An Act to repeal 118.076 (2); to amend 118.076 (2) (intro.); and to create 118.076 (3) of the statutes; Relating to: providing lifesaving skills instruction to pupils. (FE)
Date / House | Action | Journal |
12/3/2015 Sen. | Introduced by Senators Petrowski, Carpenter, Hansen, C. Larson, Lasee, Lassa, Miller, Ringhand, Risser, Shilling, Stroebel and Wirch; cosponsored by Representatives Spiros, Rodriguez, Berceau, Billings, Bowen, Brandtjen, E. Brooks, Genrich, Goyke, Hintz, Horlacher, Jacque, Johnson, Jorgensen, Kahl, Kleefisch, Krug, Kulp, T. Larson, Milroy, Murphy, Mursau, Novak, Ohnstad, A. Ott, Petryk, Riemer, Rohrkaste, Sargent, Skowronski, Spreitzer, Stuck, Tauchen, C. Taylor, Tranel, VanderMeer and Zamarripa | |
12/3/2015 Sen. | Read first time and referred to Committee on Education | |
12/18/2015 Sen. | Fiscal estimate received | |
1/6/2016 Sen. | Public hearing held | |
1/22/2016 Sen. | Executive action taken | |
1/25/2016 Sen. | Report passage recommended by Committee on Education, Ayes 5, Noes 2 | |
1/25/2016 Sen. | Available for scheduling | |
2/19/2016 Sen. | Representative Hesselbein added as a cosponsor | |
2/19/2016 Sen. | Representative Zepnick added as a cosponsor | |
2/19/2016 Sen. | Representative Barca added as a cosponsor | |
2/19/2016 Sen. | Representative Wachs added as a cosponsor | |
2/19/2016 Sen. | Representative Shankland added as a cosponsor | |
2/24/2016 Sen. | Representative Doyle added as a cosponsor | |
2/24/2016 Sen. | Representative Subeck added as a cosponsor | |
4/13/2016 Sen. | Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1 |