ATV, UTV, or snowmobile safety certificate: carrying and displaying in electronic format, including a reproduction on a cell phone, allowed - SB227
Broadband expansion grant program: eligible applicant expanded to include school district, technical college district, and public library board - AB307
Broadband expansion program created and grants from the universal service fund [Sec. 192, 431; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, universal service fund and DOA provisions deleted, 204m, 1989b, 9201 (2L), deletes 192, 431] - AB40
Campaign finance and lobbying law revisions re Internet political activity, individual and public communication, solicitation expenditure limit, committee transfers, electronic filing, registration threshold, campaign finance reporting, conduits and redirection of certain unclaimed contributions, and campaign contributions by lobbyists [S.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB655
Children: laws revised re advertising related to adoption or other permanent physical placement, delegation of parental powers for the care and custody of a child for more than one year, unauthorized interstate placements of children, and penalty provisions; JLC requested to study adoption disruption and dissolution in this state [A.Amdt.5: delegation of parental powers re care and custody of an Indian child provisions added] - AB581
Children: laws revised re advertising related to adoption or other permanent physical placement, delegation of parental powers for the care and custody of a child for more than one year, unauthorized interstate placements of children, and penalty provisions; JLC requested to study adoption disruption and dissolution in this state - SB461
Deadline changed for certain reports from DOR and DOT re consumer price index, computer-related equipment exempt from property tax, and general transportation aids program - AB724
DETF progress on modernizing business processes and integrating information technology systems: annual report required; supplemental appropriation and FTE position flexibility; governor and JCF duties [Sec. 713, 9112 (1), 9212 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB40
DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law for services and support re women with increased risk of negative birth outcomes; expanding who can claim Wisconsin EITC; nurse-midwife governing provisions, hospital staff privileges, and Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund coverage; statewide electronic data management and information system for all public assistance programs; evidence-based home visitation program re child abuse or neglect or poor birth outcomes; informed consent before certain elective caesarean section and labor-inducing procedures; infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; cultural competency training for certain students at UW and TCS institutions; DHS reports re neonatal intensive care units and fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; DHS to promulgate rules for best practices for postpartum patients and newborns at hospitals - AB754
DHS to request waiver of federal Medicaid law for services and support re women with increased risk of negative birth outcomes; expanding who can claim Wisconsin EITC; nurse-midwife governing provisions, hospital staff privileges, and Injured Patients and Familes Compensation Fund coverage; statewide electronic data management and information system for all public assistance programs; evidence-based home visitation program re child abuse or neglect or poor birth outcomes; informed consent before certain elective caesarean section and labor-inducing procedures; infant's race or ethnicity to be included on the birth certificate; cultural competency training for certain students at UW and TCS institutions; DHS reports re neonatal intensive care units and fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; DHS to promulgate rules for best practices for postpartum patients and newborns at hospitals - SB546
Dissolution or revocation of certificate of authority for a corporation or LLC by DFI: follow-up notice on DFI's Internet site; class 1 notice in official state newspaper provision [Sec. 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1980-1982, 9114 (1)] - AB40
Driver improvement course for persons cited for a traffic regulation violation: DOT required to contract with a vendor to develop and administer; computerized database, court, and ineligibility conditions - AB737
Driver schools licensed by DOT may provide some instruction by means of the Internet - AB857
Driver schools licensed by DOT may provide some instruction by means of the Internet - SB662
Educational technology grants created and administered by DOA; educational telecommunications access program re broadband services; digital learning resources for educational entities and public libraries from DPI - AB916
Election-related statistics reported by municipal clerk to county clerk: statistics re elector address verification postcards added; GAB to publish information on the Internet [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, municipal clerk to report statistics to GAB, monthly updates, reporting suspected election fraud, irregularities, or violations, and report to legislature provisions added] - SB377
