Fees charged to students: UW Board of Regents annual report to JCF and JLAC required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 609m] -
AB40HEAB to study viability of students with high school diploma, or equivalent, from this state to attend a technical college or UW System campus for two years without paying tuition or fees; report required -
AB926Modifications to programs for low-income persons including W-2, Wisconsin Shares, FoodShare, low-income energy assistance, low-income housing assistance, EITC, homestead tax credit, local housing authority construction of low-income housing, parental choice programs, school lunch program, and HEAB grants and scholarships; ``means-tested public assistance" definition and use -
SB676UW Board of Regents and TCS Board required to ensure resident students enrolled in a two-year college campus or technical college attend free of tuition and fees -
AB889UW Board of Regents and TCS Board required to ensure resident students enrolled in a two-year college campus or technical college attend free of tuition and fees -
SB677UW Board of Regents may offer students an optional fee to support an inter-institutional student government organization [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 600g, r] -
AB40UW Board of Regents: optional fee for inter-institutional student government organization created in 2013 WisAct 20 repealed -
AB332UW Board of Regents: proposed methodology for calculating program revenue balances and reserves submitted to JLAC; PR account balance limits and policies on distribution and expenditure of tuition, fee, and GPR proposals to JCF; tuition and segregated fees cannot increase for 2013-14 and 2014-15 academic years [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9148 (4L)-(4n)] -
AB40UW System and technical colleges nonresident tuition: restoring exemption for an alien who is not a legal resident of the U.S. but graduated from a Wisconsin high school or equivalent, lived continuously in Wisconsin for 3 years, and enrolled in an institution and provided an affidavit re filing for permanent U.S. residency -
AB785Veteran higher education fee remission program revisions [Sec. 592-600, 628-636, 9343 (2), 9348 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 592, 628] -
AB40Wisconsin higher education grants (WHEG grants) for UW System students: additional transfer of moneys from UW System to HEAB -
AB336Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority (WSLRA) created; DFI duties re financial aid information; institutions of higher education required to provide student loan counseling; individual income tax subtraction for tuition and student fees revised; annual report from HEAB to JCF required re student loan debt; JSCTE appendix report -
AB498Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority (WSLRA) created; DFI duties re financial aid information; institutions of higher education required to provide student loan counseling; individual income tax subtraction for tuition and student fees revised; annual report from HEAB to JCF required re student loan debt; JSCTE appendix report -
SB376UW Board of Regents and TCS Board required to ensure resident students enrolled in a two-year college campus or technical college attend free of tuition and fees -
AB889UW Board of Regents and TCS Board required to ensure resident students enrolled in a two-year college campus or technical college attend free of tuition and fees -
SB677UW--Whitewater football team, the Warhawks, commended on winning the 2013 NCAA Division III championship -
AJR84UW--Whitewater residence hall building project renamed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2363p] -
AB40UW--Whitewater Warhawks gymnastics team commended on earning the 2013 Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletics Conference Championship and 2013 National Collegiate Gymnastics Association Championship -
AJR28UW--Whitewater Warhawks women's wheelchair basketball team commended on the 2013 National Wheelchair Basketball Association Intercollegiate Women's Divisional National Championship win -
AJR27Collective bargaining rights of UWHCA employees -
SB530Municipal and state employees may collectively bargain over wages, hours, and conditions of employment under MERA and SELRA, prohibited subjects specified; UW System and UWHCA employees provisions; collective bargaining agreement terms revised -
AB766Municipal and state employees may collectively bargain over wages, hours, and conditions of employment under MERA and SELRA, prohibited subjects specified; UW System and UWHCA employees provisions; collective bargaining agreement terms revised -
SB558Obsolete statutory reference eliminated re UWHCA employee collective bargaining -
AB557Influenza vaccination: employer limitations on requiring and requesting created -
AB247Influenza vaccination status of a health care provider: refusing to affiliate or contract with or excluding a provider from participating in another health network or organization based on status prohibited -
AB608Civil legal services for veterans provided by DVA: pilot program for Milwaukee, Chippewa, Eau Claire, and Dunn counties created, report required -
AB922Class A bear license holder may transfer the license to a Purple Heart Medal recipient or a U.S. armed forces member on active duty, conditions specified -
AB473Conservation patron license issued to certain disabled veterans at a lower fee -
SB692Creditable military service under WRS: program which participating employees may purchase years established, conditions specified; JSCRS appendix report -
AB414Creditable military service under WRS: program which participating employees may purchase years established, conditions specified; JSCRS appendix report [S.Admt.1: national guard added] -
SB330Disabled veteran-owned businesses: state procurement and certain construction contract requirements modified; contracts let by commissions and special purpose districts provision -
AB466Disabled veteran-owned businesses: state procurement and certain construction contract requirements modified; contracts let by commissions and special purpose districts provision -
SB370Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program and Local Veterans' Employment Representative Program: DWD and DVA to develop plan to transfer administration from DWD to DVA [Sec. 9151 (2)] -
AB40Driver's license or ID card issued by DOT: applicant may have veteran status indicated on the license or card, DVA verification required, and veteran disability rating codes provision -
AB56Driver's license or ID card issued by DOT: applicant may have veteran status indicated on the license or card, DVA verification required, and veteran disability rating codes provision [S.Amdt.1: county veterans service officer may verify; S.Amdt.2: veteran disability rating provision deleted] -
SB45``Duly authorized representative" of a veteran expanded to include an adult sibling [Sec. 767; original bill only] -
