
Born Zeeland, MI, February 19, 1972; married; 2 children. Graduate Holland Christian (Holland, MI) 1990. B.S. in accountancy, Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI) 1994. Business owner. Certified public accountant. Member: Assembly of State Legislatures (co-pres.); NFIB; Elmbrook Church Financial Counseling (dir.). Former member: WSCA School Bd. (vice chm., treas., secy.); WICPA; MMAC; Institute of Management Accountants (bd. mbr.).

Elected to Assembly 2010; reelected since 2012.

2015 Authored Proposals

(first or second author, first sponsor)

2015 Co-authored Proposals

2015 Cosponsored Proposals

2015 Authored Amendments

2015 Votes