Election-related statistics reported by municipal clerk to county clerk: statistics re elector address verification postcards added; GAB to publish information on the Internet - AB690
Electronic medical records: income and franchise tax credits health care providers may claim for hardware or software sunsetted [Sec. 1345, 1396, 1432] - AB40
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or DOT issued ID card, verification provisions; GAB, DOT, municipal clerk, and board of election commissioners duties - AB753
Electronically prerecorded message to telephone number in the nonsolicitation directory prohibited, exceptions provided; DATCP duties and rules revised including eliminating biennial notification - AB96
Electronically prerecorded message to telephone number in the nonsolicitation directory prohibited, exceptions provided; DATCP duties and rules revised including eliminating biennial notification - SB97
Health care information organization under contract with DHS and DETF: additional funding and contract requirements [Sec. 346, 1901, 1902] - AB40
Inattentive driving: current prohibitions revised; prohibition created re electronic device activated and providing entertainment by visual means, exceptions provided - AB124
Information technology and communication services provided by DOA to state authorities, local governmental units, and other nonstate entities: appropriation changed to continuing [Sec. 421, 424, 427; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 421m, deletes 421] - AB40
Information technology FTE positions transferred from DSPS to DOA [Sec. 9138 (5)] - AB40
Information technology infrastructure services: DOA may assess and transfer staff and equipment from another executive branch agency to DOA; exception provision [Sec. 188, 426; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DOA and another agency jointly submit request to JCF, 188m, 426m, deletes 188, 426] - AB40
Information technology and telecommunication services: DOA may charge an individual for costs of providing; right of public inspection withheld [Sec. 189-191; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 188y, 189r, 420g, r, deletes 189] - AB40
Integrated business information system: appropriation modified and name changed to enterprise resource planning system [Sec. 187, 415, 422, 423, 476, 477; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 415] - AB40
Land information program and register of deeds fees revised, SSN redaction provisions; DOA to establish an implementation plan for statewide digital parcel map [Sec. 186, 1241-1243, 1248-1250; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, county board duties, report required, land information fund established, SSN provision deleted, 185g, r, 186b-y, 420d, f, 514u, 530m, 1242e, g, 1247d-t, 1250g, 9429 (1i), deletes 1243, 1250] - AB40
Legal services contract on contingency fee basis: state agencies prohibited from entering unless the governor makes a written determination; limitations specified; report required [A.Amdt.4: changes ``state agencies" to ``executive agencies", DOA duties added, GAB Internet site provision, and other revisions] - AB27
Longitudinal data system of student information: appropriation for DPI to maintain and access data for research and analysis [Sec. 228] - AB40
Lyme disease: DHS to create a notice for patients who receive certain lab tests for the disease; Internet and health care provider duty provisions - AB751
Mathematics and science credits required for a high school diploma increased [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, counting courses in computer science and career and technical education toward math and science credits provisions added] - SB51
Municipal expenditures for operations, contracts, and grants: DOA to make available on a searchable Internet Web site [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 65b-h] - AB40
Out-of-state retailers collecting sales tax on purchases by Wisconsin residents: impact of federal law and alternative minimum tax provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1460d] - AB40
Political communication required to include telephone number or Internet site where the individual, group, or committee responsible may be contacted; radio, television, and penalty provisions - AB501
Portable electronics insurance: certain provisions of WCA do not apply - AB705
Portable electronics insurance: certain provisions of WCA do not apply - SB524
Proof of motor vehicle liability insurance: electronic format accepted including cell phones, prohibition on fake or invalid documents apply - AB65
Proof of motor vehicle liability insurance: electronic format accepted including cell phones, prohibition on fake or invalid documents apply - SB62
Property or casualty insurance provider: electronic delivery of notices and documents permitted, requirements specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, any insurer authorized to provide notices and documents to a consumer by electronic means] - AB373
Property or casualty insurance provider: electronic delivery of notices and documents permitted, requirements specified - SB292
Property tax-exempt computer and computer-related equipment: deadline for report from municipality to DOR on value of revised [Sec. 1512, 1513, 9337 (2)] - AB40
Sale of city-owned property used for school purposes by the Milwaukee Common Council: eligible school buildings defined; sale to education operator only, conditions specified; inventory of school buildings required and Web site and attorney provisions - AB417
