Cabins and camping structures in a campground excluded from the dwelling code, conditions specified; portable toilet systems and holding tanks for wastewater from camping units and recreational vehicles excluded from the definition of plumbing - SB148
County property tax levy exemption for towns on Madeline Island or Washington Island re airport operation or maintenance or public health or economic development services under certain condition; JSCTE appendix report - AB372
County property tax levy exemption for towns on Madeline Island or Washington Island re airport operation or maintenance or public health or economic development services under certain condition; JSCTE appendix report [S.Amdt.1: deadlines for applying and making a decision added; S.Amdt.2: Washington Island deleted; S.Amdt.3: increasing levy to compensate for exemption prohibited] - SB299
Economic impact analysis of a proposed administrative rule is required to include a public health and environment impact assessment - AB597
Family dwelling not wired for electrical service is exempt from smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector requirements; plumbing standards exemption for family dwelling without indoor toilet and system to dispose of waste - AB499
Family dwelling not wired for electrical service is exempt from smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector requirements; plumbing standards exemption for family dwelling without indoor toilet and system to dispose of waste - SB407
Food protection practices (FPP) certification examination and restaurant provisions revised; local ordinance prohibition [S.Amdt.1: 1st class city ordinance provisions added; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes S.Amdt.1 provisions, exception to local ordinance provision for 1st class city] - SB434
Lead acid batteries: seller required to charge a deposit - AB131
Lead acid batteries: seller required to charge a deposit - SB121
Lead acid battery used in motor vehicles: seller required to charge a deposit - AB666
Lead acid battery used in motor vehicles: seller required to charge a deposit - SB512
Lead poisoning and lead exposure: forfeiture increased for violating provisions re preventing and minimizing - AB479
Medical use defense to marijuana-related prosecutions created and DHS registry established; ID cards, compassion centers, testing laboratories, and local government provisions; JRCCP report - AB480
Medical use defense to marijuana-related prosecutions created and DHS registry established; ID cards, compassion centers, testing laboratories, and local government provisions; JRCCP report - SB363
``Pediatric Stroke Awareness Day": May 22, 2013 designated as - AJR34
``Pediatric Stroke Awareness Day": May 22, 2013 designated as - SJR29
Public safety, health, or welfare worker entering a dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business in the performance of his or her duties: presumption that a person believed reasonable force was necessary does not apply if the worker identified him or herself, definition provision - AB820
Public safety, health, or welfare worker entering a dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business in the performance of his or her duties: presumption that a person believed reasonable force was necessary does not apply if the worker identified him or herself, definition provision - SB600
Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS - SB445
Retail food establishment license or permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment: health department of a 1st class city may issue, under agreement with DATCP or DHS [A.Amdt.1: extension of license under certain conditions permitted] - AB589
Tattooing and body piercing: regulation and licensing of practitioners and establishments modified - SB450
public improvementPublic improvement, see Public works
Academic and career plan for pupils in grades 6 to 12 required for public and charter schools; State Superintendent of Public Instruction and DPI duties; Youth Options Program revisions - SB49
Academic and career planning software: DPI to purchase and maintain for school districts [Sec. 230, 1737] - AB40
Accessibility for the blind or visually impaired reports from various state agencies; definition of ``service animal" re public places of accommodation or amusement and the open housing law - SB661
Appropriations re publications and certain certificates changed [Sec. 233, 234] - AB40
Appropriations to DPI repealed re ARRA and per pupil adjustment aid for 2012-13 school year [Sec. 237, 246, 247, 9434 (1), (2)] - AB40
Career and technical education incentive grants created; DPI to award to school districts after conferring with DWD and TCS; appropriation provided - AB399
Career and technical education incentive grants created; DPI to award to school districts after conferring with DWD and TCS; appropriation provided - SB331
Categorical aids for special education increased - AB772
Categorical aids for special education increased - SB559
Certificate of occupancy and building usage charges revisions for private schools in the parental choice program, MPCP, and Racine Parental Choice Program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1852d, 1856r, 1867m, 1873p] - AB40
Charter school teaching license created [Sec. 1731] - AB40
Charter Schools Oversight Board (CSOB) created and attached to DPI [Sec. 36, 45, 1723-1727, 1730, 1770, 1771, 1773-1781, 1787, 1788, 1791-1794, 1796-1806, 1809, 1810, 1994, 2017, 9134 (1), 9334 (3), 9434 (3); original bill only] - AB40
Charter schools to be established by contract only; requirements for transfer of pupil's records when the pupil transfers schools applies to independent charter schools - AB379
Charter schools to be established by contract only; requirements for transfer of pupil's records when the pupil transfers schools applies to independent charter schools [deleted by S.Sub.Amdt.1] - SB286