AB40DVA administrative rules revisions re Board of Veterans Affairs; reimbursement of tuition at tribal colleges; documentation for eligibility to veterans homes; operation of veterans homes; eligibility and procedural requirements for home loans, personal loans, county veterans service grants, and American Indian veterans grants; and funeral honors, burial, and disinterment [Admin.Code VA 1.11, 1.18. 2 (title), 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.06, 4.01, 4.08, 4.09, 4.14, 5.03, 6 (title), 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05, 6.06, 7.05, 8.02, 8.04, 9 (title), 9.03, 12.02, 12.05, 13.01, 14.02, 15.02, 15.03, 17.04] -
AB734DVA grant to VETransfer, Inc. re training and assistance to veterans engaged in entrepreneurship; annual report and audit provisions [Sec. 412, 788] -
AB40DVA payments to certain state veterans organizations modified, audit provision; transportation payments to Disabled American Veterans increased; grant for operation of Camp American Legion; grants to American Indian tribes or bands for services to veterans increased [Sec. 413, 775-783, 813, 9331 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 774k, 9249 (1L), 9349 (1L), deletes 9331 (2)] -
AB40Free admission to state parks and trails for veterans discharged under conditions other than dishonorable -
AB254Griffin, (MAJ) Thomas C., (retired): life and military service of U.S. Army Air Corps and World War II veteran commended -
AJR51Griffin, (MAJ) Thomas C., (retired): life and military service of U.S. Army Air Corps and World War II veteran commended -
SJR47Honor and Remember Flag designated as Wisconsin's emblem of service and sacrifice by members of the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty -
AJR45Honor and Remember Flag designated as Wisconsin's emblem of service and sacrifice by members of the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty -
SJR45Honor Flight Network: the six Wisconsin hubs and their volunteers commended for their service and commitment to veterans of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War -
AR18Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals and conservation patron license: fee provisions for recipient of a Purple Heart medal -
AB199Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals and conservation patron license: fee provisions for recipient of a Purple Heart medal -
SB178Military funeral honors for veterans: funding revised [Sec. 409; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 409c, 802m, deletes 409] -
AB40Procurement of goods and services for state agencies revisions re threshold for requiring bids and contract reviews; certifying disabled-veteran owned, woman-owned, or minority business; list of entities ineligible for state contracts; and bidders list; eliminate report on reducing state's use of contract employees [Sec. 52, 55-62, 68-122, 425, 532, 9301 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, contract employee report and ineligible entities list provisions removed, deletes 52, 68-73, 76, 78, 82, 85-96, 98-110, 114-122] -
AB40Proof of identification when voting: ID card issued by the Veterans Health Administration of the U.S. DVA is permitted; exemption for elector who swears or affirms indigency, religious objection to being photographed, or cannot obtain documentation to get proof of identification, challenged ballot provision -
AB493Special distinguishing motorcycle registration plates for vehicle owned or leased by veteran with limited ability to walk established re parking privileges -
AB25Special distinguishing motorcycle registration plates for vehicle owned or leased by veteran with limited ability to walk established re parking privileges -
SB16Special group registration plates for women veterans, vehicle title information provided to county registers of deeds, issuance of more than one driver's license to a person, location of emission inspection stations, and single-state insurance registration system references (remedial legislation) -
AB559Special group registration plates for women veterans, vehicle title information provided to county registers of deeds, issuance of more than one driver's license to a person, location of emission inspection stations, and single-state insurance registration system references (remedial legislation) -
SB424Trumm, Gerald L. ``Jerry": life, military, public service, and dedication to the state parks system commended upon his death -
AJR108Trumm, Gerald L. ``Jerry": life, military, public service, and dedication to the state parks system commended upon his death -
SJR75Veterans Day (November 11): paid leave of absence for public and private employees who are veterans; collective bargaining, discrimination, and complaint provisions -
SB123Veterans home admission requirements revised; burial in state veterans cemetery eligibility revised; DVA and residency provisions [Sec. 765, 791, 795-801, 803, 805, 806, 9349 (1)] -
AB40Veterans-themed lottery game created and proceeds used to pay refunded veterans and surviving spouses property tax credits; veterans trust fund provision -
AB114Veterans-themed lottery game created and proceeds used to pay refunded veterans and surviving spouses property tax credits; veterans trust fund provision -
SB106Veterans unemployment tax credit: report by DOR and DWD to JCF modified [Sec. 1460, 2366; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, tax credit changed to veteran employment grants, report requirement deleted, 375v, 1348bn, c, 1398g, h, 1434g, h, 1714d, deletes 1460] -
AB40Voter ID: card issued by the Veterans Health Administration of the U.S. DVA permitted; photo and name on ID required -
AB225Wild turkey hunting license and tag cumulative preference system: exemption for recipients of the Purple Heart Medal -
AB509DVA administrative rules revisions re Board of Veterans Affairs; reimbursement of tuition at tribal colleges; documentation for eligibility to veterans homes; operation of veterans homes; eligibility and procedural requirements for home loans, personal loans, county veterans service grants, and American Indian veterans grants; and funeral honors, burial, and disinterment [Admin.Code VA 1.11, 1.18. 2 (title), 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.06, 4.01, 4.08, 4.09, 4.14, 5.03, 6 (title), 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05, 6.06, 7.05, 8.02, 8.04, 9 (title), 9.03, 12.02, 12.05, 13.01, 14.02, 15.02, 15.03, 17.04] -
AB734Veteran higher education fee remission program revisions [Sec. 592-600, 628-636, 9343 (2), 9348 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 592, 628] -
AB40Veteran tribal college tuition reimbursement program established; emergency rules provision [Sec. 410, 773, 2159, 9149 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB40Veterans who are resident students given priority when registering for courses at any UW campus [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, adds members of the armed forces, resident requirement removed, adds technical colleges, definition provision] -
AB201Authorized state building program for 2013-15: construction of the John R. Moses Skilled Nursing Facility at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King -
AB733Authorized state building program for 2013-15: construction of the John R. Moses Skilled Nursing Facility at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King -