Sale of city-owned property used for school purposes by the Milwaukee Common Council: eligible school buildings defined; sale to education operator only, conditions specified; inventory of school buildings required and Web site and attorney provisions - SB318
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and November on certain products; exception and DOR provisions; JSCTE appendix report - AB108
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and November on certain products; exception and DOR provisions; JSCTE appendix report - SB89
Securities registration requirements: exemptions created, definitions modified, registration of certain Internet sites with the Division of Securities, and other revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, reporting by certain financial institution holding companies added] - AB350
Sexually explicit conduct: distributing images of without consent of the person prohibited, penalties and exceptions provisions; JRCCP report [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``distribution" changed to ``posting or publishing" and definitions and Internet provisions] - SB367
Statewide student data system: collaboration of agencies to include DCF and DWD; work force data maintained by DWD incorporated into the system; report to DOA required [Sec. 1739-1743, 9134 (2)] - AB40
Student information system, disclosure of personally identifiable student data, and disclosure of pupil records: collection of data and privacy provisions; DPI duties - AB618
Student information system: include charter schools and private schools participating in a parental choice program [Sec. 1732-1734; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, JCF approval required, 1732m, deletes 1732] - AB40
Student information system: private schools participating in a parental choice program are not required to use or establish their own - AB587
Student information system: private schools participating in a parental choice program are not required to use or establish their own - SB443
Student information system software: State Superintendent of Public Instruction required to develop request-for-proposal procedures and criteria for selecting vendors; school districts may use other software if compatible - AB60
Student information system software: State Superintendent of Public Instruction required to develop request-for-proposal procedures and criteria for selecting vendors; school districts may use other software if compatible - SB54
Student information system: when independent charter schools and private schools participating in the parental choice program begin to use the system or compatible system revised; pupils attending private school but not under the parental choice program are not required to be included - AB379
Student information system: when independent charter schools and private schools participating in the parental choice program begin to use the system or compatible system revised; pupils attending private school but not under the parental choice program are not required to be included [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.1: State Superintendent may withhold payments to private schools] - SB286
Tax credits sunsetted re relocated business, community development finance, biodiesel fuel, dairy and livestock farm, dairy manufacturing, meat processing, woody biomass, food processing plant, Internet equipment, film production, HIRSP assessment, fuel pumps, postsecondary education, water consumption, beginning farmer, research facilities, and qualified research [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1304d-f, 1331d, 1338b-u, 1344b-d, em-g, 1345b-e, 1347b-f, 1348d, e, 1383j, 1390b-u, 1395b-e, f-h, 1396b-1398f, i-L, 1419h, 1426b-u, 1431b-e, es-h, 1432b-1434f, i-L] - AB40
Technical college district board members' contact information posted on the TCS and district Internet sites - AB90
Technical college district board members' contact information posted on the TCS and district Internet sites - SB87
Timber sale re state, county, or community forest timber: estimated value threshold increased and option to publish notice on Internet site instead of a newspaper [Sec. 545-550; original bill only] - AB40
UI law revisions; delinquent payment of unemployment insurance contributions; penalties and report provisions; JRCCP report [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, LIRC duties and appropriation added; S.Amdt.2: definitions modified; S.Amdt.3: general provisions added re license revocation, denial, or suspension] - SB200
UI law revisions; penalties and report provisions; JRCCP report - AB219
Unclaimed property held by the state: publishing names on the Internet and working with DOR to identify persons through income tax returns [A.Amdt.1: last-known address added to notice] - AB801
UW prohibition on being a member, partner, or shareholder in organizations providing telecommunications services: exception for organization that advances research or higher education, other criteria specified; DOA secretary duty [Sec. 606-608; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, sunset for affiliation between Board of Regents and WiscNet, 605g, r, 608b] - AB40
