2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
March 28, 2014 - Introduced by Senators L. Taylor, Petrowski, Carpenter,
Vinehout, Schultz, Harris, Lehman, Kedzie, Farrow, Grothman, Hansen and
Lassa. Referred to Committee on Senate Organization.
1Relating to: proclaiming May 10, 2014, as Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Day.
Whereas, many thousands of Wisconsin residents and visitors enjoy
3motorcycling as an energy-efficient mode of transportation and as an enjoyable
4recreational activity; and
Whereas, May is nationally recognized as the month motorcycles become more
6prevalent on our streets, and the need to be aware of their presence is of the utmost
7urgency; and
Whereas, due to the increased number of motorcycles on the roads and
9highways of our state, and because motorcycle awareness and safety are concerns to
10all, it is appropriate to set aside a time to alert motorists of the number of
11motorcyclists on the roads and to help motorists become aware of motorcyclists,
12especially with regard to sharing the road with motorcycles; and
Whereas, this worthwhile observance provides all Wisconsin motorists with an
14opportunity to rededicate themselves to the highest standards of highway safety;
1Whereas, throughout Wisconsin, motorcyclists have been at the forefront of
2efforts to promote the wise and sensible use of this most enjoyable mode of travel; and
Whereas, it is important to recognize the need for all drivers to be aware of the
4seasonal return of motorcyclists and to be particularly alert and careful when
5approaching or overtaking a motorcycle on the highway; and
Whereas, it is also important to honor motorcyclists' many contributions to the
7communities in which they live and ride and to remember those who have lost their
8lives in motorcycle accidents; now, therefore, be it
9Resolved by the senate, That the senate hereby proclaims May 10, 2014, as
10Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Day.