Private schools participating in a parental choice program: additional requirements for new private schools seeking to participate and preaccreditation and accreditation requirements modified, definition provisions - AB748
Private schools participating in a parental choice program: additional requirements for new private schools seeking to participate and preaccreditation and accreditation requirements modified, definition provisions - SB584
Public library systems study by DOA and DPI, report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (3L)] - AB40
Public school financing law changes re general school aids formula, counting low-income pupils, per pupil adjustment, school aid factors, high-poverty aid, delayed school aid payments, per pupil aid, and revenue limits; eliminates school levy property tax credit and the first dollar property tax credit; DPI, DOA, LFB, and JCF duties - AB650
Reading readiness assessment expanded to grade 2 [Sec. 1755; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, oral vocabulary assessment pilot project added, 9134 (3i)] - AB40
Renewable energy consumption: new goals for certain state agencies set, DOA report required; new goal re electric energy consumed in the state set, PSC reports required - SB64
Sale of city-owned property used for school purposes by the Milwaukee Common Council: eligible school buildings defined; sale to education operator only, conditions specified; inventory of school buildings required and Web site and attorney provisions - AB417
Sale of city-owned property used for school purposes by the Milwaukee Common Council: eligible school buildings defined; sale to education operator only, conditions specified; inventory of school buildings required and Web site and attorney provisions - SB318
School and school district accountability report: DPI to publish annually; independent charter school and parental choice participating private school provisions [Sec. 1746; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB40
School and school district accountability report from DPI: provisions eliminated and school and school district accountability system established for public schools, charter schools, and private schools participating in the parental choice program; DPI report and LAB audit provisions - AB379
School and school district accountability report from DPI: provisions eliminated and school and school district accountability system established for public schools, charter schools, and private schools participating in the parental choice program; DPI report and LAB audit provisions [deleted by S.Sub.Amdt.1] - SB286
School board members required to complete an orientation and training program; DPI duties - AB573
School bullying: DPI model to include bullying by electronic means, officials required to report incidents that are violations of criminal laws to law enforcement, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where other can view it created; JRCCP report - AB434
School bullying: DPI model to include bullying by electronic means, officials required to report incidents that are violations of criminal laws to law enforcement, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where other can view it created; JRCCP report - SB184
School performance incentive program and grants created [Sec. 240-242, 1747, 1877; original bill only] - AB40
Special Needs Scholarship Program established; DPI duties and LAB study required [Sec. 238, 1752-1754, 1854, 1870, 1880, 1885, 1887, 1890; original bill only] - AB40
Special Needs Scholarship Program for disabled pupils established; LAB duty and study required; DPI to prepare document comparing certain rights under state and federal handicapped education law - AB682
Special Needs Scholarship Program for disabled pupils established; LAB duty and study required; DPI to prepare document comparing certain rights under state and federal handicapped education law - SB525
Statewide student data system: collaboration of agencies to include DCF and DWD; work force data maintained by DWD incorporated into the system; report to DOA required [Sec. 1739-1743, 9134 (2)] - AB40
STEM grants: DPI to award to school boards and charter schools, matching fund provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 242m, 9134 (5q)] - AB40
Student information system appropriation and fee revisions [Sec. 226, 232, 236] - AB40
Student information system, disclosure of personally identifiable student data, and disclosure of pupil records: collection of data and privacy provisions; DPI duties - AB618
Student information system: private schools participating in a parental choice program are not required to use or establish their own - AB587
Student information system: private schools participating in a parental choice program are not required to use or establish their own - SB443
Student information system: when independent charter schools and private schools participating in the parental choice program begin to use the system or compatible system revised; pupils attending private school but not under the parental choice program are not required to be included - AB379
Student information system: when independent charter schools and private schools participating in the parental choice program begin to use the system or compatible system revised; pupils attending private school but not under the parental choice program are not required to be included [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.1: State Superintendent may withhold payments to private schools] - SB286
Teach for America, Inc.: DPI to provide funding to [Sec. 248, 1738; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB40
Teaching experience gained while holding an emergency permit to count toward getting a license [Sec. 1758] - AB40
Teaching online courses in public and charter schools: repeal related professional development requirement; virtual charter school provision [Sec. 1757, 1808, 1879] - AB40
Teen dating violence prevention education: schools required to provide and DPI to incorporate into its model health curriculum, school bullying policy provision - AB919
WISElearn online resource for parents, teachers, and pupils: DPI to develop and maintain [Sec. 229, 1735] - AB40
public instruction, department of _ administrative rulesPublic Instruction, Department of -- Administrative rules
Rule-making procedure revised; various DPI rules modified and repealed [Admin.Code PI 25.05, 29, 31, 33, 34.35, 42] - AB599
Rule-making procedure revised; various DPI rules modified and repealed [Admin.Code PI 25.05, 29, 31, 33, 34.35, 42] - SB468
public landPublic land, see also State park
Land acquired with stewardship funding and MFL eligibility: accessible to public on foot requirement added - AB665
Sale or lease of state-owned real property, contractual operation of state facilities, and management of state-owned heating, cooling, and power plants; DOA and Building Commission duties; state agencies to inventory real property under their jurisdiction and report to DOA [Sec. 7-20, 22-27, 65, 123-137, 290, 515, 531, 578-580, 585, 602-604, 759, 760, 762, 766, 814, 815, 817, 1233, 1516, 1547-1554, 1557, 1565-1568, 1719, 1720, 1728, 1729, 2132-2134, 2154; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, budget stabilization fund provision, JCF approval required, ``contractual operation" deleted, 10m, 125m, 129m, 131m, deletes 515; A.Amdt.3: further revisions] - AB40
public land _ salePublic land -- Sale
NRB authorized to sell certain land to purchase other land to complete a recreational trail - AB809
NRB authorized to sell certain land to purchase other land to complete a recreational trail - SB638
NRB land sales required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 287m, 509z, zg] - AB40
