his
18or her constitutional duties in any senate space.
SR2,8 19Section 8. Senate rule 17 (6) is amended to read:
SR2,4,23 20Senate Rule 17 (6) Any action that would occur on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th,
217th, or 8th order of business during a daily session, but that actually occurs after the
22completion of the applicable order of business on that day, is considered to have
23occurred on the applicable order of business for the purpose of producing the journal.
SR2,9 24Section 9. Senate rule 18 (1b) is created to read:
1Senate Rule 18 (1b) Messages from the assembly or from the governor may be
2received and read, and any proposal referenced in the messages that is an assembly
3proposal initially received for consideration of the senate shall be referred. Any other
4proposals referenced in the messages shall be taken up immediately unless referred
5by the presiding officer to a standing committee.
SR2,10 6Section 10. Senate rule 20 (1) (b) 2. is amended to read:
SR2,5,9 7Senate Rule 20 (1) (b) 2. The former majority and minority leaders and former
8majority and minority assistant leaders. The former majority leader shall be the
SR2,11 10Section 11. Senate rule 25 (1) (a) is amended to read: