am. effec. 4-1-2015
cr. effec. 10-1-2013
_Toc332971483Session Laws Affected by 2013 Wisconsin Acts
Session Laws Chapter or Wisconsin Act
Affected By
WisAct 20, s. 9105 (1) (a) 2., as last amended by 2009 WisAct 28, s. 3409n am.
Act 20
WisAct 63, s. 44 (1) am.
Act 4
WisAct 333, s. 20 (2) am. effec. 7-1-2013 .... WisAct 32 of
WisAct 333, s. 20 (5) am. effec. 7-1-2013 .... WisAct 32 of
WisAct 333, s. 22 (2) am. effec. 7-1-2013 .... WisAct 32 of
WisAct 376, s. 13 (1) am. effec. 8-1-2014
Act 358
WisAct 10, ss. 157, 158 am.
Act 166
WisAct 21, s. 39 am.
Act 166
WisAct 23, s. 60 am.
Act 166
WisAct 32, s. 44p am.
Act 166
WisAct 32, s. 1400 am.
Act 166
WisAct 32, s. 1506m am.
Act 166
WisAct 32, s. 2081 am.
Act 166
WisAct 32, s. 2875p am.
Act 166
WisAct 32, s. 3136 am.
Act 166
WisAct 32, s. 3454m am.
Act 166
WisAct 32, s. 9106 (1) (i) 3. am.
Act 20
WisAct 32, s. 9219 (1u) am.
Act 20
WisAct 32, s. 9245 (2f) am.
Act 20
WisAct 32, s. 9255 (1) (b) am.
Act 20
WisAct 32, s. 9452 (1d) am.
Act 20
WisAct 38, s. 83 am.
Act 166
WisAct 46, s. 1 am.
Act 165
WisAct 47, s. 4 am.
Act 165
WisAct 61, s. 3 am.
Act 168
WisAct 75, s. 38 am.
Act 165
WisAct 75, s. 49 am.
Act 165
WisAct 75, s. 50 am.
Act 165
WisAct 75, s. 52 am.
Act 165
WisAct 75, s. 56 am.
Act 165
WisAct 75, s. 76 am.
Act 165
WisAct 91, s. 23 am.
Act 165
WisAct 91, s. 33 am.
Act 165
WisAct 114, s. 1e am.
Act 165
WisAct 115, s. 14 am.
Act 165
WisAct 118, s. 127 am.
Act 165
WisAct 166, s. 28 (1) am.
Act 20
WisAct 181, s. 9 am.
Act 165
WisAct 198, s. 47m (1) am. effec. 7-14-2013
Act 36
WisAct 199, s. 4 am.
Act 165
WisAct 212, s. 13 (1) r.
Act 20
WisAct 216, s. 33 am.
Act 165
WisAct 227, s. 5 am.
Act 165
WisAct 243, s. 13 am.
Act 168
WisAct 257, s. 40 am.
Act 165
WisAct 265, s. 2 am.
Act 165
WisAct 266, s. 5d am.
Act 165
WisAct 271, s. 6 am.
Act 165
WisAct 20, s. 1549 am.
Act 173
WisAct 20, s. 2282 am.
Act 173
WisAct 20, s. 9104 (1) (f) 1g., 1r. cr.
Act 187
WisAct 20, s. 9122 (1L) (b) 1. b.
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9122 (1L) (b) 1. c. r.
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9122 (1L) (b) 2., 3. a., c.
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9122 (1L) (b) 4. am.
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9122 (1L) (b) 8. (intro.)
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9122 (1L) (b) 8. a., 9. a., 10. a., b., 11. b. am.
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9134 (4L) (g) cr.
Act 46
WisAct 20, s. 9145 (7L) (b) (intro.) am.
Act 49
WisAct 20, s. 9145 (7L) (c) am.
Act 49
WisAct 20, s. 9145 (7L) (d) cr.
