Computer matching limited, 19.69
Data and collection verification, 19.67
Definitions, 19.62
Employee conduct and training, 19.65
Internet sites, state may not use to collect personal information, 19.68
Joint committee on information policy and technology, 13.58
Penalties, 19.80
Sale of names and addresses, limits, 19.71
personal injuries PERSONAL INJURIES
Action, limitation, 893.54
Children and unborn children, abused or neglected, reports, 48.981
Conditions of settlement, 757.38
Employees, abrogation of defenses, 895.37
Felon's right to recover damages, limits, 895.457
Gang caused injury, cause of action, 895.444
Highways, ice and snow accumulations liability, 893.83
Horses and other equines, immunity from liability, 895.481
Hospital liens for injuries as result of tortious conduct, 779.80
Medical expenses, payment of, not admissible to prove liability for injury, 904.09
Motor vehicle operated by municipality, 345.05
Negligence, see Negligence
Parental liability for acts of minor children, 895.035 (2)
Shoplifting, 943.51
Rehabilitation, 102.61
Remedy, right to, I, 9
Statement as to, reporter not to take, 757.46
Statement of injured, admissibility, copies, 904.12
Statistics, industrial accidents, 102.37
Tort actions against municipalities, notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
personal property PERSONAL PROPERTY
Action to recover, statute of limitations, 893.35
Attachment, 811.12
Consumer sales transaction, see Consumer Act
Cotenants, recovery of divisible property held by one, 895.06
Disclaimers of transfer of property:
Nonprobate transfers of property at death, 854.13
Transfers by will, intestacy or appointment, 853.40, 854.13
Transfers during life, 700.27
Federal liens, 779.97
Fraudulent transfers, criminal, 943.84
Action for, limitations, 893.52
Remedies, right to, I, 9
Interests in, see Property, Interests in
Joint tenancy, 700.19
Contracts to transfer, right to proceeds, 700.21
Equitable liens of cotenants in property, 700.215
Recovery of share by cotenant, 895.06
Lien of agent or broker, for advances, commissions, 779.45
Limited partnership interest, 179.61
Marital property, see Marriage—3. Marital Property
Complaint, trial, 820.01
Sale, 820.02, 820.03
Sales contract, see Commercial Code—9. Sales
Securities, see Securities
Slander of title, 706.13
Criminal, 943.60
Taxes, see Taxation
Tenants in common:
Creation, 700.18
Equitable liens of cotenants in property, 700.215
Extent of interest, 700.20
Recovery of share by cotenant, 895.06
Trade secrets, uniform act, 134.90
Transfer at death, see Probate and Transfers at Death
Unclaimed, see Unclaimed Property
U.S. owned, certain property taxed, 70.177
Wrongful taking, limitation, 893.51
personal representatives PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES
pesticides PESTICIDES
Generally, 94.67 to 94.71
Acceptable intake, enforcement standards, 160.13
Administrative rule-making authority, 94.69
Adulteration, 94.675
Agricultural chemical cleanup program, 94.73
Agricultural employer, notice requirements, 101.581 (2)
Arsenic in wood, 93.80
Bats, sale and use to control, 94.708
Certification requirements and standards, 94.705
Daminozide, use on food-producing plants prohibited, 94.707
DDT, sale and use prohibited, 94.709
Definitions, 94.67