Sale of state-owned real property on the basis of public bids required; DOA and Building Commission duties - AB320
Sale or lease of state-owned real property: authority of DOA or Building Commission does not apply to property for which the cost of acquisition, construction, and improvement was financed with certain percentage of federal funds or gifts and grants - AB321
Sale or lease of state-owned real property permitted; reports required re state-owned surplus land - AB317
State capitol and state capitol park: authority to sell or lease state property does not apply - AB318
UW--Madison facilities within Camp Randall: authority to sell or lease state property does not apply - AB319
public lands, board of commissioners ofPublic Lands, Board of Commissioners of
Secretary of State and State Treasurer offices deleted from the Constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR48
Secretary of State, Office of, deleted from the Constitution; BCPL and AG provisions. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR85
public liabilityPublic liability, see also Claims; Worker's compensation
Child death review program established in DHS; Child Death Review Council created, reports and recommendations required; local child death review teams recognized; access to records, confidentiality, and immunity provisions; JRCCP report - AB554
Child death review program established in DHS; Child Death Review Council created, reports and recommendations required; local child death review teams recognized; access to records, confidentiality, and immunity provisions; JRCCP report - SB436
State liability re federal Family and Medical Leave Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Age Discrimination and Employment Act, and Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act - AB771
public libraryPublic library, see Libraries
public notaryPublic notary, see Notary public
public nuisancePublic nuisance, see Nuisance
public officersPublic officers, see also Ethics; Legislature -- Member; specific title
Battery to family member of a public officer and harassing, threatening, or intimidating a legislator or his or her family: crimes and penalties created; JRCCP report - AB213
Campaign finance law: scope of regulated activity expanded to include organizations or individuals who use communications media which includes references to candidates for certain offices within 60 days of an election; Clean Election Fund established to provide grants to qualifying candidates for campaign expenses, penalty provisions; JRCCP report and emergency rule provisions - AB353
Ethics training for legislators; applying code of ethics to state public officials-elect; requirements to file and contents of statements of economic interest revised - AB907
Lobbyist campaign contributions to partisan elective state official or candidate for partisan elective state office: permitted dates extended - AB225
Lobbyists required to file expense statements with GAB re influencing or disseminating uniform, model, suggested, or recommended legislation; reporting scholarships or any thing of pecuniary value for attending a meeting or conference by state public officials or person providing the scholarship required; written statement to organizing committees required for reimbursement of legislator travel expenses; prohibiting payment of certain membership fees from moneys allocated to operation of legislators' offices; penalty provisions; JRCCP report - AB866
Recall of incumbent congressional, judicial, or legislative elective officer or county elective officer specified in the Wisconsin Constitution: grounds limited and filing officer duties; legislature required to establish a code of ethics for government officials and a board to administer it. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR25
Recall of incumbent congressional, judicial, or legislative elective officer or county elective officer specified in the Wisconsin Constitution: grounds limited and filing officer duties; legislature required to establish a code of ethics for government officials and a board to administer it. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR24
Assistant AG and assistant SPD pay progression plan [Sec. 463, 2014, 2015] - AB40
Information technology and telecommunication services: DOA may charge an individual for costs of providing; right of public inspection withheld [Sec. 189-191; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 188y, 189r, 420g, r, deletes 189] - AB40
Municipal utility customer information: release restrictions imposed; public records law exception [A.Amdt.1: rental dwelling unit owners added to exceptions re past-due charges] - AB106
Municipal utility customer information: release restrictions imposed; public records law exception - SB103
Public records access law revisions (remedial legislation) - AB567
Public records access law revisions (remedial legislation) - SB421
Public records law: fee for certain costs permitted - AB26
Solicitation of a fee by a business or individual for providing a public record: regulations created; DATCP duties and penalties and exception provisions [A.Amdt.1: ``solicit" definition revised] - AB592
Solicitation of a fee by a business or individual for providing a public record: regulations created; DATCP duties and penalties and exception provisions - SB469
Telecommunications subscriber records; proprietary information of certain communications providers and open records law provision; updates to certain 911 telecommunications service databases required - AB102
UW Board of Regents may accept research involving government security calssifications or restrictions on participation in, access to, or dissemination of research results; open records law exemption; annual report required - SB578
UW Board of Regents may accept research involving government security classifications or restrictions on participation in, access to, or dissemination of research results; open records law exemption; annual report required [A.Amdt.1: open records provision deleted] - AB729
Elevators and other lifts: various changes to laws governing construction, installation, alteration, operation, and inspection of - SB345
Elevators and other lifts: various changes to laws governing construction, installation, alteration, operation, and inspection of - AB433
Family dwelling not wired for electrical service is exempt from smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector requirements; plumbing standards exemption for family dwelling without indoor toilet and system to dispose of waste - AB499
Family dwelling not wired for electrical service is exempt from smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector requirements; plumbing standards exemption for family dwelling without indoor toilet and system to dispose of waste - SB407
Mercury-added thermostats: sale, collection, and recycling of requirements and restrictions created; knowingly incinerating or disposing of mercury-added products in landfills prohibited; DNR duties - AB424
Oleoresin of capsicum: regulation of containers sold in this state modified - AB119
Oleoresin of capsicum: regulation of containers sold in this state modified - SB109
Personal injury trusts: discovery and scheduling requirements for certain tort actions and limits defendant's liability for plaintiff's injury in certain cases [A.Sub.Admt.1: further revisions, scheduling revised, valuation of personal injury trust claims and setoff or credit replaced with use of trust claims at trial and damages and liability provisions; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, personal injury trusts provisions narrowed to asbestos trusts] - AB19