Collaborative content delivery and online instruction between schools: DPI may not require a licensed teacher or instructional staff to be physically present [Sec. 1736] - AB40
College and career readiness standards: public hearings requirement modified - AB643
Common core standards: implementation suspended; DPI, LFB, and JLC studies required; procedure for adopting college and career readiness standards; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9134 (2q)] - AB40
Community programs and services established by school districts: DPI to promulgate rules defining eligible costs; school district report to DOR detailing expenditures required, revenue limit provision - AB662
Community programs and services established by school districts: DPI to promulgate rules defining eligible costs; school district report to DOR detailing expenditures required, revenue limit provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: report provision removed, audit provision added; S.Amdt.1: decrease shall not be deducted from state aid base] - SB478
Community programs and services: school board levy provisions, report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9134 (4L); A.Amdt.3: further revisions, resolution to exceed the limit required] - AB40
Community programs and services: school board levy limit exceptions - AB382
Community programs and services: school board levy limit exceptions - SB316
DPI directed to establish model academic standards in math, English, science, advanced math, social studies, and art; advisory committee and conditions provisions - AB617
DPI provisions revised re the student information system, school and school district accountability system, low-performing schools and school districts, and charter school contracts [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, student information system provisions modified, all other provisions removed] - SB286
DPI provisions revised re the student information system, school and school district accountability system, low-performing schools and school districts, and charter school contracts - AB379
Driver education instruction and license examinations required to include proper procedure for attaching a trailer to a motor vehicle - SB313
Educational technology grants created and administered by DOA; educational telecommunications access program re broadband services; digital learning resources for educational entities and public libraries from DPI - AB916
Educator effectiveness evaluation system: DPI may charge fee to use and award grants to implement [Sec. 227, 231, 243, 1748, 1749] - AB40
Epinephrine auto-injector use on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity: authorized school personnel provisions replaced with plan adopted by the school's governing body; conditions, civil liability immunity, and report to DPI provisions - AB502
Epinephrine auto-injector use on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity: authorized school personnel provisions replaced with plan adopted by the school's governing body; conditions, civil liability immunity, and report to DPI provisions [S.Amdt.1: authorized school personnel provisions restored; S.Amdt.2: report to DPI removed] - SB375
Exam to measure pupil attainment of knowledge and concepts in grades 9 and 11 required in public and charter schools and private schools participating in parental choice programs; exams offered by ACT, Inc. specified; State Superintendent of Public Instruction and DPI duties; report required - SB50
Expulsion of pupils attending private school under a parental choice program: DPI to promulgate rules establishing procedure; private schools violating the rules may be barred from the parental choice program - AB324
Four-year-old kindergarten: all school boards to make available to eligible pupils; exception and state aid provisions - AB875
Full-time open enrollment state aid adjustments [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1810m] - AB40
General school aid appropriated for 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years increased; delays dates for school districts to determine amounts necessary to operate and maintain schools [S.Amdt.2: school district levy for community programs and services provision added] - Oc3 SB1
Grants to rural schools for K-6 programs: DPI to award, conditions specified - AB431
Grants to teachers licensed as master educators or certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards must maintain a certain rating [Sec. 1750, 1751, 9334 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DPI master educator licensing condition deleted, 1751e, deletes 1751] - AB40
High cost transportation aid for school districts established [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 238g, r, 1891m] - AB40
LifeSkills Academy in City of Milwaukee that closed: DPI to contact Florida agency about LifeSkills Academy that opened there and report to the Assembly about any other parental choice program schools that abruptly closed; Committee on Assembly Organization to contact state agencies re proceedings to recover state funds - AR23
Longitudinal data system of student information: appropriation for DPI to maintain and access data for research and analysis [Sec. 228] - AB40
Low-performing schools and school districts: intervention by school board and DPI requirements revised; MPS, charter school, and parental choice program participating private school provisions - AB379
Low-performing schools and school districts: intervention by school board and DPI requirements revised; MPS, charter school, and parental choice program participating private school provisions [deleted by S.Sub.Amdt.1] - SB286
Model Academic Standards Board created in DPI; LC and JCRAR duties - SB619
Official for a youth athletic activity: requiring online training about concussions and head injuries approved by DPI - AB293
