Prepared food definition revised for sales and use tax purposes; JSCTE appendix report -
SB656Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS -
SB445Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS [A.Amdt.1: extension of license under certain conditions permitted] -
AB589Single-owner entities disregarded as separate entities for income tax purposes: sales and use tax provisions apply to room tax, local food and beverage tax, local rental car tax, and state rental vehicle fee [Sec. 1277, 1502, 1503, 1504, 9437 (3)] -
AB40Specific information signs on highways: definition of food establishment to include bakery items [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1581m] -
AB40New dairy plant, food warehouse, food processing plant, retail food establishment, or meat establishment license: uniform expiration date modified -
AB744New dairy plant, food warehouse, food processing plant, retail food establishment, or meat establishment license: uniform expiration date modified -
SB603Tax credits sunsetted re relocated business, community development finance, biodiesel fuel, dairy and livestock farm, dairy manufacturing, meat processing, woody biomass, food processing plant, Internet equipment, film production, HIRSP assessment, fuel pumps, postsecondary education, water consumption, beginning farmer, research facilities, and qualified research [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1304d-f, 1331d, 1338b-u, 1344b-d, em-g, 1345b-e, 1347b-f, 1348d, e, 1383j, 1390b-u, 1395b-e, f-h, 1396b-1398f, i-L, 1419h, 1426b-u, 1431b-e, es-h, 1432b-1434f, i-L] -
AB40Employer charged a fee for every full time employee receiving benefits under the food stamp program or BadgerCare Plus: DHS and DOR required to develop and implement, EITC provision, and report to JCF required -
AB887FoodShare benefits: recipients may elect to receive less than they are eligible for [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1211v] -
AB40FoodShare work requirements for able-bodied adults [Sec. 357, 1211-1216, 9318 (9); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, employment and training program appropriations created, report required, 350b, c, 357c, g, 1211m, n, 1215m, deletes 357] -
AB40Modifications to programs for low-income persons including W-2, Wisconsin Shares, FoodShare, low-income energy assistance, low-income housing assistance, EITC, homestead tax credit, local housing authority construction of low-income housing, parental choice programs, school lunch program, and HEAB grants and scholarships; ``means-tested public assistance" definition and use -
SB676Optional incentive program for counties under certain population and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in certain public assistance programs: DHS and DCF to establish -
AB232Optional incentive program for counties under certain population and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in certain public assistance programs: DHS and DCF to establish -
SB238Pilot program limiting SNAP benefits to foods and beverages that have sufficient nutritional value; DHS duties and federal waiver provision -
AB110Public assistance programs including W-2, MA, and FoodShare: offenses considered crimes against government and its administration and DOJ or a DA is authorized to prosecute; employees accepting applications required to administer oath to applicant re true and correct information, DCF and DHS duties [S.Amdt.1: administration of oath provision removed] -
SB245Trafficking SNAP benefits is subject to penalties; JRCCP report -
AB82Trafficking SNAP benefits is subject to penalties; JRCCP report -
SB78Law enforcement services grants to Forest County and the Lac Court Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians repealed [Sec. 1940, 1941; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Forest County provision removed, deletes 1940] -
AB40DNR authorized to lease state forest land in the Town of Boulder Junction to the Boulder Junction Shooting Range for terms not to exceed 30 years -
AB359DNR authorized to lease state forest land in the Town of Boulder Junction to the Boulder Junction Shooting Range for terms not to exceed 30 years -
SB277Forestation state property tax: DNR to withhold from payment to the taxation district re land in the district purchased by DNR; conservation fund provision [Sec. 1280-1283, 9332 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, aid in lieu of taxes for land in the forest cropland program or Managed Forest Land Program determined, 1279d] -
AB40Forestry and fire prevention study required; JCF provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 286g, j, 532m, 9432 (1d)] -
AB40Forestry and Paper Products Month: April 2014 proclaimed as -
AJR110Forestry and Paper Products Month: April 2014 proclaimed as -
SJR82Land acquired with stewardship funding and MFL eligibility: accessible to public on foot requirement added -
AB665Managed Forest Land Program: withdrawal for construction of a residence provisions created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1501b, c] -
AB40MFL closed acreage fee payments modified for 2014; payments to town treasurer for town land designated as county forest land increased -
