eating, tobacco products, reading not permitted8 (4)
exceptional words to, taken down in writing58
motives, not to questions56
presiding officer preserves order and decorum7 (1)
proper conduct while presiding officer or member
is speaking8 (2)
recording proceedings11 (7)
sergeant at arms supervises admission to chamber6 (2)(c)
video recordings11 (7)
Conference committee, see Committee of conference20m, 23
Confirmation of executive nominations:
ayes and noes required22 (2)
may be considered in any session22 (1)
not subject to reconsideration22 (2), 67 (7)
Congress, members of, privilege of staff lobby11 (2)
Constitutional amendment:
second consideration, how to amend, see Joint Rule 57 (2)
standing committee, requires reference to36
three readings required35
Contested seat (definition)99 (18)
Contested senate election, floor privilege of contestants12
Copies of proposals to be available at least one day
before consideration34
Corrections in proposals by chief clerk31
Current membership determines quorum requirement
in most cases; for exceptions, see Joint Rule 1139
definition99 (20)
Current question, motion for77
call of senate in order once on80
main question remains before senate79
not debatable, may not be tabled68, 77 (1)
not in order in committee of the whole19
precedence of motions for63
Daily calendar, see Calendar
call of senate82 (1)
coauthors, cosponsors, not to be changed while
sitting in session17 (5)
conduct of members prescribed56
confined to question56
disorderly conduct by members and others13
exceptional words in, recording of58
member may speak:
on proposal and on each amendment53
only from assigned place59
twice on same question59
motions in order during63
motions or questions decided without68
motives, may not question other members56
not permitted after main question is put, but
amendments may still be offered77 (3)
personal privilege, limitations60
personalities in, not allowed56
precluded on all questions by ordering the
main question77 (3)
presiding officer to name first speaker57
reading briefly from printed material permitted
unless objected to56
recognition of member before proceeding56
time limits for76, 77 (2)
what motions or questions decided without68
Decorum in the senate chamber:
admission to floor11, 13
audio, video recordings11 (7)
ayes and noes, members not to leave seat during
calling of8 (3)
coats to be worn8 (1)
disorderly conduct by members and others13
eating, tobacco products, reading not permitted8 (4)
exceptional words to, taken down in writing58
president may order removal of member13
presiding officer preserves order and decorum7 (1)
proper conduct while presiding officer or member
is speaking8 (2)
recording proceedings11 (7)
sergeant at arms supervises admission to chamber6 (2)(c)
Dictionary, Webster's current edition to be used31 (4)
Dilatory (definition)99 (22)
Disposal, adverse and final46 (6)
Disturbance or disorderly conduct, presiding officer may
order clearing of senate floor and lobby, president
may order member removed13
Division of question, members may call for, when70
definition99 (23)
report of committee of conference not divisible,
Joint Rule 3 (3)
veto70 (2), (3)
Documents, signing of by president and attestation
by chief clerk44
Drinking, not permitted in chamber8 (4)
Eating, not permitted in chamber8 (4)
Elected membership (definition)99 (24)
Election, contested, floor privilege of contestant12
Election of officers by the senate, see also Wis. Con. IV-30,
ss. 13.02 (1), 13.13, 13.15 (1), 13.18 (1), stats.:
chief clerk5
president, president pro tempore1
sergeant at arms6
substitute president2
coats to be worn by8 (1)