Act 49
WisAct 20, s. 9252 (1) (a) (intro.) am.
Act 145
WisAct 20, s. 9318 (14)
Act 117
WisAct 20, s. 9326 (1) (h) am.
Act 214
WisAct 20, s. 9418 (7) am.
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9418 (7) (aff. 2013 WisAct 116) am.
Act 117
WisAct 20, s. 9418 (7g) cr.
Act 117
WisAct 20, s. 9418 (7m) cr.
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9418 (9) am.
Act 116
WisAct 20, s. 9443 (1) am.
Act 173
WisAct 48, s. 1 am.
Act 151
WisAct 48, s. 6 am.
Act 151
WisAct 75, s. 5 am.
Act 151
WisAct 92, s. 267 am.
Act 151
WisAct 116, s. 33 (2) am.
Act 117
WisAct 116, s. 33 (2m) cr.
Act 117
_Toc332971484Constitutional Amendments and Referendums
First Consideration
Subject of Amendment
Article VII, Section 4 (2)
Election of chief justice.
[2013 SJR-57]
Second Consideration
Subject of Amendment
Article IV, Section 9 (1) and (2) and Article VIII, Section 11
Creation of a department of transportation, creation of a transportation fund, and deposit of funds into the transportation fund.
[2013 AJR-2]
Constitutional Amendments—November 4, 2014, Election
One question submitting an amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution for ratification was on the November 4, 2014, statewide election ballot. The number of votes cast for or against the question, shown below, was copied from the official canvass certified by the chairperson of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board on December 1, 2014. The amendment was ratified by a majority of the members voting on the question.
Question 1 was placed on the ballot by 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 2 (2013 Enrolled Joint Resolution 1). The question concerned the creation of a department of transportation, creation of a transportation fund, and deposit of funds into the transportation fund.
Question 1: Creation of a Transportation Fund. Shall section 9 (2) of article IV and section 11 of article VIII of the constitution be created to require that revenues generated by use of the state transportation system be deposited into a transportation fund administered by a department of transportation for the exclusive purpose of funding Wisconsin’s transportation systems and to prohibit any transfers or lapses from this fund?” [2013 AJR-2] [JR-1]
( Yes: 1,733,101 No: 434,806 )
Ratified Amendments
This part of the Numerical Listing of Sections Affected by Wisconsin Acts shows the full current text of each section of the Wisconsin Constitution that was created or changed through an amendment validly ratified by the voters of Wisconsin since the publication of the 2013-14 Wisconsin Statutes. Amendments to the Wisconsin Constitution become “effective at the time the chairperson of the board or the chairperson’s designee certifies that the amendment or referendum question is approved.” [Sec. 7.70 (3) (h), Wis. Stats.]
Article IV
Officers. SECTION 9. [As created or amended December 2014]
Each house shall choose its presiding officers from its own members.
The legislature shall provide by law for the establishment of a department of transportation and a transportation fund.
Article VIII
Transportation fund. SECTION 11. [As created or amended December 2014]
All funds collected by the state from any taxes or fees levied or imposed for the licensing of motor vehicle operators, for the titling, licensing, or registration of motor vehicles, for motor vehicle fuel, or for the use of roadways, highways, or bridges, and from taxes and fees levied or imposed for aircraft, airline property, or aviation fuel or for railroads or railroad property shall be deposited only into the transportation fund or with a trustee for the benefit of the department of transportation or the holders of transportation-related revenue bonds, except for collections from taxes or fees in existence on December 31, 2010, that were not being deposited in the transportation fund on that date. None of the funds collected or received by the state from any source and deposited into the transportation fund shall be lapsed, further transferred, or appropriated to any program that is not directly administered by the department of transportation in furtherance of the department's responsibility for the planning, promotion, and protection of all transportation systems in the state except for programs for which there was an appropriation from the transportation fund on December 31, 2010. In this section, the term "motor vehicle" does not include any all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, or watercraft.