AB732MFL closed acreage fee payments modified for 2014; payments to town treasurer for town land designated as county forest land increased -
SB575MFL program revisions re eligibility, access to closed lands, lease or agreements for recreational activities, sale or transfer of lands, withdrawing land, withdrawal taxes, yield taxes, renewal orders, large property cutting notice and management plan, restoration after a natural disaster, and DNR preparation and completion of management plans; withdrawal of lands owned by Indian tribes from the forest cropland program provisions created -
AB700MFL program revisions re eligibility, access to closed lands, lease or agreements for recreational activities, sale or transfer of lands, withdrawing land, withdrawal taxes, yield taxes, renewal orders, large property cutting notice and management plan, restoration after a natural disaster, and DNR preparation and completion of management plans; withdrawal of lands owned by Indian tribes from the forest cropland program provisions created -
SB543National forest income: DNR to make payments to certain towns; county treasurer duty repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 280g, h, 286m, 500d, 1238t, 9132 (2i), 9432 (1i)] -
AB40Overweight permits for transporting raw forest products or lumber near the Michigan border: additional highway routes specified; report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2175g-i, 9345 (5r)] -
AB40Overweight vehicle violation penalties and forfeiture revised [Sec. 2166-2175, 9345 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, forfeiture removed, deletes 2174, 2175] -
AB40Recreational activities on MFL designated as open: exemption if MFL is within a proposed iron mining site, conditions specified; DNR required to post to its Web site allowable recreational activities [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, voluntary withdrawal from MFL and taxation provisions added] -
SB278Recreational activities on MFL designated as open: exemption if MFL is within a proposed iron mining site, conditions specified; DNR required to post to its Web site allowable recreational activities -
AB504Rented personal property re heavy equipment for construction, mining, or forestry: property tax exemption under certain conditions; JSCTE appendix report -
AB731Rented personal property re heavy equipment for construction, mining, or forestry: property tax exemption under certain conditions; JSCTE appendix report -
SB577Tax credits sunsetted re relocated business, community development finance, biodiesel fuel, dairy and livestock farm, dairy manufacturing, meat processing, woody biomass, food processing plant, Internet equipment, film production, HIRSP assessment, fuel pumps, postsecondary education, water consumption, beginning farmer, research facilities, and qualified research [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1304d-f, 1331d, 1338b-u, 1344b-d, em-g, 1345b-e, 1347b-f, 1348d, e, 1383j, 1390b-u, 1395b-e, f-h, 1396b-1398f, i-L, 1419h, 1426b-u, 1431b-e, es-h, 1432b-1434f, i-L] -
AB40Timber sale re state, county, or community forest timber: estimated value threshold increased and option to publish notice on Internet site instead of a newspaper [Sec. 545-550; original bill only] -
AB40Vegetation obstructing an outdoor advertising sign: permittee to compensate DOT for removal of trees over certain diameter; ``cross-vista" sign and arborist provisions [S.Amdt.1: definition revisions, specified tree diameter and height changed] -
AB258Vegetation obstructing an outdoor advertising sign: permittee to compensate DOT for removal of trees over certain diameter; ``cross-vista" sign and arborist provisions -
SB219Vehicle or combination of vehicles operating under a Michigan border permit: operating authority revisions; DOT report provision [A.Amdt.1: maximum weight specified] -
AB355Vehicle or combination of vehicles operating under a Michigan border permit: operating authority revisions; DOT report provision -
SB279DOR revisions re claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel tax and bulk plants, woodland tax law program, objections to manufacturing property tax assessments, interest on underpayment of income taxes, and manufacturing and agriculture income and franchise tax credit; JSCTE appendix report -
AB285DOR revisions re claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel tax and bulk plants, woodland tax law program, objections to manufacturing property tax assessments, interest on underpayment of income taxes, and manufacturing and agriculture income and franchise tax credit; JSCTE appendix report -
SB253Forestation state property tax: DNR to withhold from payment to the taxation district re land in the district purchased by DNR; conservation fund provision [Sec. 1280-1283, 9332 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, aid in lieu of taxes for land in the forest cropland program or Managed Forest Land Program determined, 1279d] -
AB40MFL program revisions re eligibility, access to closed lands, lease or agreements for recreational activities, sale or transfer of lands, withdrawing land, withdrawal taxes, yield taxes, renewal orders, large property cutting notice and management plan, restoration after a natural disaster, and DNR preparation and completion of management plans; withdrawal of lands owned by Indian tribes from the forest cropland program provisions created -
