
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on State Affairs and Government Operations

Assembly Bill 775

Relating to: administration of medications at a camp.

By Representative Kuglitsch; cosponsored by Senator Lazich.

February 18, 2014       Referred to Committee on State Affairs and Government Operations

March 04, 2014           Public Hearing Held

Present:       (11)      Representative Weininger; Representatives Swearingen, Craig, Knodl, Neylon, Kooyenga, Hutton, Sinicki, Ringhand, Kessler and Hulsey.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (5)        Representatives Kleefisch, Ripp, Nass, Zamarripa and Kahl.

Appearances For

·      Mike Kuglitsch - Rep - 84th ASM District

·      Mary Lazich - Senator - 28th Senate District

·      Patrick Scherer - Boy Scouts of America

·      Bruce Prange - Boy Scouts of America

Appearances Against

·      None.

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      None.

Registrations Against

·      None.

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

April 08, 2014             Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1


Alison Zikmund

Committee Clerk