
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Campaigns and Elections

Assembly Bill 18

Relating to: appointment and residency of election officials.

By Representatives Pridemore, Murphy and Weatherston; cosponsored by Senator Grothman.

February 15, 2013       Referred to Committee on Campaigns and Elections

February 26, 2013       Public Hearing Held

Present:       (9)        Representative Bernier; Representatives Pridemore, Thiesfeldt, Weininger, Tranel, Craig, Zamarripa, Kessler and Berceau.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Appearances For

·      Don Pridemore - Rep.

·      Ardis Cereny - Self

·      Kenneth Dragotta - Self-businessman

Appearances Against

·      Scott McDonell - Dane County Clerk

·      Paul Malischke - Self

Appearances for Information Only

·      Kevin  Kennedy - Director and General Counsel, WI Government Accountability Board

·      Diane Hernamm-Brown - WMCA

·      Rick Stadelman - WI Towns Association

Registrations For

·      None.

Registrations Against

·      Brenda  Wood - City of Milwaukee

·      Joan Andrusz - WMCA

Registrations for Information Only

·      Vikki Zuehlke - WMCA & Village of Waterford

·      Barbara Struck - SElf

·      Sara Ludtke - Town of Middelton

·      Lori Stottler - Rock Co. Clerk

April 08, 2014             Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1


Chad Zuleger

Committee Clerk