AB700MFL program revisions re eligibility, access to closed lands, lease or agreements for recreational activities, sale or transfer of lands, withdrawing land, withdrawal taxes, yield taxes, renewal orders, large property cutting notice and management plan, restoration after a natural disaster, and DNR preparation and completion of management plans; withdrawal of lands owned by Indian tribes from the forest cropland program provisions created -
SB543Recreational activities on MFL designated as open: exemption if MFL is within a proposed iron mining site, conditions specified; DNR required to post to its Web site allowable recreational activities [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, voluntary withdrawal from MFL and taxation provisions added] -
SB278Child enticement: vehicle and property used in commission of the crime may be seized by law enforcement -
AB212Child enticement: vehicle and property used in commission of the crime may be seized by law enforcement [S.Amdt.1: returning property to innocent persons as soon as practically possible added] -
SB226Commercial quadricycle: definition, ordinance exception allowing consumption of alcohol beverages on, and prohibiting driver from consuming alcohol, penalty provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB169Disabled parking space violations: forfeiture increased -
AB825Disabled parking space violations: forfeiture increased -
SB646Fraudulent motor vehicle emission inspection report prohibitions and penalties created; registering a vehicle with a fraudulent emission inspection prohibited, penalty provision; DOT duties; JRCCP report -
AB812Impoundment order for certain OWI-related offense created re revocation of operating privilege and impoundment of vehicle registration plates, DOT duties and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -
AB423Lead poisoning and lead exposure: forfeiture increased for violating provisions re preventing and minimizing -
AB479Minimum wage: administrative and civil penalties for failure to pay modified -
AB578Moped dealer and recreational vehicle dealer: penalties revised for license violations -
AB346Moped dealer and recreational vehicle dealer: penalties revised for license violations -
SB269Motor vehicle salvage dealer license violations: penalties specified -
SB256Motor vehicle seized for third or subsequent OWI-related offense: court may order, DA duties -
AB72Motor vehicle seized for third or subsequent OWI-related offense: court may order, DA duties -
SB61Overweight vehicle violation penalties and forfeiture revised [Sec. 2166-2175, 9345 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, forfeiture removed, deletes 2174, 2175] -
AB40Patent or pending patent: regulations created re written communications to enforce or assert rights in connection with; DATCP and AG duties, penalty provisions; JRCCP report [S.Amdt.1: exemptions added; S.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.1: more exemptions added] -
SB498Real Estate Examining Board revisions re eligibility for a real estate license or certificate following a felony conviction, preapplication procedure and other forms, and assess forfeiture for submitting false information; immunity for employing broker re negligent hiring claim under certain conditions -
SB531Requirements to perform abortions revised; ultrasound required before informed consent for an abortion; penalty and exception provisions [S.Amdts. 1, 13, 14, 16: revisions to performance of the ultrasound] -
SB206Residential contractors prohibited from promising to pay or rebate property insurance deductible re specified repairs or replacements; consumer may cancel a contract for repairs or replacement if it is paid by insurance and all or part of the claim is not covered, written notice required; unfair trade practice and penalty provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, unfair trade practice provision removed, consumer required to inform contractor if property insurance is to pay for activities, penalties revised; A.Amdt.1: notice to contractor of payment from property insurance claim modified] -
AB81Safety belt and child safety restraint system violations: penalties increased -
AB276Seized firearm: provisions for returning to the owner re no charges filed, dismissal of charges, and final disposition of charges if owner is not adjudged guilty -
AB853Solicitation of a fee by a business or individual for providing a public record: regulations created; DATCP duties and penalties and exception provisions [A.Amdt.1: ``solicit" definition revised] -
AB592Speeding and reckless driving violations where sanitation workers are at risk: minimum and maximum forfeitures increased; JRCCP report -
AB159Speeding and reckless driving violations where sanitation workers are at risk: minimum and maximum forfeitures increased; JRCCP report -
SB145Telephone solicitation restrictions: forfeiture for violations increased and private cause of action permitted -
SB107Theft of telecommunication or video services: first offense penalty changed; attorney fees permitted in civil suit against person who committed the theft; JRCCP report -