Parental choice program expansion; DPI duties [Sec. 235, 245, 1829-1848, 1886; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, teacher licensure and school accreditation revisions, State Superintendent of Public Instruction duties, 244m, 1829e-s, 1840e-s, 1844e-s, 1848d-t, 1852m, 1855m, r, 1856g, m, w, 1857db-e, 9134 (3c), (6q), deletes 1830-1839, 1841, 1842, 1845, 1846, 1886; A.Amdt.3: further revisions, 1847m, 1848b, 1857m, 1859m, 1876dp, deletes 1848; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.3: further revisions] - AB40
Parental choice programs: laws revised re family income for pupil eligibility, per pupil payments, teacher licensure, reading readiness assessments, criteria for awarding a high school diploma, corporal punishment, procedure for the expulsion of pupils, regular building inspections, release of certain data, public inspection of certain records, school must be located in this state, school operating for two years before participating in parental choice, and meetings between school's governing board and pupils, prospective pupils, and their parents - AB377
Parental choice programs: laws revised re family income for pupil eligibility, per pupil payments, teacher licensure, reading readiness assessments, criteria for awarding a high school diploma, corporal punishment, procedure for the expulsion of pupils, regular building inspections, release of certain data, public inspection of certain records, school must be located in this state, school operating for two years before participating in parental choice, and meetings between school's governing board and pupils, prospective pupils, and their parents - SB288
Private school participating in a parental choice program: certain special education staff required if enrolling a child with a disability; compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, DPI duties - AB773
Private school participating in a parental choice program: certain special education staff required if enrolling a child with a disability; compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, DPI duties - SB554
Private schools participating in a parental choice program: additional requirements for new private schools seeking to participate and preaccreditation and accreditation requirements modified, definition provisions - AB748
Private schools participating in a parental choice program: additional requirements for new private schools seeking to participate and preaccreditation and accreditation requirements modified, definition provisions - SB584
Public library systems study by DOA and DPI, report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (3L)] - AB40
Public school financing law changes re general school aids formula, counting low-income pupils, per pupil adjustment, school aid factors, high-poverty aid, delayed school aid payments, per pupil aid, and revenue limits; eliminates school levy property tax credit and the first dollar property tax credit; DPI, DOA, LFB, and JCF duties - AB650
Reading readiness assessment expanded to grade 2 [Sec. 1755; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, oral vocabulary assessment pilot project added, 9134 (3i)] - AB40
Renewable energy consumption: new goals for certain state agencies set, DOA report required; new goal re electric energy consumed in the state set, PSC reports required - SB64
Sale of city-owned property used for school purposes by the Milwaukee Common Council: eligible school buildings defined; sale to education operator only, conditions specified; inventory of school buildings required and Web site and attorney provisions - AB417
Sale of city-owned property used for school purposes by the Milwaukee Common Council: eligible school buildings defined; sale to education operator only, conditions specified; inventory of school buildings required and Web site and attorney provisions - SB318
School and school district accountability report: DPI to publish annually; independent charter school and parental choice participating private school provisions [Sec. 1746; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB40
School and school district accountability report from DPI: provisions eliminated and school and school district accountability system established for public schools, charter schools, and private schools participating in the parental choice program; DPI report and LAB audit provisions - AB379
School and school district accountability report from DPI: provisions eliminated and school and school district accountability system established for public schools, charter schools, and private schools participating in the parental choice program; DPI report and LAB audit provisions [deleted by S.Sub.Amdt.1] - SB286
School board members required to complete an orientation and training program; DPI duties - AB573
School bullying: DPI model to include bullying by electronic means, officials required to report incidents that are violations of criminal laws to law enforcement, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where other can view it created; JRCCP report - AB434
School bullying: DPI model to include bullying by electronic means, officials required to report incidents that are violations of criminal laws to law enforcement, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where other can view it created; JRCCP report - SB184
School performance incentive program and grants created [Sec. 240-242, 1747, 1877; original bill only] - AB40
Special Needs Scholarship Program established; DPI duties and LAB study required [Sec. 238, 1752-1754, 1854, 1870, 1880, 1885, 1887, 1890; original bill only] - AB40
Special Needs Scholarship Program for disabled pupils established; LAB duty and study required; DPI to prepare document comparing certain rights under state and federal handicapped education law - AB682