Voter registration and proof of residence for voting changes re facilitating the registration of all eligible electors and maintaining registrations made the responsibility of the GAB; electronic voter registration via secure Internet site provisions; report required - AB869
Voter registration proof of residency documents: electronic displays prohibited; cell phone bill and credit card statement are qualifying documents; GAB duties - AB225
Voter registration records review and mailing Notice of Suspension of Registration forms: responsibility transferred to GAB; municipal clerk and notification date provisions; GAB required to post certain information about the mailed notices to its Internet site - AB689
Voter registration records review and mailing Notice of Suspension of Registration forms: responsibility transferred to GAB; municipal clerk and notification date provisions; GAB required to post certain information about the mailed notices to its Internet site - SB548
WEDC required to make expenditure information and contracts and grants information available for inspection on a DOA maintained Internet site - AB309
Wisconsin Shares program revisions re distribution, maximum rates, copayments, and noncustodial parents [Sec. 374, 375, 936, 951-953, 960, 962, 973, 979-981, 983-986, 990-992, 994-1020, 1217, 9406 (4); A.Sub.Admt.1: further revisions, plan to implement electronic means of delivering W-2 benefits and child care subsidies requires JCF approval, 952m, 9406 (5L)] - AB40
WISElearn online resource for parents, teachers, and pupils: DPI to develop and maintain [Sec. 229, 1735] - AB40
data processing _ criminal acts and law enforcementData processing -- Criminal acts and law enforcement
CCAP Internet page: Director of State Courts to maintain one database for the general public under certain conditions and a separate database accessible to the courts, law enforcement, journalists, and other specified professions and agencies; penalty for using CCAP information to deny employment, housing, or other public accommodation; removal of information provision - AB253
CCAP Internet page: Director of State Courts to maintain one database for the general public under certain conditions and a separate database accessible to the courts, law enforcement, journalists, and other specified professions and agencies; penalty for using CCAP information to deny employment, housing, or other public accommodation; removal of information provision - SB234
Computerized communication that invites a person to harass a third person or contact a third person with obscene, lewd, or profane language or suggestive acts prohibited; JRCCP report - AB156
GPS and electronic monitoring re correctional purposes and persons subject to an injunction or TRO: JLC to study use of [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9127 (1z)] - AB40
GPS device placed on another person's vehicle or obtaining GPS information about another person's movement or location without that person's knowledge prohibited; annulment, divorce, and legal separation provisions; exceptions for law enforcement and commercial motor vehicles used for business; JRCCP report - AB767
GPS device placed on another person's vehicle or obtaining GPS information about another person's movement or location without that person's knowledge prohibited; annulment, divorce, and legal separation provisions; exceptions for law enforcement and commercial motor vehicles used for business; JRCCP report - SB673
GPS tracking program: DOJ to establish standards for local units of government and law enforcement to administer re injunction or restraining order to protect victims of abuse, harassment, or threats [Sec. 391, 1943, 2281-2285, 9308 (1), 9426 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, changed to GPS pilot program and grants, domestic violence prevention or treatment center may not make assessments, 1942m, 2283g, r, 9426 (2L), deletes 1943, 2281, 2283-2285, 9308 (1), 9426 (2)] - AB40
School bullying: DPI model to include bullying by electronic means, officials required to report incidents that are violations of criminal laws to law enforcement, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where other can view it created; JRCCP report - AB434
School bullying: DPI model to include bullying by electronic means, officials required to report incidents that are violations of criminal laws to law enforcement, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where other can view it created; JRCCP report - SB184
data processing _ privacy issuesData processing -- Privacy issues
Personal Internet accounts of employees and applicants for employment, students and prospective students, and tenants and prospective tenants: regulating employer, educational institution, and landlord access to and observation of - AB218
Personal Internet accounts of employees and applicants for employment, students and prospective students, and tenants and prospective tenants: regulating employer, educational institution, and landlord access to and observation of [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, refusing to hire an applicant or admit a prospective student for failure to disclose prohibition added, definition provisions] - SB223
day careDay care
Child abuse and neglect reporting law recodified; persons mandated to report revised and DCF training provisions; ``physical injury" and ``neglect" definitions revised; notification requirements to tribal agent by a county department modified - SB18